The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dr kadwa, Dr.mahola ,sabkamalik1 please help me for sexual weakness ,PE,low confidence,shyness etc.
I am 22 year old guy from IndiaI am too weak and look like a 15 year old kid
I have masturbation habit since I was 15. Its like addiction to me.(I still masturbate 2-3 times a weak)
my penis length is very small
I am also suffering from premature ejeculation.
Penis doesn't get hard as before
I go to urination too much
White drops comes out in the morning and before urination sometimes
I have huge problem of wet dreams (every night I fear that it will happen again)
I always fascinate about sexual matters.
Beared is too less on my face
My hairs are falling ...I am almost bald now
I am stressed and frustrated always
Headache is regular to me now
But it becomes worst when I travel.
I feel vometing when I travel anywhere
I have no confidence
I can't talk to new people easily
When I talk to new people my heart becomes like it will come out of my chest
I plan about everything but can't apply same in reality
Its too hard to me learning new things
My memory is too weak
Please help me ....
danger12 on 2016-01-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take two pills/drops of Ambra Grisea 30 twice a day for 7 days and report back.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
I just wanna confirm ,
1.Are 30 and 30c same?
2. Dosege are 2 tablets/drops twice daily for 7 days right ?
1.Are 30 and 30c same?
2. Dosege are 2 tablets/drops twice daily for 7 days right ?
danger12 9 years ago
Hello doc ,
I am taking it for 7 days
I feel like headache is almost gone for now (A big thanx for that)
And not imagining about sexual matters anymore
It worked great on that
But there is no improvements on my sexual power
Penis is still too loose and no sexual desire in me
Also please do something about my hairs and body weakness
Thank you in advance doc
I am taking it for 7 days
I feel like headache is almost gone for now (A big thanx for that)
And not imagining about sexual matters anymore
It worked great on that
But there is no improvements on my sexual power
Penis is still too loose and no sexual desire in me
Also please do something about my hairs and body weakness
Thank you in advance doc
danger12 9 years ago
Please take Kali Phos 30 twice a day for 7 days and report back. All other instructions on dosing etc remain unchanged.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
I took kali phos 30 for 7 straight days
Here is what happened ..
Everything was okay till 3 day of dose
4th day ...
Headache started again as it was before
Then i continued taking it as you told
And stopped after 7th day
After 10th day i am feeling so relaxed( still having a little headache)
I have huge relief in headache and stress
But my stomach seems disturbed now
And there is no improvement in sexual problem
And also having very low confidence and weak memory
[message edited by danger12 on Mon, 08 Feb 2016 08:44:36 UTC]
Here is what happened ..
Everything was okay till 3 day of dose
4th day ...
Headache started again as it was before
Then i continued taking it as you told
And stopped after 7th day
After 10th day i am feeling so relaxed( still having a little headache)
I have huge relief in headache and stress
But my stomach seems disturbed now
And there is no improvement in sexual problem
And also having very low confidence and weak memory
[message edited by danger12 on Mon, 08 Feb 2016 08:44:36 UTC]
danger12 9 years ago
Please take Ambra Grisea 30 for 7 days as you did earlier.
♡ kadwa 9 years ago
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