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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


i have been suffering from nightfall.what can i do
  nripen1 on 2016-09-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
That looks like a whatapp message.

For homeopathic advice you must post all details.

But please be informed that night falls to some extent in teens and young unmarried adults is normal and not at all harmful. when a boy matures he starts producing semen and his sex drive shoots up due to sudden turbulance in production of sex hormones. In the absence of availability of sex partner and not resorting to masturbation the stored semen is discharged during night, more especially, in early mornings. That's as normal as nasal discharge during a cold. Both don't need any treatment unless they are causing any other health problems.

Most of the propblems like genral weakness, weakness of memory, not gaining wait, etc are not directly because of nightfalls, there are other factors involved in it.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago

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