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Premature ejaculation due to hyperactive dorsal penile nerve
My husband is suffering from ED (not all the time) and Premature ejaculation possibly due to hyperactive dorsal penile nerve.(this is not an official diagnosis, just my educated guess. It's possibly due to excessive/chronic masturbation and porn in his early teen years).
He has tried traditional medicine for PE but nothing has helped. I am hoping if somehow we can find a medicine that can temporary block (not damage) the dorsal penile never to see if it fixes the PE problem.
Would any homeopathic doctor like to shed some light on that or provide any suggestions?
[message edited by Katherine2016 on Mon, 30 May 2016 07:25:42 UTC]
Katherine2016 on 2016-05-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
CONIUM MAC 30,5 Pills three times a day and Kali Phos 6x, 5 tabs three times a day.
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♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
I am hoping the medicine you recommended are specifically design to target chronic PE problem for someone in their 40s.
About him: PE symptoms started in early teen years and it's getting worse as he is getting older.
He is able to keep a strong erection but usually comes with in 60 seconds of penetration.
After that he doesn't get erection.
His doctor (urologist) told him to use some kind of Lidocaine Cream for PE but it doesn't work. Current prescription medicines in the market like SSRIs (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor), have too many side effects including bleeding, suicide risk, liver damage, etc.
I am hoping the medicine you recommended are specifically design to target chronic PE problem for someone in their 40s.
About him: PE symptoms started in early teen years and it's getting worse as he is getting older.
He is able to keep a strong erection but usually comes with in 60 seconds of penetration.
After that he doesn't get erection.
His doctor (urologist) told him to use some kind of Lidocaine Cream for PE but it doesn't work. Current prescription medicines in the market like SSRIs (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor), have too many side effects including bleeding, suicide risk, liver damage, etc.
Katherine2016 8 years ago
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