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Plz help me with homeo remedy for timidity nd anxiety 1Plz help me with homeo remedy for timidity nd anxiety 1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Plz help me with homeo remedy for timidity nd anxiety

I am 49. Male, weight 58kg. Married having 3 kids.Height 5'6". Suffering from tension,anxiety,depression and social phobia from my childhood. I couldnot success in by life.Doing an ordinary job. Now a days myr voice became very timid and low. I became passive in my activity and personality. I am easily dominated by others in my office and my society as well. That is, I became very timid,fearful,shy and shaky.It became very tough to continue myjob even to lead my life.More over for 2/3 month i'm suffering from pre mature ejaculation and severe erectile disfunction.libido drive is zero.My BP and diabetis normal with medicine.I tried Acid phos,Cal phos,Kali phos,baryta Carb etc but no improvement. I want to be courageous,grow my personality like male. Is there any fruitful remedy for me. I'll be grateful to you.
[message edited by emdad525 on Mon, 26 Oct 2015 15:22:56 UTC]
  emdad525 on 2015-10-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
lycopodium 1000 weekly one dose for one month.
akshaymohl 9 years ago

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