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my self homoepathic dr suufering from chronic urticaria

hi frnd
my self dr mansuri from ahmedabad ...
i m suffering from urticaria since 2011...before i have taken nux vomica and Urtica urenus..help me lot and i was cured...

recentaly i have to eat outside food and symtoms apear again since one week..

i m lin thin tall person..
hard working
use to eat spicy food non veg
urticaria after spicy food...
and since 2 yr suffering from premature ejeculation...
i m merried..having kids...
ejeculation into vagina after 15 sec...
recentaly started nux vomica 1m 1 dose
urtica urenus mother tinct tds
  famansuri1 on 2016-02-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl stop spicy fried food and take nux com 30 evening time for 7 days pl have more water and start Urtica alone after 8 the day three times daily.
akshaymohl 9 years ago

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