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no injury but pain & increasing swelling in one finger that is worsening

About a month ago, I noticed my index finger had a sore joint. I had no injury to it recently. It progressed to minor swelling & pain for 2 weeks and this week the pain and swelling is much worse. It goes from the PIP joint down my hand to the middle of my carpal bone. My normal ring size for this finger is a size 7, today it is a size 11. Hot to the touch & I am unable to bend it due to pain and swelling. It's darker red than other fingers around the joints also.
Over the past year I have gone through a lot of stress. First I lost my job, then a year later my husband lost his job. Both suddenly. Under tremendous stress about finances.
Through my life I have always struggled with anxiety. I shake on the inside, sweat and get red blotches on my upper chest during stressful situations.
I have had bouts of tendonitis in my rt hand 4 times in the past 10 years. None were caused by distinct injuries. I have had bursitis in my left knee twice as well. Left shoulder joint pain comes and goes. Usually lasts 4-5 months.
I am 42 yrs old. I hate to be cold, definitely prefer the warmth. Hands & feet are always cold. I prefer to sleep on my rt side, but lately body aches have caused me to shift to sleeping on my back. I get overwhelmed easily. Like to help others.
I hope this is enough background info. Let me know if you need to know medical history/illness etc.
Thank you in advance!!!
[message edited by 4naturalcures on Thu, 24 Mar 2016 06:32:59 UTC]
[message edited by 4naturalcures on Thu, 24 Mar 2016 06:34:07 UTC]
  4naturalcures on 2016-03-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
rhus tox 200 one dose daily evening time for three days.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Thank you for the reply. I have rhus tox 30c in my kit. Do I need the 200 instead? Also anything I need to avoid that may antidote?
4naturalcures 8 years ago
you can take wet dose and drink more water and donot use curd at night,
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Ok. I will try this.
4naturalcures 8 years ago

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