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9 year-old boy with anxiety & OCD tendancies Page 2 of 2
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Ok - and just making sure - 3 pellets = 1 dose?
I read three on here but at my health store they said 2?!
I read three on here but at my health store they said 2?!
lvogel22 9 years ago
Does not matter really whether it Is 1, 2 ,3 or 4. You need minimum 1. It us not overdosing if you take more than 1 at one time.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
Perfect thank you. I give him 1 dose of sulphur 200 this afternoon. Should I report back by a specific day or just if I notice any changes?
lvogel22 9 years ago
Not sure what sulphur was meant to do but I feel like it's undoing everything the arsenicum did?! Bringing out his lack of focus, and need to interrupt everyone. More frequent and prominent compulsions in the last couple of days.
Thank you :)
Not sure what sulphur was meant to do but I feel like it's undoing everything the arsenicum did?! Bringing out his lack of focus, and need to interrupt everyone. More frequent and prominent compulsions in the last couple of days.
Thank you :)
lvogel22 9 years ago
My son has definitely settled down since the sulphur. Compulsions have disappeared again. Now that we are coming into spring, he is bringing up his fear of thunderstorms and panics if he hears about severe weather on the radio.
He came down with a fever 3 nights ago. I cooled him down with peppermint oil (which I now know from my other post is not a good idea!!) and some aloe gel. His fever broke in under 24 hours and now he has quite the sore throat and full sinuses. He had complained of a headache for 48 hours but that seems to have gone. His throat sounds swollen when he speaks and I am treating with raw honey, soup broth. Any homeopathy I should be giving him, or just let it be?
Thank you again :)
He came down with a fever 3 nights ago. I cooled him down with peppermint oil (which I now know from my other post is not a good idea!!) and some aloe gel. His fever broke in under 24 hours and now he has quite the sore throat and full sinuses. He had complained of a headache for 48 hours but that seems to have gone. His throat sounds swollen when he speaks and I am treating with raw honey, soup broth. Any homeopathy I should be giving him, or just let it be?
Thank you again :)
lvogel22 8 years ago
♡ telescope 8 years ago
Good afternoon :)
It has been 28 days since his dose of sulphur, and 11 days since the phosphorus. He is still hanging onto his cough and mucous but not as bad as it was.
Over the last 3 days we have noticed his fear of being alone come back. He won't go to a different room, or different level of the house if he's alone. It has been several months since he last had these fears.
Thank you :)
It has been 28 days since his dose of sulphur, and 11 days since the phosphorus. He is still hanging onto his cough and mucous but not as bad as it was.
Over the last 3 days we have noticed his fear of being alone come back. He won't go to a different room, or different level of the house if he's alone. It has been several months since he last had these fears.
Thank you :)
lvogel22 8 years ago
Please give another dose Phosphorous 30.
♡ telescope 8 years ago
Hello :)
My son is still fearful of being in a room alone and beginning his physical compulsions again. We had our first thunderstorm of the season last night and he was very scared. Can I ask, is there a remedy I can keep on hand for an extra bit of calm during a storm?
My son is still fearful of being in a room alone and beginning his physical compulsions again. We had our first thunderstorm of the season last night and he was very scared. Can I ask, is there a remedy I can keep on hand for an extra bit of calm during a storm?
lvogel22 8 years ago
Give him one dose arsenicum album 200.
♡ telescope 8 years ago
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