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dark line below lips
I have dark patches on my cheeks nose, around mouth and below my lower lips dark line is there I luk very ugly plzz help me I lose my self confidece all d tym I feel shame to talk to any body plzz help me I have ulcer in my small intestine Nd I m taking taraxcum q 6 days for fairn complexation plzz help me m getting depressed..plzz help me help me plzz help me[message edited by sherya on Sat, 10 Oct 2015 08:50:34 UTC]
[message edited by sherya on Sat, 10 Oct 2015 09:19:29 UTC]
sherya on 2015-10-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
everybody has different quality and body structure including face and beauty so pls don't lose your self confidence.. never compare with anyone. if you will look your face in mirror and u will say "" I am beautiful "" then u r beautiful... if you thinking you are ugly then pls think one more thing that there are tones of ugly in this world..
I advise you don't be sad what you have got.. you have to prove what you have..
Ok when the dark patches started?
it's after any misuse of cosmetic or form kid?
are you using many cosmetic products forthe whitening your skin?
is dark patches came after any pimple or acne?
ok you can do one thing please take my email id from profile and share the exact patch mark picture if possible..
if you are not ok with that then you can firsr try
Alo Vera gel from patanjali ayurvedic center and apply it only in nigjt for one month.
after that you can use a homeopathy cream and soap I will prescribe you later instead of all chemical cosmetic
you can do Anulombilom pranyam..
what meecine you are taking for ulcer..
Pls belive that you are not ugly..
I advise you don't be sad what you have got.. you have to prove what you have..
Ok when the dark patches started?
it's after any misuse of cosmetic or form kid?
are you using many cosmetic products forthe whitening your skin?
is dark patches came after any pimple or acne?
ok you can do one thing please take my email id from profile and share the exact patch mark picture if possible..
if you are not ok with that then you can firsr try
Alo Vera gel from patanjali ayurvedic center and apply it only in nigjt for one month.
after that you can use a homeopathy cream and soap I will prescribe you later instead of all chemical cosmetic
you can do Anulombilom pranyam..
what meecine you are taking for ulcer..
Pls belive that you are not ugly..
♡ sabkamalik1 9 years ago
Thank u fr replying m 18yrsme old girl m taking allophatic medicine for ulcer I don' t use any product for whitening my face it occurs by own spcly around my mouth Nd lower lips occurs to much dark plzz help me I have already used baba ramdev pratanjali alvoera gel and many more homoremedies but got no result now m feeling very hopeless plzz help me what should I do
sherya 9 years ago
I think there is one good experience homeopath who can help u here..
please post for Dr akshay mohla "
he can help you here..create a new thread and post for him.
I think there is one good experience homeopath who can help u here..
please post for Dr akshay mohla "
he can help you here..create a new thread and post for him.
♡ sabkamalik1 9 years ago
Dr akshay mohla " plzz help me I will be very thankful of urs plzz help me I have dark patches around my mouth Nd my lower lips below dark line is there and cheeks or nose plzz help me day by day m getting very depressed Nd hiding myself plzz help Dr akshyan plzz help me and its oky to take taraxcum q for fair complexation plzz help me
sherya 9 years ago
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