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Night sweats, feeling down Page 2 of 2
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I get restless when feet burning hot and seem swollen at night when trying to sleep. Not every night. But rest of body usually also gets hot. Sweating mostly down legs and buttock and in between legs. I want to uncover but I cannot sleep uncovered. I have put cold icy towel on body and feet before to cool down.
Also I have spots and black lines in eyesight moving when I move my eyes. I also get green bright lines often with no headache
I get few migraines with visual aura.
I cannot go out without sunglasses even in winter.
Last night during love making I had to Cry suddenly feeling very sad. It used to happen when I was much younger.
Thank you
Also I have spots and black lines in eyesight moving when I move my eyes. I also get green bright lines often with no headache
I get few migraines with visual aura.
I cannot go out without sunglasses even in winter.
Last night during love making I had to Cry suddenly feeling very sad. It used to happen when I was much younger.
Thank you
nanou 8 years ago
Ledum Pal 200, 5 pills for three days continuously and a feed back after 4 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
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