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Premature Beard Grey Hairs.....any doctor pls.help.

Hello, I am 28 years old and getting my beard hair white slowelly from last 3 years, now it's coming moor white(dark brown)..... The things is not genetic. So I want to be this black again.

So can it possible to stop hair's are getting white and come back as black again by any treatment.

Kindly prescribe any remedy.

Thank you
  SinghNK on 2016-03-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take lycopodium 200 2 doses daily for 3 days and report back.

Add one drop of medicine in 500 ml mineral water. Shake the bottle and for one dose take 1 table spoon from that bottle.
nervousguy1 9 years ago
Thanks for ur reply... No another way for take medicine...
SinghNK 9 years ago

Please tell me some remedy for my erectile dysfunction and to treat male hormone levels.I tried many homeopathic medicine, but no effect and cure.
Sivaji1 9 years ago

Take staphysagaria 200c (one drop in half a glass daily) one dose daily for 7 days on an empty stomach. Report back after 7 days.
nervousguy1 9 years ago
Please tell me another way of take medicine....???
SinghNK 9 years ago

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