The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Uncomfortable breathing, cold ,headache & digestive problems.
Dear Dr. Kadwa,My daughter (13 years of age) is suffering from following problems since commencement of winter this year i.e. since October:-
*Feels uncomfortable in breathing as if some obstruction is there in throat region.If inhales deep, pain is felt in throat region.However no breathlessness is felt during normal running or playing.
*Suffering from cold with blocked nostrils.
*Feels sleepy whole day.
*Gets up at 5.30 in morning & after taking breakfast & milk at 6.30 goes to school but again feels hungry in school at around 9 with headache (pain in fore head region between eyebrows).
*Headache is releaved after eating something but still feels sleepy after eating.
*Feels this type of hunger in morning hours only.No such urge to eat during rest of the day or night.
*Stomach remains filled with gas & keeps on passing gas frequently.
*Stools regular with normal colour but with foul smell.
*Takes a sound sleep from 10 p.m. to 5.30 a.m.
*Intermittent tolerable pain in left side of stomach about 1-2 inch away from navel & down below area.
*Mild frequent pain in calf muscles & soles of both legs.
*Feels pain in left side of neck muscles on pressing with fingers only otherwise it is normal.No such feeling on right side of neck muscles.
*Gets irritated on petty things.
*Thirst is normal.
Please advise. regards.
mksoni on 2016-02-26
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