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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Please help with speech problem


I am 22 years old and have had a problem speaking, progressively getting worse over the past couple years. I used to stutter as a small child, but then I didn't have a problem with it until about 7 years ago. My problem is that I have a difficult time saying words that start with particular consonants followed by another consonant, for example words that start with st, sc, br, sp. I have developed social anxiety and generalized anxiety with a fear of speaking over the telephone or public speaking because sometimes I can't say specific words and therefore need to substitute a word that is easier to say (which is not always possible)! I think the root cause of this is anxiety is from early childhood and being harrassed by other children. I've been reading through your web page and I've been looking at Causticum, since that seems to work for restless legs while trying to sleep, which I also have. I've read that Stramonium, Causticum, and Belladonna work for this condition. I was leaning towards Causticum because it had stuttering do to stress/anxiety and restless legs at night.

Please help me choose a product and dose. I am very new to homeopathy so I need a little assistance.

Thanks for your help,

  jbrian00 on 2006-01-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
you are advise to take Gelsimium 6 daily one dose early in the morning for one month and report to us.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Thanks for your reply. Do you mean Gelsemium Sempervirens? What potency would you recommend?

Excuse me for my ignorance, as I am completely new to homeopathic therapy. Unfortunately, there is no homeopathic doctor in my area, so I rely on your advice.
jbrian00 last decade
I've run the remedy finding software 2x. The first time Stramonium was recommended, the second time Causticum was recommended. I didn't even see Gelsimium (Gelsemium) on the remedy grid. I realize you are the expert, but what do you think about Causticum in light of my symptoms, and why in particular did you choose Gelsemium?

I am taking anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medication, so I kinda only want to focus on the speech part. I am fluent when talking to myself, it is in social situations, even around my family that I have difficulty speaking.

Thanks for your assistance,

jbrian00 last decade
we do not prescibe for a single part of the body, but the homeopathic medicine are prescribed on the basis of given symptoms, and work on the whole body system,
2nd thing you are not a doctor of homeopathy, and if you can select the remedy yourself, then why you ask for assistance,
so my kind advice to you is that you please take the medicine prescribed by DR.SHARMA.

drsajid last decade
Ok, I will try what Dr Sharma prescribed, afterall you guys are the experts. I would still like some clarification on whether Dr. Sharma meant Gelsemium Sempervirens (Gelsimium?) and is the 6 for potency (i.e. 6x or something)?

Thanks for clarifing,

jbrian00 last decade
Please continue Gels 6C not the 6x in between send me folling detail for further work.

1. What exactly is happening ?
2. How do you feel ?
3. How does this affect you ?
4. How does it feel like ?
5. What comes to your mind ?
6. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
7. How did that feel like ?
8. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
9. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand. ?
dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
How many 6X tablets would equal 1 6C tablet (I assume the 6C is more potent than the 6X?) Is it safe to take multiple 6X tablets at the same time to equal 1 6C tablet?

Thanks for putting up with my ignorance (I still don't understand the potency).

Is it safe to take this remedy while taking prescription anti-anxiety and/or anti-depressant medications?

jbrian00 last decade
can somebody please state how many Gelsemium 6X tablets would be equivalent in potency to a Gelsemium 6C tablet?

I have 6X tablets but it was advised to take 1 6C tablet for my condition. How many 6X tablets should I be taking?

Thank you,

jbrian00 last decade

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