The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Growth stunning
Hi,I have 3 year and 2 month old daughter. She was born 8 pound and 4 ounces and 23 inches. She maintained her percentile for a year, after which she dropped in her weight percentile to 25 but her height remained above 50th percentile until 2 years. She has almost not gained any weight in last 1.2 years and has dropped to 10th percentile in her height and weight. Our pediatrician has not found anything. We are a bit concerned and want to know if any homeopathic treatment could help her gain weight and height. Any input will be appreciated.
renu2 on 2016-05-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pl inform about her talking walking and grasping skill food habits behavior and learning abilities.
♡ akshaymohl 8 years ago
She has hit all milestones well, talks well- 2 languages, grasping is good tough memory on certain aspects is lower but on some it is quite good. She is a picky eater, does not like to eat meat at all, milk she takes only when mixed with pediasure. She does not have a big appetite. She can be stubborn on same days and some days very good. She was very clingy baby, however last 5-6 months she has become very less clingy. She catches cold very easily and has bit cold hand and legs in winter.
renu2 8 years ago
♡ akshaymohl 8 years ago
Hi, Thanks-you! for your suggestion. I have received the remedies. My question was, whether I should give both at the same time or give China6c first followed by Phos 6x.
Are there any side effects of china 6c.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Are there any side effects of china 6c.
Thanks a lot in advance!
renu2 8 years ago
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