The ABC Homeopathy Forum
New to homeopathics 3 yr old eczema skin peeling on fingertips
I have gotten books and majority of homeopathics but haven't been able to help my little on yet. Eczema worse with wet better with heat. likes to be warm, VERY EMOTIONAL and manipulates with crying like pulsatilla but if I have good match would clear her issues right? Her finger tips skin is peeling off we have done everything, Chiropractor, salve, no grains or dairy in diet limited fruit coconut oil,bone broth,whole 30, limited baths and probiotics. This started after her second round of shots as a 8 weeks baby and we haven't been back since. Please helpMamamama on 2016-02-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Is the patient overweight?
♡ telescope 9 years ago
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