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Thuja Occidentalis:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Please help, my cat can't stop vomiting after Thuja 30c - Pleaase help!!


I administered Thuja 30c to my cat for a nipple cyst on instruction from homeopathic doc. The instructions were 2x a day for 7 days. On day 4 she started throwing up and threw up through the night. We stopped the Thuja, but it has been 4 days and she still cannot eat without throwing up. The first two days she was lethargic and slept all day and withdrew. She is a bit more social now, following her routines, but just cannot eat. She hasn't eaten in a few days, but her abdomen still looks very bloated.

How do I antidote Thuja 30c? What can I do?

Thank you.
  magicandmiracles1 on 2015-11-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
In future please do not repeat a deep acting remedy like Thuja in this manner.

This time, you can give her a SINGLE dose of Pulsatilla 6c in water as an antidote. No more dosing after this.
[message edited by sameervermani on Sun, 08 Nov 2015 16:31:46 UTC]
sameervermani 9 years ago
Thank you so much for your response. The doctor who prescribed this has not been responding.

I did look it up online yesterday and I did give her one dose of Pulsatilla 6c yesterday. I am glad to know it was a good choice. She did try to eat this morning, but then she threw it right up. Should I wait longer for the Pulsatilla 6c to work?
magicandmiracles1 9 years ago
Wait for 3 days, and if things do not improve, you can try a dose of Sulphur 6c, again just ONE dose.
sameervermani 9 years ago
Thank you kindly, sir. I will follow your advice.
magicandmiracles1 9 years ago

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