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1.5 yr puppy has high emotional anxiety

Hi forum Homeopaths. I hope someone can address my dogs case.

He is 1.5 years old.
He suffers from extreme separation anxiety. He dosent destroy anything at home but mostly stops eating if we leave him for 3-4 hrs or more.
He was doing much better but when my husband did a work from home for 15days. He got too used to staying around us and not being left alone. Now that we are leaving him for 3 or 4 hrs he gets v anxious. I am a stay a home wife. So I am always with him.
He has high anticipatory anxiety. For example, when we take him somewhere in the car, the moment we stop at signals or enter into a mall parking, he starts to panic and move restlessly and make this wierd squeaky sound like we are strangling him. He is very insecure. He always feels we might be leaving him at a vet or groomers if we pull over the car anywhere. It takes him a long time to trust taht no this trip is not for vet visit etc.
The moment I change clothes or stand in front of mirror to get ready he goes crazy anxious and starts tailing and running here and there.
He also barks a lot at strangers( not all ) and other dogs until we let him go and meet the other dogs and greet them. Once he greets the other dog he is calm and dosent even want to play more than 5 minutes.
He is very well behaved at home. Listens to us. Just worries us when he stops eating his food after long separations (3,4hrs)
If we keep him at dog sitters then he comes back and hardly eats for a week. He dosent make any eye contact for days , trying to make us feel guilty and slowly conditions into interacting.
I need a remedy which makes him less anxious.

Thanks a lot.
  Nitz7 on 2015-12-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him a single dose of Ignatia 200 and see how that affects over a week. If this doesn't help give a single dose of Belladonna 200 and see how that affects over a week.
kadwa 9 years ago
Thanks a lot Dr. Kadwa. Will be trying it. He is just a 15 pound small dog. Hope these drug potencies don't overwhelm him. Could it happen that some symptoms may first aggrevate before healing ?
Nitz7 9 years ago
Dear Dr. Kadwa,

You had prescribed my dog Ignatia200. We saw quite some change after that. He was less anxious in the car and also better when we left him home. When travel
To another city by car. First 3 days he was better in the car and while traveling to places. But last 3,4 days his anxiety seemed like increasing. Overall his separation anxiety seemed better than before.
But while driving back he was standing in the back seat for about 10 hrs continuously Keeping head inbetween the front seats watching evry move of car. This got him super tired and he kept sleeping for two days after we returned. What do you suggest for calming him for separation anxiety and also feeling overly protective and anxious seeing other dogs and people ( not all just 60% of them )
Nitz7 9 years ago
Please give him belladonna 200 single dose.
kadwa 9 years ago
Thankyou Kadwa sir.
Nitz7 9 years ago

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