The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Nightfall treatment
I m 27 years old male suffering from nightfall since 4 -5years. Nightfall have been occurred on something daily basis, something 1-2 days interval basis. Due to this my health is not well & physically not fit. I have already treated with aayurvadic medicine but not improve this at more. Kindly suggest me how can improve this...alok kumar1 on 2016-03-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Alok - I am taking up your case.
Are you married. how is your sex life. do you masturbate if yes what is the frequency and how long have you been doing it.
are you suffering from any other ailment.
in the meantime start taking Cal Phos 6x, Mag Phos 6x, Nat Sulph 6x and Kali phos 12x 1 tab each 5 times a day.
Report progress after a week.
Are you married. how is your sex life. do you masturbate if yes what is the frequency and how long have you been doing it.
are you suffering from any other ailment.
in the meantime start taking Cal Phos 6x, Mag Phos 6x, Nat Sulph 6x and Kali phos 12x 1 tab each 5 times a day.
Report progress after a week.
vk804 9 years ago
I m unmarried. Not get sex with anyone. During the age of 17 -24 do masturbate regularly but it leave from 2-3 years. After leaving masturbate nightfall has been started. My penis is not strong now like before. Within 9-10 months my hand is shivering during writing & writing speed reducing due to shivering.
alok kumar1 9 years ago
♡ Mahfoozurrehman 9 years ago
Can I only take THUJA-Q or both THUJA-Q and above mentioned medicine.
alok kumar1 9 years ago
Hello Dr. Mahfooz, I took this case, it seems you more interested taking up this case, so I handover over to you.
vk804 9 years ago
Dr. Mahfooj sir,
how to take THUJA-Q medicine, with water or without water...? Can I only take THUJA-Q ...? Any precaution to take this medicine..
please suggest me. thanks
how to take THUJA-Q medicine, with water or without water...? Can I only take THUJA-Q ...? Any precaution to take this medicine..
please suggest me. thanks
alok kumar1 9 years ago
I have taken THUJA-Q nearly 10 days , problem reduce but not completely improve in night fall and Shivering in hand also not improve.
Sir please give me any other suggestion
Sir please give me any other suggestion
alok kumar1 8 years ago
♡ Mahfoozurrehman 8 years ago
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