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Premature Ejaculation



Posts about Premature Ejaculation

Best Medicine for Premature Ejaculation5Premature Ejaculation5regarding nightfall and premature ejaculation24Hypersensitivity of penis skin & premature ejaculation9Premature Ejaculation5Erection and premature ejaculation2Premature Ejaculation1Premature Ejaculation5Premature Ejaculation1Premature Ejaculation4


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

"" Only for Dr. Mohla. ED and premature ejaculation problem

Hello ,
I m 38 year old married person,
I have one kid 4 year old ..
suffering for Premature ejaculation and emission problem before married.
that time i use English medicine best or batter sax.
but without any medicine just after penetration with in 2-3 sec lose power and emission ...
After marriage still facing same quick emission and small Panis problem going , so i use english medicine off and on .. after 2-3 year i feel batter ,timing also good and erection power also batter,
but after kid ,, i have bit gape in sax ,, its still same like old ,
problem is ;
Erection is not strong ,,
Size also going small.
Before penetration or after with in 2-3 sec seaman discharge.
Mind also in fear of quick ejaculation and emission
Or some time just after start intercourse ,, just in 5-10 sec ..
Mind always feel same , i cant make it best ..
Event i try English medicine ,,after then also i m in same problem ..
pls suggest some good treatment ...

at his fram Mr malik suggest some medicine which i follow as,, feel 30-40% batter but not good for ED,, after stopping medicine its like same ,, even emission after touch of lady .. its very bad feeling for me ,, pls help .
  Veer7661 on 2015-12-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
staphysagaria 200 daily one dose evening time for 5 days.Then weekly one dose of platina met 200.for one month.bach flower whitechest nut olive and mimmulus two drops each in one table spoon of water twice daily for one month.
akshaymohl 9 years ago

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