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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I have been suffering from low grade fever since last 6 year..but not always documented.

Fever has a unique pattern it comes for 1 year and next year there is no fever.
Year 2011- I had fever
Year 2012 - no fever
Year 2013 - i had fever
Year 2014 - no fever
Year 2015 - i had fever
Yaer 2016 - i m having fever....

Age: 24
Not married
Want to eat sweet
Hand and feet becomes cold during afternoon.
Sweat over nose
Foul smell in sweat
White coated tongue
Complete loss of appetite
Do not want to look at food
Yellow urine.
Throbbing of veins
Complete loss of sleep ( continuously 5 to 6 days in a month)
Feels cold more often
No depression
Weird dreams
No diabetes
I had typhoid 5 years back
Filling in 11 teeth...
I had deficiency of vitamin b12 , folate ,d3

And I was diagnosed of h.pylori..

Treatment for vitamin and h.pylori has completed...

Endoscopy , colonsocopy crp - normal
Celiac disease , HIV , hepatitis c - negative
Hexa hip / spine - normal
CBC - normal
CT scan / MRI whole abdomen - normal.
Chest x-ray - normal
Widal Test always positive
I had hepatitis b but it resolved spontaneously....

Right now I am taking homeopathic treatment at Agra..
I have used cheldonium , pyrogenium , RuBrum, ferrum phosphate...

Should I get tested for sexual transmitted diseases? Since hepatitis b is a STD disease....
  manish1 on 2016-03-18
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