The ABC Homeopathy Forum
MMR DPT Reactions for Autism
Hi i am new here .Our son who is 4.5 yrs old has been diagnosed with autism . we have started homeopathic treatment for him . he was given MMR in past which did aggravate his symptoms but slowly back to normal symptoms . now we gave him 30c of dpt followed by afeter 2 days 1m of baryta carb . which again aggravate his symptoms and then again after week gave him 200c dpt followed by 2 days later baryta carb which has aggravate his symptoms lot more . he is getting more hyperactive starching his moms hands and spitting all day long . we have been told by his homeopath to give 1m dpt again after week . is it normal way to use dpt and reaction we getting are very bad with hyperactivity spiting etc. little worried how long it take to see positive reactions . hope to get some inputs from other parents and homeopaths. Thankskapoorinusa on 2015-12-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you are thinking of removing bad effects of vaccination then there are four medicines you can use : thuja, sulphur, Silicea and melandrinum. Potency of choice in all cases is 30. Generally thuja is sufficient for this purpose and only one dose is to be used.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
Hi thanks for your reply . What we are trying to find out is this right protocol for homeopathy Dpt and MMR . As said before his symptoms were very aggravated since we gave him first dose if DPT 30c and got more aggravated after 200c . But since today morning he is little more calm than past days . According to homeopath who prescribed him these said this is normal to aggregate symptoms to clear out . Is that right .
kapoorinusa 9 years ago
Had word with his homeopath he said stick with original plan which 30c 1st week, 200c 2nd week and 1m 3rd week . He was calm for last 2 days but as soon as we gave him 1m today with in 20 min he start spitting again lot and little hyper again . I am still waiting some reply if this is correct protocol to cure autism . Thanks
kapoorinusa 9 years ago
There are no protocols in homeopathy. All protocols are later day inventions of people who could not get out of allopathic influence. Names of diseases have practically no importance in homeopathy. Theoretically if ten boys are brought for treatment for the same disease ten different medicines might be required.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
We had good calm week after 12 days of DPT 1M . He was different child for full week no complaints from school he was listening sitting pretty much was behaving like normal child . But unfortunately that was only for one week . he is back with same symptoms again hyperactive scratching not sitting for more than 2-3 min at once .Some of bad symptoms also came back which were gone before like playing with light switches doors windows closing opening .He also had new problem after DPT clearing suddenly he start Liming one morning without any pain or injury . took him to hospital but they could not found anything did blood test x-rays all was normal . but after a day he was normal again . Our homoeopath have ask us to repeat same again for 3 weeks as following
Week 1
Wednesday Gaertner 30
Friday DPT 30
Monday Mercury 200
Week 2
Wednesday Gaertner 30
Friday DPT 200
Monday Mercury 200
Week 3
Wednesday Gaertner 30
Friday DPT 1M
Monday Mercury 200
Shell we continue as he prescribed since we think DPT caused Limping etc. But on another side it also showed us good week . Very much confused with this . Please if we can get some advice here or if anyone else has used this treatment before to share their experiences . Thanks
Week 1
Wednesday Gaertner 30
Friday DPT 30
Monday Mercury 200
Week 2
Wednesday Gaertner 30
Friday DPT 200
Monday Mercury 200
Week 3
Wednesday Gaertner 30
Friday DPT 1M
Monday Mercury 200
Shell we continue as he prescribed since we think DPT caused Limping etc. But on another side it also showed us good week . Very much confused with this . Please if we can get some advice here or if anyone else has used this treatment before to share their experiences . Thanks
kapoorinusa 9 years ago
Hello lovely mum, I think you should go to youtube and search fran sheffield, re her work with homeopathy and autism. She has been treating autism with homeopathy for 20 years and cured her own son. She says if you have aggrevations you should stop the remedies. All prescribed for him seem very high too. Single remedies at any given time is the only way to go so you can see what's happening with what. Do the symptoms questionnaire thing on this awesome website and try yourself maybe? I'm not a homeopath but seen 3 already who made my autistic daughter far worse and now I'm happier to know aggrevations shouldn't happen if you have the right remedy in the right dose and potency. see how you go!! xx
jamesandange 9 years ago
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