The ABC Homeopathy Forum
ibs ??
I m suffering from IBS like problems since three years.I have inc frequency of stools precipitated by eating any kind of food.freq also inc by emotions stress anger anxiety.but I feel no abdominal pain but I do feel mild cramps once in a month or so.recently I went colonoscopy which showed edematous bowel with ulcer but on biopsy a conclusive diagnosis for ulcerative colitis could not be stools reports are normal I also feel a constant urge to defecate despite going to toilet now and then. my stools freq is 4 to 5 times a day.currently I m taking mesalamine allopathic drug..what to do ?? can nybdy help me ?Prateekmalpani on 2016-09-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can consider your case but
you need to give many
answers, copy the questions
list in notepad,
write answers in same way
with questions and then
paste in post reply, NO
SHORT answers explain
MAXIMUM you can.
2. Main complaints and other
associated troubles.
a)Where is the trouble; The
exact locality of the
complaint like hands,legs
etc; duration of trouble.
b)What exactly do you feel,
Sensation as pain, how pain
feels or burn etc.
c)What are the factors that
causes this trouble according
to you.
d)Condition under which the
complaint is reduced or you
feel better like,cold or hot
application,cold or hot
weather,position as
standing,walking,rest etc.
e)Condition under which the
complaint is increased
like,cold or hot
application,cold or hot
weather,position as
standing,walking,rest etc.
f)Any other complaint any
where in the body.
g)Onset time of troubles in
detail, i.e which came first,
after that what problem and
so on.
h)Treatment method
adopted and its result.
3. History of diseases in
4. Personal History.
a)About childhood.
b)Academic performance.
c)Any major incidents in life
and the effect of it on life.
d)How you are satisfied with
your sex life, friends, family
members, company etc.
5. Habits/Addiction.
a)Smoking, Alcohol,Sleeping
pills, Laxative etc.
b)Masturbation and
6. How is your Appetite and
7. Likes and Dislikes.
a)Alcohol Bread Butter Bitter
Salt Sweet Sour Fats Milk Mud
Chalk Egg Spicy food Meat
Fish Fruits Fried Food
Warm food-drink Cold food-
drink Ice Ice cream
Chocolates Tea Coffee.
b)Anything else about like
and dislike of any activity
with you or surrounding.
8. Bowel movements.
a)Nature of stool, frequency,
satisfactory or not.
b)Any discomforts
associated with stool.
9. Urine.
a)Frequency, nature,
b)Any discomfort before,
during or after urination/
10. For men.
a)Any difference in
erection/want of erection/
weak erection/Ejaculation
b)Any other trouble in sex.
11. For Females.
a)Menses, Regular,
Irregular,Early, Late.
b)Duration of menses.
c)Nature of flow, Scanty,
Blood colour, Consistency,
Odour, Staining, itching/
when and what makes it
12. Sleep.
a)The quality of sleep, the
quietness or restlessness of
position of sleep, times of
waking and reasons for
need for cover over various
parts of the body,
whether the window must
be open or closed etc.
common dreams, peculiar
sounds or gestures during
sleep, etc.
13. Sweat
a)How much, what parts,
staining, Odour.
14. Weather
a)Tolerance to heat and
cold, dryness, humidity,
weather changes, sun,
foggy weather, wind drafts,
closed rooms, etc.
15. Mental Status
a)The quality of the patient's
life in relationship to loved
ones, family, friends and
colleagues. Overall quality
of energy available to
function in daily life, and
under various circumstances.
b)Any mental/emotional
shocks occurring in the
patient's life-grief, major
financial losses separation
from loved ones, death,
identity crisis and other
stress in life.
c)Memory,ability to
d)Are you fearful of
anything eg: Animals,
people, being alone,
darkness, death, disease,
robbers, thunder, storm, high
e)Are you anxious about
anything: if yes, give details.
f)Are you impatient.
g)Are you doubtful or
h)Are you hurt easily
(emotionally)how do you
react. Does it cause hatred/
i)Does your pride get hurt
j)Are you depressed, if so,
k)Do you like to share your
l)Effect of consolation.
m)Do you ever become
suicidal when? How.
n)Memory- quality if poor,
for what ( eg. Names, places,
people, what you read).
o)Do you weep easily, effect
of weeping, ie, does it make
you worse or better.
p)Are you easily irritated.
What makes you angry, how
do you express it.
q)Are you destructive.
r)How good are you in
making decisions.
s)Do you like company or
like to remain alone.
t)How seriously are you
affected by disorder and
uncleanness in your
u)How does failure appear
to you?
v)Are there any matters that
you deeply dislike?
w)What activities you
deeply like? How does it
affect your mood?
x)Are you affectionate? How
does others sorrow affect
y)Any present fears in your
life or future.
z)Any present life or future
life desires.
you need to give many
answers, copy the questions
list in notepad,
write answers in same way
with questions and then
paste in post reply, NO
SHORT answers explain
MAXIMUM you can.
2. Main complaints and other
associated troubles.
a)Where is the trouble; The
exact locality of the
complaint like hands,legs
etc; duration of trouble.
b)What exactly do you feel,
Sensation as pain, how pain
feels or burn etc.
c)What are the factors that
causes this trouble according
to you.
d)Condition under which the
complaint is reduced or you
feel better like,cold or hot
application,cold or hot
weather,position as
standing,walking,rest etc.
e)Condition under which the
complaint is increased
like,cold or hot
application,cold or hot
weather,position as
standing,walking,rest etc.
f)Any other complaint any
where in the body.
g)Onset time of troubles in
detail, i.e which came first,
after that what problem and
so on.
h)Treatment method
adopted and its result.
3. History of diseases in
4. Personal History.
a)About childhood.
b)Academic performance.
c)Any major incidents in life
and the effect of it on life.
d)How you are satisfied with
your sex life, friends, family
members, company etc.
5. Habits/Addiction.
a)Smoking, Alcohol,Sleeping
pills, Laxative etc.
b)Masturbation and
6. How is your Appetite and
7. Likes and Dislikes.
a)Alcohol Bread Butter Bitter
Salt Sweet Sour Fats Milk Mud
Chalk Egg Spicy food Meat
Fish Fruits Fried Food
Warm food-drink Cold food-
drink Ice Ice cream
Chocolates Tea Coffee.
b)Anything else about like
and dislike of any activity
with you or surrounding.
8. Bowel movements.
a)Nature of stool, frequency,
satisfactory or not.
b)Any discomforts
associated with stool.
9. Urine.
a)Frequency, nature,
b)Any discomfort before,
during or after urination/
10. For men.
a)Any difference in
erection/want of erection/
weak erection/Ejaculation
b)Any other trouble in sex.
11. For Females.
a)Menses, Regular,
Irregular,Early, Late.
b)Duration of menses.
c)Nature of flow, Scanty,
Blood colour, Consistency,
Odour, Staining, itching/
when and what makes it
12. Sleep.
a)The quality of sleep, the
quietness or restlessness of
position of sleep, times of
waking and reasons for
need for cover over various
parts of the body,
whether the window must
be open or closed etc.
common dreams, peculiar
sounds or gestures during
sleep, etc.
13. Sweat
a)How much, what parts,
staining, Odour.
14. Weather
a)Tolerance to heat and
cold, dryness, humidity,
weather changes, sun,
foggy weather, wind drafts,
closed rooms, etc.
15. Mental Status
a)The quality of the patient's
life in relationship to loved
ones, family, friends and
colleagues. Overall quality
of energy available to
function in daily life, and
under various circumstances.
b)Any mental/emotional
shocks occurring in the
patient's life-grief, major
financial losses separation
from loved ones, death,
identity crisis and other
stress in life.
c)Memory,ability to
d)Are you fearful of
anything eg: Animals,
people, being alone,
darkness, death, disease,
robbers, thunder, storm, high
e)Are you anxious about
anything: if yes, give details.
f)Are you impatient.
g)Are you doubtful or
h)Are you hurt easily
(emotionally)how do you
react. Does it cause hatred/
i)Does your pride get hurt
j)Are you depressed, if so,
k)Do you like to share your
l)Effect of consolation.
m)Do you ever become
suicidal when? How.
n)Memory- quality if poor,
for what ( eg. Names, places,
people, what you read).
o)Do you weep easily, effect
of weeping, ie, does it make
you worse or better.
p)Are you easily irritated.
What makes you angry, how
do you express it.
q)Are you destructive.
r)How good are you in
making decisions.
s)Do you like company or
like to remain alone.
t)How seriously are you
affected by disorder and
uncleanness in your
u)How does failure appear
to you?
v)Are there any matters that
you deeply dislike?
w)What activities you
deeply like? How does it
affect your mood?
x)Are you affectionate? How
does others sorrow affect
y)Any present fears in your
life or future.
z)Any present life or future
life desires.
♡ 0antivirus0 8 years ago
Pl take
1. Calc Carb-200 6 pills twice a day
2. Calc Phos-12x+Natrum Sulph-12x (3+3) pallets twice a day
Pl take this treatment for 15 days and then give feedback
homeo helper
1. Calc Carb-200 6 pills twice a day
2. Calc Phos-12x+Natrum Sulph-12x (3+3) pallets twice a day
Pl take this treatment for 15 days and then give feedback
homeo helper
♡ homeo_helper 8 years ago
I can consider your case but
you need to give many
answers, copy the questions
list in notepad,
write answers in same way
with questions and then
paste in post reply, NO
SHORT answers explain
MAXIMUM you can.
ANS. 26 male 46 kg India medical student
2. Main complaints and other
associated troubles.
a)Where is the trouble; The
exact locality of the
complaint like hands,legs
etc; duration of trouble.
ANS. Main complaint is in abdomen and rectum since three years constant feeling to defecate despite going to toilet now and then
b)What exactly do you feel,
Sensation as pain, how pain
feels or burn etc.
ANS.feeling of urge to go to toilet whenever I eat something all through the day but more in morning
c)What are the factors that
causes this trouble according
to you.
ANS.stress emotions anger anxiety
d)Condition under which the
complaint is reduced or you
feel better like,cold or hot
application,cold or hot
weather,position as
standing,walking,rest etc.
ANS.when I go to toilet no such other condition which relives it
e)Condition under which the
complaint is increased
like,cold or hot
application,cold or hot
weather,position as
standing,walking,rest etc.
ANS.on taking spicy oily food
f)Any other complaint any
where in the body.
ANS.chronic cough not responding to antibiotics since three months
g)Onset time of troubles in
detail, i.e which came first,
after that what problem and
so on.
ANS.every morning I feel like to go to toilet two or three times then after lunch and dinner too
h)Treatment method
adopted and its result.
ANS.I have taken IBS medication allopathic no response currently taking mesalamine but still not adequate response
3. History of diseases in
family. mom is hypertensive and my father died because of brain tumor
4. Personal History.
a)About childhood.
ANS.stressful no father support
b)Academic performance.
ANS.brilliant cleared aipmt 2009 wid good rank
c)Any major incidents in life
and the effect of it on life.
ANS.sudden loss of father at Tender age of 13 yes it had greatly affected me
d)How you are satisfied with
your sex life, friends, family
members, company etc.
ANS.not satisfied I m not married.don't h ave much friends.
5. Habits/Addiction.
a)Smoking, Alcohol,Sleeping
pills, Laxative etc. addiction
b)Masturbation and
ANS.occasionally 2 /week
6. How is your Appetite and
ANS.appetite is just OK not up to mark may due to fear of IBS.thirst seldom feel it water intake is less
7. Likes and Dislikes.
a)Alcohol Bread Butter Bitter
Salt Sweet Sour Fats Milk Mud
Chalk Egg Spicy food Meat
Fish Fruits Fried Food
Warm food-drink Cold food-
drink Ice Ice cream
Chocolates Tea Coffee. tea coffee sweet foods eggs
b)Anything else about like
and dislike of any activity
with you or surrounding.
8. Bowel movements.
a)Nature of stool, frequency,
satisfactory or not.
ANS.semisolid 4-5 times a day unsatisfactory
b)Any discomforts
associated with stool.
ANS.incomplete defecations
9. Urine.
a)Frequency, nature,
ANS.3 /day pale slight yellow in color around 1 litre
b)Any discomfort before,
during or after urination/
10. For men.
a)Any difference in
erection/want of erection/
weak erection/Ejaculation
b)Any other trouble in sex.
11. For Females.
a)Menses, Regular,
Irregular,Early, Late.
b)Duration of menses.
c)Nature of flow, Scanty,
Blood colour, Consistency,
Odour, Staining, itching/
when and what makes it
12. Sleep.
a)The quality of sleep, the
quietness or restlessness of
position of sleep, times of
waking and reasons for
need for cover over various
parts of the body,
whether the window must
be open or closed etc.
common dreams, peculiar
sounds or gestures during
sleep, etc.
ANS.feels sleepy usually sleeps for more then 6 hrs daily Windows closed blanket overhead
13. Sweat
a)How much, what parts,
staining, Odour.
ANS.not much in amount no odour no staining
14. Weather
a)Tolerance to heat and
cold, dryness, humidity,
weather changes, sun,
foggy weather, wind drafts,
closed rooms, etc.
ANS.low tolerance to cold like sunlight
15. Mental Status
a)The quality of the patient's
life in relationship to loved
ones, family, friends and
colleagues. Overall quality
of energy available to
function in daily life, and
under various circumstances.
ANS.poor quality always angry anxious fear of future
b)Any mental/emotional
shocks occurring in the
patient's life-grief, major
financial losses separation
from loved ones, death,
identity crisis and other
stress in life.
ANS.death of my father makes me alone feeling of how I wud survive without him
c)Memory,ability to
ANS.well ability to concentrate
d)Are you fearful of
anything eg: Animals,
people, being alone,
darkness, death, disease,
robbers, thunder, storm, high
ANS.being alone
e)Are you anxious about
anything: if yes, give details.
f)Are you impatient.
g)Are you doubtful or
h)Are you hurt easily
(emotionally)how do you
react. Does it cause hatred/
ANS.yes I feel cheated gets angry
i)Does your pride get hurt
j)Are you depressed, if so,
ANS.depressed when symptoms of disease increases
k)Do you like to share your
problems. not even wid my mother
l)Effect of consolation.
m)Do you ever become
suicidal when? How.
ANS.yes many a times
n)Memory- quality if poor,
for what ( eg. Names, places,
people, what you read).
ANS.good quality
o)Do you weep easily, effect
of weeping, ie, does it make
you worse or better. but weeping in alone makes me better
p)Are you easily irritated.
What makes you angry, how
do you express it.
ANS.yes when things don't run according to me
q)Are you destructive.
r)How good are you in
making decisions.
s)Do you like company or
like to remain alone.
t)How seriously are you
affected by disorder and
uncleanness in your
ANS.very much affected
u)How does failure appear
to you?
ANS. Setback of life
v)Are there any matters that
you deeply dislike?
w)What activities you
deeply like? How does it
affect your mood?
ANS. Watching TV relaxes me won't to be alone sometimes it makes me feel better
x)Are you affectionate? How
does others sorrow affect
you? it does not affect me
y)Any present fears in your
life or future.
ANS.future fear of being successful or not
z)Any present life or future
life desires.
Ans wnt to be a good doctor
you need to give many
answers, copy the questions
list in notepad,
write answers in same way
with questions and then
paste in post reply, NO
SHORT answers explain
MAXIMUM you can.
ANS. 26 male 46 kg India medical student
2. Main complaints and other
associated troubles.
a)Where is the trouble; The
exact locality of the
complaint like hands,legs
etc; duration of trouble.
ANS. Main complaint is in abdomen and rectum since three years constant feeling to defecate despite going to toilet now and then
b)What exactly do you feel,
Sensation as pain, how pain
feels or burn etc.
ANS.feeling of urge to go to toilet whenever I eat something all through the day but more in morning
c)What are the factors that
causes this trouble according
to you.
ANS.stress emotions anger anxiety
d)Condition under which the
complaint is reduced or you
feel better like,cold or hot
application,cold or hot
weather,position as
standing,walking,rest etc.
ANS.when I go to toilet no such other condition which relives it
e)Condition under which the
complaint is increased
like,cold or hot
application,cold or hot
weather,position as
standing,walking,rest etc.
ANS.on taking spicy oily food
f)Any other complaint any
where in the body.
ANS.chronic cough not responding to antibiotics since three months
g)Onset time of troubles in
detail, i.e which came first,
after that what problem and
so on.
ANS.every morning I feel like to go to toilet two or three times then after lunch and dinner too
h)Treatment method
adopted and its result.
ANS.I have taken IBS medication allopathic no response currently taking mesalamine but still not adequate response
3. History of diseases in
family. mom is hypertensive and my father died because of brain tumor
4. Personal History.
a)About childhood.
ANS.stressful no father support
b)Academic performance.
ANS.brilliant cleared aipmt 2009 wid good rank
c)Any major incidents in life
and the effect of it on life.
ANS.sudden loss of father at Tender age of 13 yes it had greatly affected me
d)How you are satisfied with
your sex life, friends, family
members, company etc.
ANS.not satisfied I m not married.don't h ave much friends.
5. Habits/Addiction.
a)Smoking, Alcohol,Sleeping
pills, Laxative etc. addiction
b)Masturbation and
ANS.occasionally 2 /week
6. How is your Appetite and
ANS.appetite is just OK not up to mark may due to fear of IBS.thirst seldom feel it water intake is less
7. Likes and Dislikes.
a)Alcohol Bread Butter Bitter
Salt Sweet Sour Fats Milk Mud
Chalk Egg Spicy food Meat
Fish Fruits Fried Food
Warm food-drink Cold food-
drink Ice Ice cream
Chocolates Tea Coffee. tea coffee sweet foods eggs
b)Anything else about like
and dislike of any activity
with you or surrounding.
8. Bowel movements.
a)Nature of stool, frequency,
satisfactory or not.
ANS.semisolid 4-5 times a day unsatisfactory
b)Any discomforts
associated with stool.
ANS.incomplete defecations
9. Urine.
a)Frequency, nature,
ANS.3 /day pale slight yellow in color around 1 litre
b)Any discomfort before,
during or after urination/
10. For men.
a)Any difference in
erection/want of erection/
weak erection/Ejaculation
b)Any other trouble in sex.
11. For Females.
a)Menses, Regular,
Irregular,Early, Late.
b)Duration of menses.
c)Nature of flow, Scanty,
Blood colour, Consistency,
Odour, Staining, itching/
when and what makes it
12. Sleep.
a)The quality of sleep, the
quietness or restlessness of
position of sleep, times of
waking and reasons for
need for cover over various
parts of the body,
whether the window must
be open or closed etc.
common dreams, peculiar
sounds or gestures during
sleep, etc.
ANS.feels sleepy usually sleeps for more then 6 hrs daily Windows closed blanket overhead
13. Sweat
a)How much, what parts,
staining, Odour.
ANS.not much in amount no odour no staining
14. Weather
a)Tolerance to heat and
cold, dryness, humidity,
weather changes, sun,
foggy weather, wind drafts,
closed rooms, etc.
ANS.low tolerance to cold like sunlight
15. Mental Status
a)The quality of the patient's
life in relationship to loved
ones, family, friends and
colleagues. Overall quality
of energy available to
function in daily life, and
under various circumstances.
ANS.poor quality always angry anxious fear of future
b)Any mental/emotional
shocks occurring in the
patient's life-grief, major
financial losses separation
from loved ones, death,
identity crisis and other
stress in life.
ANS.death of my father makes me alone feeling of how I wud survive without him
c)Memory,ability to
ANS.well ability to concentrate
d)Are you fearful of
anything eg: Animals,
people, being alone,
darkness, death, disease,
robbers, thunder, storm, high
ANS.being alone
e)Are you anxious about
anything: if yes, give details.
f)Are you impatient.
g)Are you doubtful or
h)Are you hurt easily
(emotionally)how do you
react. Does it cause hatred/
ANS.yes I feel cheated gets angry
i)Does your pride get hurt
j)Are you depressed, if so,
ANS.depressed when symptoms of disease increases
k)Do you like to share your
problems. not even wid my mother
l)Effect of consolation.
m)Do you ever become
suicidal when? How.
ANS.yes many a times
n)Memory- quality if poor,
for what ( eg. Names, places,
people, what you read).
ANS.good quality
o)Do you weep easily, effect
of weeping, ie, does it make
you worse or better. but weeping in alone makes me better
p)Are you easily irritated.
What makes you angry, how
do you express it.
ANS.yes when things don't run according to me
q)Are you destructive.
r)How good are you in
making decisions.
s)Do you like company or
like to remain alone.
t)How seriously are you
affected by disorder and
uncleanness in your
ANS.very much affected
u)How does failure appear
to you?
ANS. Setback of life
v)Are there any matters that
you deeply dislike?
w)What activities you
deeply like? How does it
affect your mood?
ANS. Watching TV relaxes me won't to be alone sometimes it makes me feel better
x)Are you affectionate? How
does others sorrow affect
you? it does not affect me
y)Any present fears in your
life or future.
ANS.future fear of being successful or not
z)Any present life or future
life desires.
Ans wnt to be a good doctor
Prateekmalpani 8 years ago
Describe face and
tongue by doing FACIAL and
by doing EVALUATION on visiting
tongue by doing FACIAL and
by doing EVALUATION on visiting
♡ 0antivirus0 8 years ago
by doing EVALUATION on visiting
by doing EVALUATION on visiting
♡ 0antivirus0 8 years ago
Mr prateek: I commend you on your technical knowledge. Only, it has not helped you. I tell you not one person on ABC can claim to know more than you do. The how can they help you. Pls state your problem; what, when, how, how long etc Then CHOOSE one prescriber who you think KNOWS something. Homeopathy has nothing to do with such terminology. A good Homeopath will start on a clean slate - and he will clean the slate first.
radhey1504 8 years ago
Prakrti: Vata-Pitta
Your prakrti, the physical constitution with which you were born, is a mix of Vata and Pitta, with Vata slightly predominant. This is an unchanging characteristic and represents your natural, normal state of being. Let's take a look at some of the common qualities of Vata-Pitta individuals.
Physically, Vata individuals tend to be thin and wiry, with small, light bones and uneven development. Pittas tend to be medium in all physical characteristics. Where Vatas are usually darker than the rest of their families, Pittas tend to be very fair skinned and to sunburn easily (think freckles). As a Vata-Pitta you may be more likely to sunburn than a pure Vata, but you are probably a lot better off than a pure Pitta.
Vatas tend to have uneven or underdeveloped features, including small frames; bony, protruding joints, thin, spindly fingers; crooked noses and teeth; etc., but your Pitta influence tends to moderate those characteristics. Thus, you are probably better proportioned, stronger, and a little less flighty and high-strung than your pure Vata friends.
The Pitta influence has probably increased your drive and improved your digestion, but you've most likely retained the creativity and imagination of the Vata type. And having a bit of Pitta tends to sharpen your intellect. On the down side, Vata-Pittas tend toward addictive personalities and need stability.
Vatas usually have a hard time gaining weight and lose it easily. The Pitta-influence strengthens your digestion and betters your chances of holding on to hard-won weight gains. It also helps you to move the weight away from your belly and toward a more even distribution.
This is the physical constitution (prakrti) with which you were born. It gives you some idea of your tendencies, and your physical strengths and weaknesses. Now let's take a look at your current dosha state to see if you are balanced or imbalanced.
Vikrti: Pitta Imbalance
Vikrti is a state of imbalance in which one of the three bodily humors or doshas is excessive. In your case, you have an excess of the Pitta dosha. Pitta is the fire dosha (a mix of fire and water).
Ayurveda lists forty diseases that are caused by aggravated Pitta. Though not as dangerous as an aggravated Vata condition, a Pitta imbalance is nothing to sneeze at. Being the fire element, Pitta is responsible for the metabolic activities of the body. Pitta combines fire as the energy of change with water as the agent of change. Thus, Pitta imbalances tend to create illnesses related to metabolic disturbances and problems with certain bodily fluids.
Pitta ailments include:
Fevers and excessive perspiration
Foul body odors and bad breath
Bleeding and a tendency to bleed
Cracking of the skin and itching
Genital herpes
Inflammation of the anus, penis, in fact, any inflammation (diseases ending in -itis)
Excessive thirst, excessive urination, diarrhea
Burning sensations in the chest, body, or skin
Acid indigestion, reflux, gastritis, peptic ulcers
Skin warts
Anything that increases stress or adds heat to the body can cause or aggravate a Pitta imbalance. Things to avoid include:
Alcohol and drugs, particularly hallucinogenic drugs
Tobacco (but then, you should avoid this anyway)
Too much sun
Excessive indulgence, too much competitive activity (such as sports)
Hot, spicy foods
Too much sex
Put simply, stop overdoing things.
The best treatment for aggravated Pitta is to slow down and cool off. Eat cool foods, especially those with sweet, bitter, or astringent tastes. Look for opportunities to cool off: walks when the breeze is cool, pleasant conversation in a shady spot, quiet time. Drink plenty of water.
When choosing activities, try to choose sports that are less competitive, such as individual sports (hiking, biking, etc.), or sports that promote team effort over individual competition. Because Pitta is related to vision, good remedies for aggravated Pitta include beautiful scenery or art, flowers, or a cool walk on a moonlit night.
Pitta is most powerful between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. as well as in the hot summer months. Avoid exercise or strenuous activity during these periods. Meditation can help, especially in the evening before bed.
For more help, enter your name and email address in the spots provided at the end of this page. Pressing the Send button will send a copy of these results to us. We'll take a look at it, and respond with further suggestions for ways to regain your doshic balance. For now, read on.
Mind Type: Kapha
Your mental characteristics are pure Kapha.
Kapha is the dosha of water and earth. These are the energies of attraction and fascination.
Kapha is the rock upon which all else is built, the structure that supports the fire of Pitta and the wind of Vata. Kapha forms the bulk of our physical world (earth and water) and the bulk of our bodies.
Kaphas are sensual beings. Their dominant senses of taste and smell make them natural hedonists, and pave the way to their greatest danger: descent into decadence, corruption, and self-indulgence.
Mentally, Kaphas can seem a bit slow to comprehend, but once they learn a thing, they never forget it. They like simplicity, harmony, and calm. Routine does not phase them. In fact, they often prefer it and tend to resist change.
Graceful, melodious, serene, and abiding, Kaphas are natural survivors. They are the nurturers to whom all others turn for restoration and invigoration.
Kaphas are happiest in an uncluttered, elegantly simple environment. Their greatest weakness is a tendency to hoard. Though naturally generous, they can become greedy and self-centered under stress.
When Kaphas are in their Sattvic (balanced and harmonious) state, they tend to be peaceful, content, loyal, loving, stable, compassionate, patient, devoted, nurturing, and calm.
When Kaphas are in their Rajasic (turbulent and disturbed) state, they tend to be attached, desirous, greedy, materialistic, sentimental, controlling, hedonistic, and insecure.
When Kaphas are in their Tamasic (inertial and darkened) state, they tend to be dull, lazy, lethargic, slothful, insensitive, torpid, and slow-witted. In this state, Kaphas are in danger of turning to theft.
To see where you stand emotionally, take a look at the next section.
Guna: Rajasic
Imbalance: Vata
Your answers in this section fall into one of three gunas: Sattvic, Rajasic, or Tamasic. Within each of these gunas, your answers are further subdivided into Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Please understand that this test uses only three questions in each of these areas to determine your guna and your psychological imbalance, if any. That's a pretty small sample, so don't take these results as anything more than a very general indication of your current psychological state.
If you would like a more detailed analysis of your psychological state, please check the more information box on the form below and submit it along with your name and email address. We'll get back to you as soon as we can.
According to your responses in the fourth section of the self-test (Qualities of Emotion), your current guna (psychological state) is Rajas. This is the most common psychological state. After all, who among us is perfect? Still, there's no reason you can't improve your condition. Unlike the ancient Hindus, who believed that your guna was set at birth, we believe you can change. They also created the caste system and locked people into a specific class for life, remember. We have made a few advances in the last 2500 years.
The Vata Rajasic mind is typically indecisive, hyperactive, and filled with anxiety. We're talking about a person who is often flighty, superficial, and talkative. If this sounds like you, how about that? This test works. Now get to work. A more enlightened mental state is within your reach if you will only try for it.
On the other hand, if this doesn't sound at all like you, maybe you checked the wrong boxes. You can use the Show Checked Items link below to display a list of your test responses. Skim down to section four, Qualities of Emotion, and check your answers. Did you make an error? If so, use your browser back button to return to the Questions page and change your answers accordingly. Then press the Evaluate button to recalculate your results.
Unfortunately, your psychological imbalance is not in the same dosha as your physical imbalance (Vata vs. Pitta). Thus, the actions you take to reduce your physical imbalance will not help your psychological imbalance. But don't worry. You can still use aromatherapy to reduce your psychological symptoms while working through diet and lifestyle to reduce your physical imbalance. But perhaps a better solution would be to contact a qualified Ayurvedic practioner for a full examination. Remember, this test is only a general indicator of a possible imbalance. For more information, please use the form below to contact us.
Vata: Light, small bones and/or prominent joints.
Vata: Thin as a child.
Vata: Small forehead.
Vata: Small, dark, active eyes.
Vata: Thin and unusually tall or short.
Pitta: Moderate chin.
Pitta: Fingers and toes medium in length.
Pitta: Light body hair with fine texture.
Pitta: Even teeth, of medium size.
Pitta: Moderate neck.
Changeable Qualities
Vata: If ill: nervous disorders, sharp pain likely.
Vata: Tongue dry with a thin, grayish coating.
Vata: Difficulty gaining weight.
Vata: Cold hands and feet.
Pitta: Oily skin, prone to pimples and rashes (1/4-1/2 inch thick).
Pitta: Prefers cool, well ventilated places (dislikes heat).
Pitta: Over-sexed, arouses easily.
Pitta: Bowels loose, movements more than twice a day, diahrrea.
Pitta: If ill: fevers, rashes, or inflammation likely.
Pitta: Inflammed, bleeding gums.
Kapha: Any climate fine (dislikes humidity).
Kapha: Full, moist lips.
Kapha: Loves sweets, dairy, bread, and pastry.
Qualities of Mind
Vata: Difficulty deciding, changes mind easily.
Vata: Creative thinker.
Vata: Knows a lot of people, but has few close friends.
Pitta: Enjoys planning and organizing, especially if created by self.
Pitta: Good short and long term memory, logical, rational thoughts.
Kapha: Loyal with many friends.
Kapha: Takes time to learn things, but once learned, never forgets.
Kapha: Prefers to follow a plan or idea.
Kapha: Resists change, new project, likes simplicity.
Qualities of Emotion
Vata - Sattvic: Flexible.
Vata - Sattvic: Dynamic.
Vata - Rajasic: Nervous.
Vata - Tamasic: Can be self-destructive.
Vata - Tamasic: Tendency to fear.
Vata: Feelings and emotions change easily.
Pitta - Rajasic: Irritable.
Pitta - Rajasic: Angry.
Pitta - Sattvic: Caring.
Pitta - Tamasic: Tendency to hate.
Kapha - Tamasic: Feels victimized.
Kapha - Sattvic: Devoted.
Your prakrti, the physical constitution with which you were born, is a mix of Vata and Pitta, with Vata slightly predominant. This is an unchanging characteristic and represents your natural, normal state of being. Let's take a look at some of the common qualities of Vata-Pitta individuals.
Physically, Vata individuals tend to be thin and wiry, with small, light bones and uneven development. Pittas tend to be medium in all physical characteristics. Where Vatas are usually darker than the rest of their families, Pittas tend to be very fair skinned and to sunburn easily (think freckles). As a Vata-Pitta you may be more likely to sunburn than a pure Vata, but you are probably a lot better off than a pure Pitta.
Vatas tend to have uneven or underdeveloped features, including small frames; bony, protruding joints, thin, spindly fingers; crooked noses and teeth; etc., but your Pitta influence tends to moderate those characteristics. Thus, you are probably better proportioned, stronger, and a little less flighty and high-strung than your pure Vata friends.
The Pitta influence has probably increased your drive and improved your digestion, but you've most likely retained the creativity and imagination of the Vata type. And having a bit of Pitta tends to sharpen your intellect. On the down side, Vata-Pittas tend toward addictive personalities and need stability.
Vatas usually have a hard time gaining weight and lose it easily. The Pitta-influence strengthens your digestion and betters your chances of holding on to hard-won weight gains. It also helps you to move the weight away from your belly and toward a more even distribution.
This is the physical constitution (prakrti) with which you were born. It gives you some idea of your tendencies, and your physical strengths and weaknesses. Now let's take a look at your current dosha state to see if you are balanced or imbalanced.
Vikrti: Pitta Imbalance
Vikrti is a state of imbalance in which one of the three bodily humors or doshas is excessive. In your case, you have an excess of the Pitta dosha. Pitta is the fire dosha (a mix of fire and water).
Ayurveda lists forty diseases that are caused by aggravated Pitta. Though not as dangerous as an aggravated Vata condition, a Pitta imbalance is nothing to sneeze at. Being the fire element, Pitta is responsible for the metabolic activities of the body. Pitta combines fire as the energy of change with water as the agent of change. Thus, Pitta imbalances tend to create illnesses related to metabolic disturbances and problems with certain bodily fluids.
Pitta ailments include:
Fevers and excessive perspiration
Foul body odors and bad breath
Bleeding and a tendency to bleed
Cracking of the skin and itching
Genital herpes
Inflammation of the anus, penis, in fact, any inflammation (diseases ending in -itis)
Excessive thirst, excessive urination, diarrhea
Burning sensations in the chest, body, or skin
Acid indigestion, reflux, gastritis, peptic ulcers
Skin warts
Anything that increases stress or adds heat to the body can cause or aggravate a Pitta imbalance. Things to avoid include:
Alcohol and drugs, particularly hallucinogenic drugs
Tobacco (but then, you should avoid this anyway)
Too much sun
Excessive indulgence, too much competitive activity (such as sports)
Hot, spicy foods
Too much sex
Put simply, stop overdoing things.
The best treatment for aggravated Pitta is to slow down and cool off. Eat cool foods, especially those with sweet, bitter, or astringent tastes. Look for opportunities to cool off: walks when the breeze is cool, pleasant conversation in a shady spot, quiet time. Drink plenty of water.
When choosing activities, try to choose sports that are less competitive, such as individual sports (hiking, biking, etc.), or sports that promote team effort over individual competition. Because Pitta is related to vision, good remedies for aggravated Pitta include beautiful scenery or art, flowers, or a cool walk on a moonlit night.
Pitta is most powerful between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. as well as in the hot summer months. Avoid exercise or strenuous activity during these periods. Meditation can help, especially in the evening before bed.
For more help, enter your name and email address in the spots provided at the end of this page. Pressing the Send button will send a copy of these results to us. We'll take a look at it, and respond with further suggestions for ways to regain your doshic balance. For now, read on.
Mind Type: Kapha
Your mental characteristics are pure Kapha.
Kapha is the dosha of water and earth. These are the energies of attraction and fascination.
Kapha is the rock upon which all else is built, the structure that supports the fire of Pitta and the wind of Vata. Kapha forms the bulk of our physical world (earth and water) and the bulk of our bodies.
Kaphas are sensual beings. Their dominant senses of taste and smell make them natural hedonists, and pave the way to their greatest danger: descent into decadence, corruption, and self-indulgence.
Mentally, Kaphas can seem a bit slow to comprehend, but once they learn a thing, they never forget it. They like simplicity, harmony, and calm. Routine does not phase them. In fact, they often prefer it and tend to resist change.
Graceful, melodious, serene, and abiding, Kaphas are natural survivors. They are the nurturers to whom all others turn for restoration and invigoration.
Kaphas are happiest in an uncluttered, elegantly simple environment. Their greatest weakness is a tendency to hoard. Though naturally generous, they can become greedy and self-centered under stress.
When Kaphas are in their Sattvic (balanced and harmonious) state, they tend to be peaceful, content, loyal, loving, stable, compassionate, patient, devoted, nurturing, and calm.
When Kaphas are in their Rajasic (turbulent and disturbed) state, they tend to be attached, desirous, greedy, materialistic, sentimental, controlling, hedonistic, and insecure.
When Kaphas are in their Tamasic (inertial and darkened) state, they tend to be dull, lazy, lethargic, slothful, insensitive, torpid, and slow-witted. In this state, Kaphas are in danger of turning to theft.
To see where you stand emotionally, take a look at the next section.
Guna: Rajasic
Imbalance: Vata
Your answers in this section fall into one of three gunas: Sattvic, Rajasic, or Tamasic. Within each of these gunas, your answers are further subdivided into Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Please understand that this test uses only three questions in each of these areas to determine your guna and your psychological imbalance, if any. That's a pretty small sample, so don't take these results as anything more than a very general indication of your current psychological state.
If you would like a more detailed analysis of your psychological state, please check the more information box on the form below and submit it along with your name and email address. We'll get back to you as soon as we can.
According to your responses in the fourth section of the self-test (Qualities of Emotion), your current guna (psychological state) is Rajas. This is the most common psychological state. After all, who among us is perfect? Still, there's no reason you can't improve your condition. Unlike the ancient Hindus, who believed that your guna was set at birth, we believe you can change. They also created the caste system and locked people into a specific class for life, remember. We have made a few advances in the last 2500 years.
The Vata Rajasic mind is typically indecisive, hyperactive, and filled with anxiety. We're talking about a person who is often flighty, superficial, and talkative. If this sounds like you, how about that? This test works. Now get to work. A more enlightened mental state is within your reach if you will only try for it.
On the other hand, if this doesn't sound at all like you, maybe you checked the wrong boxes. You can use the Show Checked Items link below to display a list of your test responses. Skim down to section four, Qualities of Emotion, and check your answers. Did you make an error? If so, use your browser back button to return to the Questions page and change your answers accordingly. Then press the Evaluate button to recalculate your results.
Unfortunately, your psychological imbalance is not in the same dosha as your physical imbalance (Vata vs. Pitta). Thus, the actions you take to reduce your physical imbalance will not help your psychological imbalance. But don't worry. You can still use aromatherapy to reduce your psychological symptoms while working through diet and lifestyle to reduce your physical imbalance. But perhaps a better solution would be to contact a qualified Ayurvedic practioner for a full examination. Remember, this test is only a general indicator of a possible imbalance. For more information, please use the form below to contact us.
Vata: Light, small bones and/or prominent joints.
Vata: Thin as a child.
Vata: Small forehead.
Vata: Small, dark, active eyes.
Vata: Thin and unusually tall or short.
Pitta: Moderate chin.
Pitta: Fingers and toes medium in length.
Pitta: Light body hair with fine texture.
Pitta: Even teeth, of medium size.
Pitta: Moderate neck.
Changeable Qualities
Vata: If ill: nervous disorders, sharp pain likely.
Vata: Tongue dry with a thin, grayish coating.
Vata: Difficulty gaining weight.
Vata: Cold hands and feet.
Pitta: Oily skin, prone to pimples and rashes (1/4-1/2 inch thick).
Pitta: Prefers cool, well ventilated places (dislikes heat).
Pitta: Over-sexed, arouses easily.
Pitta: Bowels loose, movements more than twice a day, diahrrea.
Pitta: If ill: fevers, rashes, or inflammation likely.
Pitta: Inflammed, bleeding gums.
Kapha: Any climate fine (dislikes humidity).
Kapha: Full, moist lips.
Kapha: Loves sweets, dairy, bread, and pastry.
Qualities of Mind
Vata: Difficulty deciding, changes mind easily.
Vata: Creative thinker.
Vata: Knows a lot of people, but has few close friends.
Pitta: Enjoys planning and organizing, especially if created by self.
Pitta: Good short and long term memory, logical, rational thoughts.
Kapha: Loyal with many friends.
Kapha: Takes time to learn things, but once learned, never forgets.
Kapha: Prefers to follow a plan or idea.
Kapha: Resists change, new project, likes simplicity.
Qualities of Emotion
Vata - Sattvic: Flexible.
Vata - Sattvic: Dynamic.
Vata - Rajasic: Nervous.
Vata - Tamasic: Can be self-destructive.
Vata - Tamasic: Tendency to fear.
Vata: Feelings and emotions change easily.
Pitta - Rajasic: Irritable.
Pitta - Rajasic: Angry.
Pitta - Sattvic: Caring.
Pitta - Tamasic: Tendency to hate.
Kapha - Tamasic: Feels victimized.
Kapha - Sattvic: Devoted.
Prateekmalpani 8 years ago
aswagandharist 25ml dissolved in 25ml water, to be taken after lunch.
kumaryasava 25ml dissolved in 25ml water, to be taken after dinner.
do not drink water 1 hour before and 1 hour after meals, after meals take 1-2 sips of water, after 1 hour take full glass of water.
feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
any other change you felt=
kumaryasava 25ml dissolved in 25ml water, to be taken after dinner.
do not drink water 1 hour before and 1 hour after meals, after meals take 1-2 sips of water, after 1 hour take full glass of water.
feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
any other change you felt=
♡ 0antivirus0 8 years ago
the above links are the diet plan you have to follow.
the above links are the diet plan you have to follow.
♡ 0antivirus0 8 years ago
the above links are the exercise plan you have to follow.
the above links are the exercise plan you have to follow.
♡ 0antivirus0 8 years ago
Prateekmalpani 8 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.