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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

excessive nocturnal emission, erectile dysfunction , watery semen

hi everybody
Male 25 yrs old
height 5.8
weight 58 kg

i am suffering from wet dreams since last 8, 10 years and i am having it around 14 to 15 times in a month. i have taken acidum phosphoricum for it but no cure. sometimes i have wet dreams 2 to 3 times in one single night. please suggest me some remedy.
2ndly i m having erectile dysfunction too as i dont get erection and even if i get its only for 4 to 4 seconds and thats consfusing
3rdly my semen is watery like very think like water and quantity is very very less please suggest me some good solution i will be very thank ful to u
  sameed on 2015-11-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
ok.. will look your case
sabkamalik1 9 years ago

please answer below questions with breif details as much possible..


height -

weight -

county -

climate -

any other health issue -

alcohol or smoking -

How is your hunger -

thirsty -

How u feel in morning-

you had masterbation habbits -

How u feel after emmision -

emmision with errection or with out errection -

any special dream ( sex) -

you sweat after emmision -

are you marraied -?

how is your mind All day -

How is your behavior -

man, before sleeping u must wash your leg and pray to our creators..

don't take more meat and egg

every morning drink isabgool sarbat

go to temple/church /masjid as per your devotion

reply soon
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
thanks for replying here is the answer of all questions

AGE - 25 years

height - 5'8"

weight - 58 kg

county - pakistan

climate - normal

any other health issue - suffering from jaundice some times

alcohol or smoking - no

How is your hunger - normal

thirsty - yes i feel thirsty so i have to consume alot of water

How u feel in morning- very lazy

you had masterbation habbits - yes for around 5 years but then i stoped it because i had no or very little erection and also i ejaculate within 20 seconds

How u feel after emmision - very lazy and depressed

emmision with errection or with out errection - with erection but like just for 5 seconds and the it goes off

any special dream ( sex) - yes mostly vulgar dreams

you sweat after emmision - no

are you marraied -? no single

how is your mind All day - mostly lazy and keep on thinking all the time

How is your behavior - mostly lazy and rude type
sameed 9 years ago
what are the all Medcine you have taken?

what potencie of acid phos have taken and when??

are you taking any other Medcine now?
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
i had taken the following medicines

agnus castus 30 5+5+5 drops
acidum phosphoricum 200 5+0+5
graphites 30 5+5+5
ustilago maydis 30 5+5+5

currently i am only taking agnus castus and graphites

i started these since 3 weeks now i stoped others and only taking the two which i mentioned
[message edited by sameed on Fri, 27 Nov 2015 16:26:50 UTC]
sameed 9 years ago

you have taken all Medcine which all are use in your problem and it's all are not worked at all.. first need to antidote all

please take

nux vomica 30c

one dose in morning and one dose in night

take it for 5 days

then wait 5 days

after that take

nux vomica 200c

weekly one dose for 15 days

weekly one dose means
suppose if u take today Friday Then take 2Nd dose In next Friday

take only 3 dose In 15 days

one dose # if liquid 4 drops in 1 teaspoon full mineral water.


6 globules directly on tounge..
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
report me after 20 days

will check again..
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
ok i will take this but this nux vomica is for what? it doesnt make any sense to me could u please elaborate about this prescription?
sameed 9 years ago

if you have doubt on my prescription or u are going to research on nux vomica then I am Sorry.. I am closing your case.. please search for other doctor here.


nux vomica is the remedy which use in strange case of nocturnal emmision and it completey cure Erectyle dysfunction.. I have treated a lots of case by this remedy.. I prescribed you to antidote all remedy and to test it as a classical homeopathy way..

I hope you got some sense

see other.. closing the case
sabkamalik1 9 years ago
sorry brother i didnt mean that i was just asking because u know i was taking ustilago but that is mostly for stoping masturbation habbit but i dnt masturbate but i was given tht so thats y i was asking that atleast i should have some info too. currently only one week is remaining for my medicne which i shared in previous comment so once i finish that then i will start the one which u told me and then will update u about the progress.

sorry for my previous comment.
sameed 9 years ago

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