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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

6 year old with Swollen tonsils

We have 6 six year old with swollen tonsils going on third month. Snoring at night. Around second month, was treated with antibiotics for strep. Swollen tonsils remained, but snoring stopped a few days after starting antibiotics.
A cough developed two days prior to ending antibiotics.

Snoring has returned after antibiotics stopped. Cough is mostly gone now (3-4 weeks later).

Tonsils are red and swollen, no white spots visible, and no other pain or symptoms.

Child is very high energy, sleeps well at night, and otherwise happy and healthy. Would like help in treating swollen tonsils and snoring, please.

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  InfantBabe on 2016-01-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can try to find a suitable remedy for you. Before doing that, please click on my username to know about me & my prescription skills. Once you have done that and are willing to proceed, I will post my standard questionnaire for you to reply.
fitness 9 years ago
Pleases try Braytacarb-30 three drops per dose three times a day and report after one week..

Mahfoozurrehman 9 years ago

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