The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Wheezy chest, blocked nose, mildly feverish and cough
Dear Experts,As Male/42yrs, slighly obsese, though moderately active, seem to have caught a cold. Most probably it was due to exposure to somewhat chilly morning air, during a long drive at 6am for almost 2hours, although since 1 day prior to it, I felt some throat pain/discomfort (more towards end of palate, i.e. roof of oral cavity). Self examination doesn't reveal significant inflammation of throat (as far as I could see), and don't see enlarged tonsils. I've been taking 'Belladonna 200' thrice a day for last 2.5days, and that has taken care of the throat hoarseness and pain, completely. I'd started taking 'kali bic 30' thrice a day as well, and that is keeping the mucous flowy, thin and watery, although every once in a while I have some bouts of sneezing (especially when under a ceiling fan or sitting next to window). I do have moderate amount of coughing, which is not fully dry. I do expectorate white or mild-yellow mucous once in a while. Staying warm seems to help. When I break in a semi reclining position i.e. head against wall, but most of the lower part of body lying on a bed, I hear mucous straining my lungs (mild bronchitis type). Also this position causes more cough. Symptoms are almost even throughout the day, but mucous discharge is highest during morning. Steam inhalation helps clearing up nasal passage.
Should I continue on the current line of remedy or switch to something else ?
falcon74 on 2016-09-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Forgot to mention the following:
- Coughing has started to hurt my head
- Have a mild headache
- Low grade fever (but less than 99def F)
- Appetite is almost normal
- Thirst level is normal, though in the night I do feel the urge to have warm water few times (slightly more than my usual)
- Coughing has started to hurt my head
- Have a mild headache
- Low grade fever (but less than 99def F)
- Appetite is almost normal
- Thirst level is normal, though in the night I do feel the urge to have warm water few times (slightly more than my usual)
falcon74 8 years ago
♡ kadwa 8 years ago
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