The ABC Homeopathy Forum
starfish2 on 2016-04-26
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Please email me picture of your acne.
fitness 8 years ago
Hi acne is an internal detoxification or purging of toxins from within. You must address your stress and anxiety. These pharmaceutical prescription drugs are not good for you not you skin. Particularly the topical creams. I would recommend you wash your face with water and use an exfoliant like a Konjac sponge or oats with water or even sand etc. I would also recommend you use aloe vera topically on your face after you exfoliate. Don't be too abrasive. Drying out the skin, squeezing, or continually putting peeling agents on the skin causes dryness and excess or uneven oil production and inflamme the skin. The skin looks after itself if you treat the body well. Again Adress your diet, hormones, stress and lifestyle. Cut out the following processed foods, processed sugar, gluten, dairy and after to weeks try adding 1 back in and see if you have more break outs. If you've taken antibiotics over an over it's likely you have impaired your gut bacteria.. You will need to take probiotics and eat health fruit and vegetables as prebiotic you can even look at sauerkraut, kefir and organic yoghurt (preferably dairy free if that's affecting your skin). You could dry brush your skin to detox or exercise an sweat more go in saunas and drink plenty of fluids. You can use facial steams to open up pores and clay masks to pull toxins to the surface. Noni juice helps heal the skin, as does high silica foods like ccumber horsetail and sulphur foods like eggs garlic MSM powder. You can also take gotu kola extract, or other herbs like licorice, burdock, reishi. Hope this helps. Sorry it's not homeopathic. Maybe after you address lifestyle change you can use a homeopathic remedy
fernpot 8 years ago
Im a male 22 years indian wid oily skin . Hav acne since i was 16 or 17
Started as very mild acne and apots mostly fr 1 or.2 years .
After dat moderate spreading to my head wid very painful acbe on head and also my back . My back is covered in so mNy acne ans spots dat der is any barely gud skin der
3 years back wen many people said me to find a treatment since my acne wasnt normal i went to derm.and got antibiotics .i have pus filled acne mostly dat are in clusters wen severe and huge wen starting stage Aftr stopping i got d acne jst as befre . Den few months went by and i heard der i sum doc givin accutane . Isotretinoin which is d best treatment fr acne fr nw
I jst ryt away went and he said me will.surely cure it . 1 year of accutane and all that sunburn dry lip sideeffects surely got me hell clear bt only fr 5 months and m.starting to breakout again .
Dis tym my brother said me about a homeo clinic . I went der
He was kind at frst . Said to explain things in brief
Aftr i spoke . He said i hav low imunity and i hav all the cold in me ( dats true i always hav blocked nose )
He said inwas irritable and cant control my anger . He said me to avoid cakes cool drinks onion lemon .
He gave me 3 droppers and ask me to hav 6 drops of each 3times in half cup of water . He also gave me abottle of white pellets sweet ones .
Results wer very fast and i was clear again mostly coz of accutane bt later wat pimples i got was cured
In my third visit he said to stop d drug while i already had growing acne still
I said my acne is not goin to stop maybe untill 25( my mom had severe acne til 24 ) n i said to atleast giv a maintainence dose to control my breakouts since i already hv so many scars on my cheek i dont want a single breakout . He said ill lower ur dose and dis tym he gave me 2 droppers only wid white pills ( i heard him sayin the otger person to add hydroquinone )
Bt dis third month i hav no control over acne idk.why becoz he chMged my medication or becoz im gettin used to it
Worst thng docs here dont giv the name of medication . Plz plz sumone giv me sum thng so dat i can treat myself til ik im grown out of it . Im a dentist and i had patients starin at my face and claimin wen i doc himself cNt treathimself wat cud he treat other . One liquid was brown and the other was dark green
The last one was yellowish brown liquid and all wer bitter . I jst want to know wat was d formula he gave and if ders sumthh else dat wil work fr me den pl, sumone help.
Sorry fr d long post
Started as very mild acne and apots mostly fr 1 or.2 years .
After dat moderate spreading to my head wid very painful acbe on head and also my back . My back is covered in so mNy acne ans spots dat der is any barely gud skin der
3 years back wen many people said me to find a treatment since my acne wasnt normal i went to derm.and got antibiotics .i have pus filled acne mostly dat are in clusters wen severe and huge wen starting stage Aftr stopping i got d acne jst as befre . Den few months went by and i heard der i sum doc givin accutane . Isotretinoin which is d best treatment fr acne fr nw
I jst ryt away went and he said me will.surely cure it . 1 year of accutane and all that sunburn dry lip sideeffects surely got me hell clear bt only fr 5 months and m.starting to breakout again .
Dis tym my brother said me about a homeo clinic . I went der
He was kind at frst . Said to explain things in brief
Aftr i spoke . He said i hav low imunity and i hav all the cold in me ( dats true i always hav blocked nose )
He said inwas irritable and cant control my anger . He said me to avoid cakes cool drinks onion lemon .
He gave me 3 droppers and ask me to hav 6 drops of each 3times in half cup of water . He also gave me abottle of white pellets sweet ones .
Results wer very fast and i was clear again mostly coz of accutane bt later wat pimples i got was cured
In my third visit he said to stop d drug while i already had growing acne still
I said my acne is not goin to stop maybe untill 25( my mom had severe acne til 24 ) n i said to atleast giv a maintainence dose to control my breakouts since i already hv so many scars on my cheek i dont want a single breakout . He said ill lower ur dose and dis tym he gave me 2 droppers only wid white pills ( i heard him sayin the otger person to add hydroquinone )
Bt dis third month i hav no control over acne idk.why becoz he chMged my medication or becoz im gettin used to it
Worst thng docs here dont giv the name of medication . Plz plz sumone giv me sum thng so dat i can treat myself til ik im grown out of it . Im a dentist and i had patients starin at my face and claimin wen i doc himself cNt treathimself wat cud he treat other . One liquid was brown and the other was dark green
The last one was yellowish brown liquid and all wer bitter . I jst want to know wat was d formula he gave and if ders sumthh else dat wil work fr me den pl, sumone help.
Sorry fr d long post
Adnan3 8 years ago
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