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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic cough


My son had a mild cold and after recovering from it, after around 2 weeks he developed a cough which lasts now for around 3 months. At the begging it was strong. Then it became weaker to the point that now he coughs maximum 3-5 times a day. A cough is usually just one separate cough each time.
It feels like tickling in the throat and sometimes with some small amount of mucous which wants to be coughed up.
Month ago there were more mucous and it was clear color and consistency similar to saliva.
He had Bryonia 30c which definitely decreased the frequency of coughs.
The cough tends to happen more in the morning and then happen during meal, going outside (colder, windy.

I would appreciate any help with this. I'm ready to provide any more halpful information. Many thanks.

  Ananda VC on 2016-09-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please start with following prescription:

1. Calcarea Carb 200C , pills (buy minimum qty dispensable at the shop), take 5 pills (for one dose) TWO DOSES WITH TWO HOURS GAP IN THE AFTERNOON ONLY ONE DAY, (NO EXCESS DOSES PLEASE). And please wait patiently for at least 8-10day for any results.

Nothing else to eat or drink 1 hour before and 1 hour after the doses.

Do’s & don’ts:
1. Stay away from Strong odors.
2. Do not touch medicines or spill them. Use the cap of container (of same medicine) to transfer the medicines.
3. Place the prescribed dose under the tongue and let it dissolve. Keep the dose for at least 2 minutes in mouth.
4. Keep medicine containers airtight, away from direct sunlight, heat, any smell and children.
5. Avoid strong smells and odors AFAP.
6. Do not take any other medicines for any health problems. Most symptoms go as they come within 24-72 hours.
7. Report any problems & seek appropriate advice.
8. Otherwise report progress after 8-10days.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago

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