The ABC Homeopathy Forum
high serum creatinine level
my mother have high serum creatinine level (3.0), swelling in legs , also vomit once/twice daily, high BP and sugar. one kidney is also shrunkis she can be cured using homeopathy
her age is 65 years
[message edited by mani2016 on Wed, 13 Apr 2016 09:15:11 UTC]
mani2016 on 2016-04-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give her Apis 200, one dose everyday as explained below for one week and then report back.
Dissolve one pill of the remedy (or one drop if remedy is in liquid form) in half glass of water. Stir and take one tea spoon. That’s one dose. For the next dose, stir the same mixture and take another tea spoon. Keep using the same mixture for every subsequent dose. Stirring everytime before taking the teaspoon of dose. Cover the glass and put somewhere away from direct sunlight.
Dissolve one pill of the remedy (or one drop if remedy is in liquid form) in half glass of water. Stir and take one tea spoon. That’s one dose. For the next dose, stir the same mixture and take another tea spoon. Keep using the same mixture for every subsequent dose. Stirring everytime before taking the teaspoon of dose. Cover the glass and put somewhere away from direct sunlight.
fitness 8 years ago
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