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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dosage for Acute - 200c or 30c?

Hi all, I am new here so apologies if this topic has been covered before. I have a nasty chesty cough which all appears to be a classic Pulsatilla cough for me - Pulsatilla is also my constitution. I have not been sleeping because of this cough and Im totally over it - should I be nailing it with 200c or go easier with a 30c? Im not even sure how often I should take a 200c Pulsatilla, but I've taken one dose already. Any advice would be much appreciated! <3
  anaheramoon on 2016-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Just one dose of 200c, if it's the right remedy that's all you need.
fitness 8 years ago

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