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Weak Erection,nightfall and semen leakage

Helo to all...am reading all posts..anybody pls.cure my problem nd help me..am karan frm Chandigarh....am 28 year old....excessive masturbation in teen age...now am suffering frm nightfall..semen leakage frequently when think about gf or any other thought....erection too weak nd nt ready...hairfall,premature grey hairs,constipation,back nd head pain,weakness and lazyness some other problems...pls pls anybody help me...
  SinghNK on 2016-02-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Helo sir,thanks for reply...givr me ur email id
SinghNK 9 years ago
can help you. Drop your whatsapp number. I will talk to you in pm. Don't think I'm fraudulent. Actually, I suffered from the same problem. Just wanna help you.
RajdeepOjha98 8 years ago
But how i can send ur whatsapp number..
On forum?
SinghNK 8 years ago
You are already on treatment by someone on other thread. please continue there.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Thanks DrKulkarni for ur reply.
Please u read my case history in this or another post..
Am in big problem nd under stress..
Bcuz am engaged now..nd married soon..
any suggestions or remedies frm u?
SinghNK 8 years ago
My method of prescribing is different so I can not prescribe you on the past data. Also, I can't afford time to read all the posts in your thread.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
If you are seriously looking for help and ready to foolow my advices properly then post details as below.

Write about following:
Age/Gender/Location/Country/Ethnicity. Height / Weight /Skin color/Eye color.

Please explain everything in detail. Don't try to cut short.
When & how your present trouble started? What is the probable cause of each of your health problem according to you?

All your past and present health in sequence oldest to newest. All details of previous treatments (oldest to newest) and their effects. Your tolerance / preference to weather (Heat / cold).

Write in detail about you – emotions, fears, sentiments, etc. your personality, physical parameters, habits, feelings about life, etc.

Write in detail about your life: social, family, occupational, schooling, childhood, etc. You should mention about incidences that might have influenced or impacted your mind / health / life considerably.

Write about what common opinions most people have about you; what most people comment /say about you frequently; how they react / interact with you & why?

Write something unique about you (how you are different from others or what makes you special).
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Age 28
Gender Male
Location Punjab
Country India
Height 5'8"
Weight 68
Eye color Brown
Skin color Fair
SinghNK 8 years ago
I started masterbation at age of 14 yrs. due to bad company or excitement,vulguar media...excessive masturbation basically..
and till today , 28 yr. Of age , I have controlled myself a lot from the last 2 years, from per day masterbation to once in 6 months.

But still due to it ::

1. My nervous system power has been damaged severly, My health is going down, decreasing of common senses, increment in unnecessary desire of sex ,etc.

Apart from these following are also the symptoms::

2. Muscle cramp easily and hands shivering.

3. **When do workout, some( one to two) drops of sperm without colour leaks

4. When get excited about sex ,drops of without colour sperm leak

5.When vulguar dream or excitement in dream (wet dream) nightfall occur...sometimes in month 2-3 times...sometimes continues every day...

6. Weakk memory and head ache.

7. At night penis get erected without feelings but erection is low during sex...

8. Immune system is very poor

9. Back pain

10. Shyness and low confidence.

11. Muscles become very loose

12. Black circles around eyes and now pigmentation on face..dull face..lose skin

13. My face muscles are loose

14. Premature ejaculation.

15. Loose belly

16. Sperm is colourless like water

Constipation and low digestive system.

18.Feel weakness,lazy and tired sso much...not feel strengths for workout or excercise.

19.Weak Stamina.

20.premature Gray hairs of my beard and head and hairfall..also now i have nails pproblem.

21.Face looks dull,old,no glow and pigmentation...

I have cough problems and morning time block nose..cough during brush time.

My most concern is my nervous system(LOSS OF MEMORY AND LACK OF LEARNING POWER) and my physical weekness.
Things which were very easy previously are becoming hard, getting easily depressed .Despite of these I still managed to get a teaching job.

I tried ayurvedic medicines but no response....

I do not want to limit myself to a corner.
Please help me and tell me exact medicine for above problems.
I request to all good doctors to please guide me through proper medicine.
SinghNK 8 years ago
Previouly used homeopathic medicines.
Nat Mur 30c
Staphsagaria 200c
Suplhur 30c
Alumina 30c
phosphorus 30c nd 200
Nux vomica 200,sulfer 200 in Piles problem.
Nux vomica 30
Caladium CM
agnus castus 200
calcarea phos 6x
kali phos 6x
mag phos 6x
Ashwagandha Q
Bufo rana 30
lycopodium 200
selenium 6x
argentum nitricum 200.
Onosmodium CM.

i see only improvement nigtfall or in excitement.. but temporarily base..
SinghNK 8 years ago
Another information about me..
Am sometimes vry nervous..sentimental nd emosional nature..
Trust easily nd attach so much..
During little excitement precum leakage..drops comes out.

Am nt see any vulguar material or read.no vulguar thinking.
No vulguar talks nd chats..
But don't know why nightfall during sexually dream..

I feel hot around private glans or penis.
Feel penis weaker..loose penis skin..

Am control myself frm last two years.
Change life style.
Change food habits.

But no solution
SinghNK 8 years ago
From last week today condition
Pigmentation comes out on face..
Dark spots
Dull face.
Precum leakage.
Bad smell from private parts.
feel hot frm private parts.
Hairfall too much.
Beard hairs also gray nd white.
Back pain.
nails r nt healthy.
Weak eye sight.
Hands shivering.
SinghNK 8 years ago
Please start with following prescription:

1. LYCOPODIUM 30C , pills (buy minimum qty dispensable at the shop), take 5 pills (for one dose) ONLY 2 DOSES 3 HOURS APART IN THE EVENING FOR ONLY ONE DAY, (NO EXCESS / DAILY DOSES PLEASE).
Nothing else to eat or drink 1 hour before and 1 hour after the doses.
(This dose works for several days. So, keep patience).

Do’s & don’ts:
1. Stay away from Strong odors.
2. Do not touch medicines or spill them. Use the cap of container (of same medicine) to transfer the medicines.
3. Place the prescribed dose under the tongue and let it dissolve. Keep the dose for at least 2 minutes in mouth.
4. Keep medicine containers airtight, away from direct sunlight, heat, any smell and children.
5. Avoid strong smells and odors AFAP.
6. Do not take any other medicines for any health problems. Most symptoms go as they come within 24-72 hours.
7. Report any problems & seek appropriate advice.
8. Otherwise report progress after 1week.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
I know you have taken Lycopodium already. But take it the way I have prescribed adn see.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Which way nd potency?
SinghNK 8 years ago
Please scroll up & see. There is prescription & detailed instructions already posted.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Sorry sir but i didn't understand..
What is ADN?
SinghNK 8 years ago
Oh sorry sir..yeah see it..
Sir my one question is..
I have that medicine aleady in liquid form?can i use this?
Or as per ur way only pills helpful?
SinghNK 8 years ago
Report after how many days?
SinghNK 8 years ago
1. lycopodium 30c , pills (buy minimum qty dispensable at the shop) means?

take 5 pills (for one dose)

only 2 doses 3 hours apart in the evening for only one day,
means only evening time within difference 3 hours...
SinghNK 8 years ago
You will take only two doses 5x2=10 pills. So, you don;t have to buy much quantity.

Till date you have abused / misused homeopathic remedies. That's not the way to take it.
Just take two doses as prescribed and wait it works for several days.

All instructions are clearly mentioned already.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
adn means and. it's a typing mistake.

You may use liquid but check the potency. It should be 30C.

Mix 2 drops of Lycopodium 30C in 15ml (one tablespoon) water as one dose. Repeate one more dose after 3 hours. Must be taken in the late evening.

Nxt day onwards nothing to be taken. Just keep patience and observe changes. Report after 1 week.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Ok sir thanks alot..
I have 30c potency..
Nd last question..
Any precaution in diet..any type food don't eat in taking homropathic..
SinghNK 8 years ago
Please read instructions & follow.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Helo Dr.
As per ur prescription..
I used licopodium 30c liquid form..
Nt much changes see..
Changes see thar r
Feel less heat now.
Hairfall change now
Feel positive.

During this week.
Last night again nightfall.
After nightfall feel back pain
Morning tym backpain also.
Precum leakage same.
Take daily bath 2 times but still vry bad smell frm private organs.
I don't know it us problem or nt.
SinghNK 8 years ago

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