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Remedy for repetitive strep infection and PANDAS

Hi there,

My 14 year old son has been having repetitive Strep infection. He had 3 in the last 2 months. Last time he hasn't gotten any fever either, they way I figure out is that he displays PANDAS symptoms, such as OCD and tics.
Any remedy fo this?
  zainuby on 2016-08-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Has Strep infection been diagnosed by a doc?
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
My son is 14 years old. He learns very hard and badly writes and lines, like a seven year old child. While he was younger, he was more advanced and smarter than other children, but he isn't any more. They tested him for bad learning, and his high TSH (11) and ASO titer 400 were discovered. By reading on the internet I realized that he had a PANDAS syndrome. For us, in Croatia, it is too expensive and far to have a homeopathic doctor, so I've only run it for him once, and afterwards I learned how to choose and order remedies. My son has been an ADHD boy until now, had an 8-year hip inflammation, with 11 years of impetigo, seboreic dermatitis, his feces was hard since birth, from 7 to 14 he changed more than ten tics, now uncontrolled spinning and rubbing his hair. I sometimes gave him a 30ch sulfur, and when he got a viroses I give him belladona, pulsatilla or aconitum 30 ch. Now he is no longer hyperactive, doesn't training any sport, he is lazy, can not learn anything. He has acne and blackheads. Sometimes I give him baryta carbonica or coffea cruda for learning, but when I realize that he has pandas I'm a little confused and I'm afraid. Doctors do not know this syndrome in Croatia and I don't know can I try calcarea carbonica now? Please help.
Livy 6 years ago
I need a very deep and and detailed history/symptoms In your own words.

Answers below ones as well .........

A) constipation historxy. B) headache if any. C) must select one option, weakness or restlessness, which is more.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc If possible hourly basis details required .. E) is it a reoccurring problems F) you were physically active or inactive just before this condition ? G) do you feel more tired ? H) do you feel cold in body or hot mostly ? I) any foul smelling gases ? J) when your suffering or pain or symptoms aggressive and when and how ameliorate ? If I'm not replying you can click my name to give me a reminder
[Edited by Ibrahim3 on 2019-03-05 18:16:05]
Ibrahim3 6 years ago
Dear Ibrahim thank you for fast help, I will tell you everithing about my son by points:
A) he now has no more opstipation, but he has had it since birth to about 9 years. I've been breast-feeding him for six months without other food, but his hard ejection of the feces have begun for two months. Later he tried to sit on the hard floor only after a small piece of feces, and on the ultrasound it was clear that there was a huge piece in the gut. Once a week, he would somehow run out of it. With three years of sitting on the toilet shells, she got prolapse of the rectum from the strain. We had somehow softened the Portal with a lactose syrup, and it was always stale and stinky, even though I always gave it a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, and we are very careful about healthy eating. His appetite was bad.
B) Recently he complains that his forehead hurts.
C) he has lately felt more weakness and fatigue
D) in the morning when he wakes up, I mostly have to make him stand up, he would like stay in bed. School books would have been best destroyed because he hates them. He loves to hang out and talk to friends at school. He no longer trains sports even though he once practiced two sports. He does not like to eat healthy food, but I cook every day and make juices. He hardly remembers schoolwork and has no concentration, teachers often punish him for uncontrolled chatter and deficit of attention. He is happy when there are holidays and we go to the island where he enjoy the sea and freedom.
E) Although he looks healthy, sometimes cough like laryngitis. At the doctor's check, they always say it's all right. This is repeated. Also his hands become dry and coarse if not creamy,like seboreic dermatitis, from dry wind. After that, a rash on his hands is healing slow. He is also prone to cracked lips, which become dark and cucumber. His hair has a dandurf and sometimes a chalk. There are acne and blackheads on his face. His fingers fluttered in his joints.
He often has tics.
F) he has not been active lately
G) thirst is normal, he drinks normal,usually watter
H) The upper part of the clothes he always sweats, and the legs are covered. Even in the summer he sleeps in his socks. and cover only at the lower part of the body.
I) The last influenza virus we had two months ago, since then he release of the gases, is not much stinking but abnormally full. He farts every five minutes. Like never before.
J) It is mostly better when we are on holidays, with no school, no obligation, no stress.
Livy 6 years ago
One thing which really confused was your "lately" word .. :)

Anyway, as he has chronic complex situations. Treatment may take longer to get cure .... no worries.

Start with Natrum. mur .. 2-3 drops every day thirty minutes before breakfast in a separate disposable glass with some water in it. Once a day only. For 3-4 days only.

Notice change and improvements meanwhile. Not deeply but superficially.

Don't eat or drink anything thirty minutes before and after taking the medicine. Don't use microwave oven, broiler chicken, spoiled water, old aluminium pots specially with the black dots at the bottom .. no salty, spicy or junk food.

Trt to take him out twice a week or every night if possible. No matter you hold his hand and walk to the nearest shop to buy something. For 10-15 minutes daily after studies maybe or after school etc. You can update after 3-5 days. If I'm not replying you can click my name to give me a reminder.
Ibrahim3 6 years ago
Thanks again, we managed to understand each other no metter of my language!
Is it correct to give him natrum muriaticum 30 ch in globules, becouse I allready have it at home?
Livy 6 years ago
Yes you can give 2-3 globules at a time as a dose. Same 3-4 days. If I'm not replying you can click my name to give me a reminder ..
Ibrahim3 6 years ago
I have to tell you that after three days of this remedie my son is better. He corrected some bad grades at school, he has more motivation to learn, he is happier. His acne and his gases are less than 40%. It's far from good but little progress can be seen.
Now when I know from where come all my son's difficulties, I wonder if I should give him some colloidal silver, diatomaceous earth, curcuma or some other anti-inflammatory preparations, to help homeopathy, or not, what do you mean?
Livy 5 years ago
His coarse dry rash on his hands is not cured, slowly passing through the cream of neven oil.
Livy 5 years ago
And his tick has not been seen for two days. I don't know how what would be in stress situation.
Livy 5 years ago
Any anti inflammation remedy etc is not allowed. be confident. Repeat some more doses. And what are tick ? I couldn't understand that. If I'm not replying you can click my name to give me a reminder.
Ibrahim3 5 years ago
Bad translation, I mean his tics, hair rubbing. Last year he grabbed a shirt, when he was younger uncontrollably he made his eyes, emitted sounds, etc. I will give to him only what you say, you really help us, thank you!
[Edited by Livy on 2019-03-05 15:36:25]
Livy 5 years ago
I forgot to tell you he takes a small dose of medicine due to the high tsh of 0.125 euthyrox. Is it problem?
Livy 5 years ago
For Ibrahim
What to do? I noticed another tic, fast spreading of the mouth like a smile in a microsecond. He also spins hair while talking or while learning. When he wants to relax, he takes the box with his father's tools and hits one another, like making music. When we hide the tool, then he takes the pots and he does the same. It is for him as some meditation. It's hard for me to see it, but I do not want to forbid it because I know it's not the fault. Yesterday and today his behavior was impossible. He got a negative objection at the school to interfere with the professor, and at home he did not want to write homework mathematics, although I helped him, he always wanted to stop writing and ending. Although he knows he has three school exams tomorrow, he doesn't want to learn.To clarify, these are the things that I notice, he is still a favorite in society and everyone loves him, he is very communicative and sympathetic. Only, I see his friends are mentally outgrowing, he has remained childish when I see his school books difficult for me because I know he is not capable of it.
His gases are frequent and stinking. He had told me yesterday and two days ago that he had a little nausea in his stomach. Since using natrum muriaticum 30 ch, he was better for two days and then the symptoms worsened.
Livy 5 years ago
You stopped giving him Natrum. mur ? If not than stop for some days. Yes that is an aggravation. Stop giving medicine and report after 4-5 days. If I'm not replying don't forget to click my name and remind me.
Ibrahim3 5 years ago
Livy 5 years ago
Ibrahim, now the aggravation has been quite calm. That two days are a horrible, dark period for my son. Now he is the same way as before the aggravation. All the symptoms are here, but not in the worst form, his tics are pretty visible.
I can hardly make him out to the air and the sun. His whole life is a resistance to everything he needs to do. Learning, eating, showering, housekeeping , going to sleep, carrying out any obligations, since he was born he refuses everything.
I'm afraid of his joints, bones, brain, will he ever be fine? What do you recommend?
Livy 5 years ago
It seems that I exactly hit the remedy for my son.15 days ago I gave him one dose of psorinum 30 ch. I saw improvement. After seven days I also received streptococcinum
pellets and gave him three doses. My son has returned to his happy shape, his acne and tics are almost invisible and his mood is cheerful and healthy! I hope that he will stay like this!
[Edited by Livy on 2019-04-06 06:36:37]
Livy 5 years ago
Nice work, Livy!
maheeru 5 years ago
It's good if it's so. But usually self-medication is considered as dangerous.
Ibrahim3 5 years ago
I know the risk, but believe his anxiety and anger were inexhaustible. His acne is now almost invisible. I've read all that there is about homeopathy and I'm still reading it.
Treatment with natrum muriaticum was good, but I think we've overdosed with the dosage. If I would give to him natrum muriaticum in future, I will give him only three doses and then I'll wait, is that all right? Maybe my son is too sensitive. But for now it does not need cures.
Livy 5 years ago
I would like to tell you that I have taken several doses of streptococcinum 15ch due to my problems with the sinuses, headache ... twice in the morning I found in the mouth some soft white piece I read to call tonsile stones. Dental flesh and two tooth molars had been dying for me for two days. And then I've become better than ever in 20 years. It seems to have sparked an inflammatory process from the body, which tortured me all my life.
Livy 5 years ago
Hi Livy,

Ibrahim has been suspended from the forum.

As far as Nat mur. It depends on potency how many doses.
My own children respond quickly with one dose
Of Nat mur 30c. Then dose again only when
They feel old symptoms returning.
simone717 5 years ago
That's what I'm going to do, thank you.
Livy 5 years ago

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