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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

loose motions from two years with allergies and lethargy

I caught a stomach bug two years ago. i was reated with antibiotics twice but ever since i have loose stools. going two to three times a day and the feeling of uneasiness and incomplete feeling after going. nothing found in comprehensive stool test except a small parasite that should naturally taken care by healthy immune system and that doesn't need drugs to cure. i still got antibiotic for that. i still feel the same way.

in these two years i developed severe allergies to all kinds of pollen dust and some nuts and dairy. i feel lethargic, sad, gloomy and down. i almost always have to drag myself out of the bed and i sleep 9 to 10 hours on average. I have no interest in getting things done and i feel very spiritual and do more meditation and have no interest in physical exercise or social get togethers. i want to love everyone and feel loved in return. but my life is exact opposite. even though it starts out on good note, i end up very disappointed in everyone often critcizing and have lots of judgment. i am very disapproving of my mother, husband and children. I feel rejected all the time. i am afraid of bad things happening to my husband and me being left alone. i am scared of falling over the stairs everytime, i never fell down majorly. On the good note, i am very kind, loving and compassionate woman. i can strike up conversation with anyone, i can make anyone feel better. i have a gift. I am tired of being disappointed and disapproving of everyone including me. i want to be happy. but i feel like i am miserable all the time but my life is not bad at all. i know that it is all in my head. when i walk in nature, i feel very good, my best, i love every plant and animal and people too. i feel cold very easily and during travel my feet swell and i have lots of aches and pain especially shoulders and hips.

i grew up with aggressive, angry father and timidly mom and verbally abusive aunts and uncles from whom my parents never protected me. i never felt loved. i threw tantrums and demanded my way to anything i desired. my teachers were physically abusive and i witnessed my teacher breaking my classmate's head and blood streaming down her head when i was around 8 years old. when i was almost ten, i spoke up to my teacher sarcastic ill humour infront of the class, he whipped me with big belt in the middle of the class where my ear rings broke away from ears and i was curled up with shame. i never had girls playing at home. boys always excluded me. two girls whom i was friends with when i was 8, excluded me and went behind my back to play with each other, which i witnessed. i never had much free time when I was kidding. i went to school 9 to 5 and sent to tuition 6 to 9pm. i hated it the most and still have hard time studying for exams. I was constantly traumatized by one teacher in 10th grade for no reason. we were woken by knocking big iron plates at 4am everyday for three consecutive years to study.

i worked hard to get a job but never really grew much in career while my ex-colleagues are all managers now. i lost lots of opportunities because of these tendencies. i work extremely hard to get somewhere then i throw everything off and then start all over again. i currently work in software but gave up all my career to be a healer and then gave up everything i built and became a developer again. now i want to go back.

i was very depressed while i was looking for a job and someone suggested i take aurum metallica 200, 4pills once a week. it helped get back on track a little. i believe in homeopathy. now as i am researching i feel mag carb seems like a right thing. but i am not sure if that is right or at what dose. i am wondering if any of you could help me. sorry for the lengthy post.

I just want to be easygoing and have fun.
[message edited by Lama on Mon, 23 May 2016 16:21:03 UTC]
  Lama on 2016-05-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The following additional information is required to help you.

1. Age
2. Male or Female or other
3. Single/Married
4. weight
5. Height
6. country
7. climate
8. List of your complaints

9. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint

10. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt
12. Thirst
13. Tongue and Taste
14. Current Blood Pressure (without medicine and with medicine)

15. One situation that had a
big effect on you?

16. Important Question.
Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?

17. Educational Qualifications of the patient
18. Nature of work, what do you do for living?

19. Important Question.
Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry,
impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not, you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

20. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g
Pus, urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.

For Females Only
21. When is the period during the month approx. date?
Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems,
pain, any other discharges?

22. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?
nawazkhan 8 years ago

[message deleted by Lama on Tue, 24 May 2016 14:53:19 UTC]
Lama 8 years ago
1. Age
2. Male or Female or other
3. Single/Married
4. weight
76kilos or 168lbs
5. Height
6. country
7. climate
8. List of your complaints
a)Morning diarrhea with broken undigested food often. stool turns powdery upon hitting water. usually twice in the morning with incomplete feeling.(I don't have to wakeup from bed to go, i go ten minutes after i wake up and another an hour or two after) sometimes three times(but all in the morning unless a food causes one). i suspect food sensitivities but not sure what is causing.(maybe cashews, nuts, sweets, spicy or fatty foods) from 2 years
b) hariloss from 2 years
c) severe seasonal allergies 2 years
d) food sensitivities (banana, milk, cheese, icecream, cantaloupe etc.) 2 years
e) excessive sleep (more so from 2 years, always a sleeper) with lots of dreams (used to be chasing, flooding dreams, death, waking up scared, but not recently)
f) lazy, week, fatigue,very tired and lethargy (have always been this way naturally, may be since i was 8 to 10 years old) but increased alot after getting married.
doctor pushed for depression medication but didn't take it more than an year(four years ago) and i don't think that it helped me.
g) increasing joint pain, muscle pain upon slightest exercise. developed far sight an year ago. can't see things clearly when they are upclose. low vitamin d levels even after supplements. muscles give out (especially shoulder and back) and twitches easily. left neck and shoulder pain from four years and it is getting better.

9. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint

10. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
strong diabetic history in father side
strong smell in urine the moring after eating lots of sweets (not diagnosed with diabetes)
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt
excessive desire for sweets and sour and pickles
12. Thirst
usually excessive. but in the past two months
13. Tongue and Taste
notice some black/blue spots with white coat and rugged edges on tongue
don't notice much with taste
14. Current Blood Pressure (without medicine and with medicine)
usually on the lower side but no need for any medicine

15. One situation that had a
big effect on you?

i was 10 years in 7th grade. (I was ahead of my age group). the male teacher was giving a lesson on basic necessities of cloths and home and when i asked a doubt(can't recall what i asked), he told me to "if i go and stand outside naked in sun, then you will know the importance of cloths and house". being a spirited child(also upset of being laughed at), i told him, why don't he does it first himself. all children laughed i assume. he took the big stick and went on to hit me in the middle of class (40 kids) i remember being curled up, numb. my ear rings got whipped out of my skin. it went for long time, i believe. no one said anything before or after. i remember crying in bed ashamed and no one asked me why or no one helped me process it. i worked on it alot. i no longer cry thinking about it. i am not even angry at the teacher any more. but i sometimes wonder, who would i be if that situation was different? if i felt that someone cared about me and loved me and encouraged me when i was a child. I was teased alot. i spoke up for myself as my mother couldn't because she was scared. my father wasnt around much. that only led them to make fun of me and hurt me even more. they were visibly upset of me for studying well and geting good grades. i couldn't recall anyone geniunely cared about me or happy for me.

16. Important Question.
Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?

Aurum meallica 200c once a week for 8 months. finished the bottle last week.
Iron and Vitamin D supplement
Prozac 10mg four years ago for one year
sabadil(over the counter) two pills three times a day from past 2 weeks, working like a charm for allergies (itchy nose, sore throat starts on right side, itchy watery eyes, constant sneezing)
sanguaria 30c, twice a day from one month for allergy headache working well
cinchona officinalis 30c just tried two doses so far. not sure of results yet
tried two doses of Hyland's Diarrex, but it gave me diarrhea with cramps. so stopped taking.

17. Educational Qualifications of the patient

Masters in computers. Certified healer, reiki, pranic healing, healing touch, eft, sky practitioner.

18. Nature of work, what do you do for living?

tried to do healing work full time. couldn't market myself. on and off software development job. not satisfied with what i do. feel like i am here to do something bigger. high dreams and hopes and sadly not enough zeal or energy to take action

19. Important Question.
Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry,
impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not, you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

Angry, Irritable, anxious, impatient at minor things and also sometimes patient.
try to please others but not the family. very critical, judgmental at home. overall very kind, affectionate, loving person. always try to help others. feel one with god sometimes. feel like nothing is going right sometimes. over sensitive and emotional. overthink almost everything. intuitive, strong desire to help, encourage and motivate others. irony is that feel no motivation for myself. Extremely happy when i get to help others sort their issues and feel better. also when i go for walk outside. no fear of public speaking. can strike up a conversation with anyone. i can even be very genuinely be nice with enemies if i have to face them. strong desire for peace at home and any where. most of the time, fear is not real, it is only in my head. i often feel lonely except when i feel one with god. i feel like i am selfish. i wish that i cared and do more for my kids, husband and mom. i sabotage myself alot.

desire to have friends, but No interest in maintaining friendships. desire to be thin, but no intention of excercise. desire to grow professionally, but basically no interest in taking action. fear of being rejected. fear that people are angry and upset with me. excessive desire to please and be loved by others but don't try to please family. kind of self-destructing behavior.

20. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g
Pus, urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.

no pus
urine - very few times cloudy and smelly. but otherwise normal
stool - usually yellow. iron supplement might turn it dark
saliva - clear foamy

For Females Only
21. When is the period during the month approx. date?
may 15th

Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems,
pain, any other discharges?
regular 28 days, some clots, deep red not too dark
desire to physically be active and to clean around the house a day before cycle. usually the only day in a month i get things done. sore painful breasts during and in the middle of cycle.

22. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?
Lama 8 years ago
Hi, May our creator bless you with good health and happiness soon.

Please take Arsenicum Album 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Stop all other remedies.

Also, go ahead and buy Nux Vomica 200C and Staphysagria 200C, for later use.

"i often feel lonely except when i feel one with god."
The except portion in the above, please describe in detail with examples.

Many many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
I probably need to take sabadil as i have all these allergy symptoms and i am currently taking allergy shots for that. is that okay?

I have a tendency to feel that grass on otherside is green.
If things or people or situation get little rough, i would give up and start over. at work, i interact with people and unless i am involved in the conversation, i would feel out of place. I feel like i don't belong there unless people pay attention to me and acknowledge me(don't have to be the center of attention).
I feel rejected easily.
If someone don't answer my call, then i would start worrying about if they were upset with me or i did something wrong. I get bored easily. I am worried often. I often feel like no one cares about me.
I realize that it is my mindset that is making me feel this way as i am noticing more and more that i felt the same way in many situations with many different people.
I think that i need adventure and i often keep saying i just want to leave my family and go away on a job or something like it. I am afraid of being responsible. I don't take responsibilty for lot of things.

I developed an ovarian cysts. when they found out at the age of 20 i had a cyst in my left ovary with 2 litres fluid and a small one with right ovary. left ovary was removed completely and right ovary was operated twice. i have one tenth of right ovary left. they were benign. i have small cysts, that don't hurt in both of fore arms. doctor is not worried about them.

I ordered all the medicine you suggested. it should be here in a week. i will update you as i try.

Thank you for being so kind and also for your prayers. It touched my heart and made my cry. I worked on all of it throuh healing, EFT, therapy. there is still lots of it left. I feel like it is finally time to let go of these remaining dark clouds and gain my life and spirit back. Thank you again.
Lama 8 years ago

Tears in my eyes after reading your post. Please be patient and brave. I'll pray more tonight, special prayers for you, Insha'Allah.

No need to take anything during these remedies as it will work on your allergies and cysts.

You may also go ahead and get Hydrastis 30C, for later use.

Many many prayers for your speedy recovery.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Thank you for your Prayers. No matter how many problems we have, Grace can change everything for better in a second.

I got all three medicines. but they are in pills not liquid. so how should i take Arsenic Album?

four pills? should i dissolve it in water? or should i order the liquid form again?

Please let me know and also please let me know how to take other medicines as well.
Lama 8 years ago
Hi, You are welcome.
" so how should i take Arsenic Album?"

"four pills? should i dissolve it in water?"
Yes, but, in mineral water.

Keep the other remedies for later use. Also, go ahead and buy Rhus Tox 200C asap.

Many prayers for your speedy recovery.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
I had my first dose of arsenic last night
. I didnt realize that the mineral water bottles i picked up were naturally carbonated. Would that make a difference?

I went twice this morning with a incomplete feeling and a painful itchy sensation after emptying.
Fortunately i was able to Rhustox 200C. But it was bought two years ago by my friend in india.the three previously mentiined medicine i ordered from Hylands in usa.

Thank you.
Lama 8 years ago

It appears to be ok. Do not worry, please.

Report your symptoms in a couple of days.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Thank you for your help.

I have completed 4th dose of
Arsenic Album last night. I can't tell too much difference but i feel like it is making some difference. I am going to take one tonight and Please let me know what should I take from tomorrow.

I have Nux Vomica 200C and Staphysagria 200C and Rhustox 200C.

Thank you.
Lama 8 years ago

Please do not over dose.
"Please take Arsenicum Album 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Stop this remedy immediately.

Now you need to give full details of your current symptoms, Mind and all Physical.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
I had a shift after the third dose. I was feeling little better but didnt notice on that day. I definitely felt more energetic and even happy after the 4th dose. I had a very good day. I didnt have any uneasiness or diarrhea. I felt fine after 5th dose too until i read your post on stopping immediately. the very minute after i read it, i felt nervous and uneasy in my bowels. it made me think of my doctors words that my diarrhea was stress related. i am not sure if stress was aggravating it.

in this moment, it is just uneasiness in my bowels. i have my itchy nose on the right with clear mucus in my throat and headache and some sneezing. my allergies are coming back as i stopped sabadil. so i took two pills of sabadil this morning, which made me feel better immediately.

I was more productive and enthusiastic yesterday and even this mroning. but not right now, not so much as yesterday. I don't have any diarrhea too.

I don't feel so eager to wake up in the morning yet.

Thank you.
Lama 8 years ago

[message deleted by Lama on Wed, 01 Jun 2016 15:35:51 UTC]
Lama 8 years ago

Please take Rhus Tox 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Thank you.

Are 4drops equal to 4pills of 200C?

Thanks again
[message edited by Lama on Thu, 02 Jun 2016 00:18:56 UTC]
Lama 8 years ago
Hi, You are welcome.
Please dissolve 4 pills in 2 sips of mineral water, to make each dose.

More prayers......
nawazkhan 8 years ago
I have one more does of RhusTox left. I thought that i will write about something interesting.

In one of my meditation, before i started RhusTox i saw this vision of my previous lifetime.

I was a old woman who helps this village people about whether things are good or not.
Should they make this decision or that. it works out well for them and they come to me for advise.
one day someone came mad(didn't see the reason, probably my advise didnt work for them).
They burnt my house down and brought me to the center of village and tied me to the pole and
whipped me with a rope and then made me a beggar. they didn't want me to leave the village but i
think that i walked away in the middle of night with shame. not sure if i committed suicide.

In this life, When i was around 8 years old, I had a best friend. it felt like she was the only good thing that i had.
there was a new girl in the village and she lived closer to my friend. some reason i didnt like the new girl. so
I told my best friend to not play with her and that we are a team. one summer afternoon, i walked to her home to play
as i turned the corner to her street i saw both of them playing. I was quite shocked, upset and angry.

Ever since, i never had a good friend in my life. Everytime i wanted to friendship with someone i feel like they like someone else
better than me, so i always walked away feeling unwanted and left out.

around the same age, i had a cousin(boy) who was also in my class. i wanted to go play with them and they always rejected me.
never played with me.

my uncle(father's brother) who didn't have any children himself, would bring his far cousin's girl from the other side of the village and
feed her sweets and candies. i remember one day standing out the door looking at him giving her sweet so lovingly and
wondered why he didn't like me. I was around 8. the same uncle, few years after, would give me chores after chores. he would yell at me from the other
end of the house. i wouldn't answer as i knew he would give me chores. then he used to call me deaf girl. eleven years ago i found out that i had a growth in my left ear
(probably by birth) and i can't hear in my left ear properly still to the date.

my other older cousins used to laugh, ridicule and make fun of me to see me upset and then laugh even more when i did.

when i asked a doubt, the teacher took it offensive and hit me endlessly in the middle of class.

I was sick during 10th standard final exams and hospitalized with fever. i wrote exams going from hospital. i prayed to god that if i pass i would pay him my respects.
my father's sister, whose son was in the same class as me, overheard and assumed that i prayed for her son's failing, and started yelling and shaming me in the streets and gossiped on me

my 10th class principal(my father's friend), used to hit me for sitting cross legged on the floor with 45 degrees angle instead of straight. or because i was looking at the clock. in his mind, he was disciplining me.

my other aunt used to ask me for help, if i say i need a break, she said that "oh, you are going to be a collector".

later in the life, in many situations, i helped so many people in small ways, big ways. yet, they would never be friends with me. I constantly feel excluded.
if two people are talking and laughing, i would be worried if they hate me or if i did something that upset them that they are excluding me.

if my whole life had a theme, that would be "rejection". All i want is to love people and want them to love me back. i would go give advice that they didnt ask for. obviously they dont appreciate it
because they are not even aware that they need help. then i feel sad and rejected.I want to feel loved and accepted.

Today i had three incomplete small bowel movements that turn powdery upon flushing. it feels like the food is undigested. i feel sad. my neck and shoulders are sore.
i feel weighed down. Even though i wanted to happy that arsenic album worked, i am worried that my symptoms will come back.

just thought that i would elaborate. I hope that i didn't take too much of your time. Thank you for your guidance. I appreciate it sincerely.
Lama 8 years ago

Thanks for providing additional information. Indeed, you are highly sensitive, a blessed soul and special person with a great status. Please keep up the good work. There is a great reward for these sufferings, pain and sadness. Please rest assured, you are not alone.

You need to take Nux Vomica 200C, but, let's revisit your symptoms, Mind and all Physical.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago

[message deleted by nawazkhan on Sun, 05 Jun 2016 10:23:40 UTC]
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Thank you. I did send you an email that was mentioned in your profile.

i did finish three day course of rhus tox 200c. by accident i took arsenic album 200c on 2nd day and two hours later realized my mistake and then took rhus tox 200c

i feel sad/down. not severe depression but feeling down.
i am not sure if i am feeling the release of stuff.

on first day i did have three bowel movements liked i told. on second two and third day i had only one.

waking up in the morning is still hard. getting the chores done is also hard.
Lama 8 years ago
Hi, Thanks.

Please take Nux Vomica 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago

"incomplete very short bowel movements already three time with more with an uncomfortable feeling.
Reference your email, please continue taking Nux Vomica 200C, at bed time, for another 2 days.

Also, take Lycopodium 200C, Only One Dose, when you get up in the morning.

Please get hold of Apis Mel. 200C, for later use.

Many prayers for your good health and happy life.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Fri, 10 Jun 2016 23:42:42 UTC]
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Nawazkhan,

I didn't check on this thread. I just saw this.
I did take nux vomica on both june 17th and 18th night, 4 pills in mineral water. didn't take any on 19th.

today i had bowel movements three times.

From the past ten days i had terrible neck, shoulder and arm pains. i was taking allergy shots and walked my dog the night i got the shots. i think that he pulled alot and my arm was swolen with pain. it took me long time to get that down. so i didn't focus on anything else. I took arnica montana 30c couple of times, just one pill mixed in bottle of mineral water.

I notice that even after nearly 8 to 9 hours of sleep, i still feel sleepy by 9am. my brother was saying that it is a sign of depression. i sometimes feel it too. whole body feels heavy, with no interest of talking to anyone or doing anything.

I am trying to be positive with faith and prayers. it helps me a little bit. it is just too hard to keep up with it all the time.

Thank you.
Lama 8 years ago
Dear Lama,

"Also, take Lycopodium 200C, Only One Dose, when you get up in the morning.
Did you take the above as well?
nawazkhan 8 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.