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Goitre,, Irritable Bowel, Memory Weakness and Anxiety
Dear Doc,I am a 52 year old woman who is going through the menopause. I am not finding it difficult.
Goitre - I have a goitre on the right side, pointed out to me about 8 years ago. It does not physically pain me. There are two smaller nodules near it too. It is not very large but I am aware of how my thyroid affects my brain, energy, sleep, anxiety etc. It is undiagnosed but I was borderline hyperactive a couple of times since I asked for blood tests. However, tests are inadequate as they only test the amount of hormones and not the functionality. They also only did not do the antibody tests or the reverse T's. I feel I am a hyperactive anxious personality in general.
Irritable Bowel - I have irritable bowel, where I have a lot of gas after eating gluten, sometimes cheese, sweets or sweet food, and foods I am not yet aware of that cause gas. It is very smelly and silent.
Memory - I also have a very poor memory and am very worried about it, as I am working in the last two years and it is obvious there are times I have to keep asking something I should know the answer to. I also get blank mid sentence. I need to write down the information, or I feel I will not retain it. This memory lapses are embarrassing me at work. I can get worse when nervous, forget my train of thought when talking to someone and forget a word mid- sentence. I forget important things from my childhood and recent events. From the research I have done, I feel my memory loss could be affected by the gluten and irritable bowel as they are all connected to the brain. I am trying to avoid gluten.
Anxiety - The sensations from the anxiety, irritable bowel are a full but tight feeling in my stomach and a feeling of being hurried in my thoughts and deeds. However, I am also lethargic and spend too much time studying on my computer and not enough time outdoors walking etc. I feel too lazy to get up and do the housework for example and put it on the long finger often, but I am a clean and tidy person by nature. I like order and structure to my day and life in general.
Triggers: Stress at work as I am not financially secure and am struggling a few years. A new superior in my work area and I feel inadequate in comparison to her. She is new to my area yet picked up like she was born to it. I should have been able to teach her, but my memory would not allow it. I get anxious when parenting my son as he is a typical grumpy teenager now and gives me disrespect sometimes, and I feel I am perhaps too strict with him and that I am overly cross with him.
I feel insecure, lack of self- confidence, am quiet, can be moody at home. I do not like injustice.
My childhood was very difficult for me as my mother died when I was just 9 and my dad was extremely strict, but fair good man. He did not give us compliments or hug us or tell us he loved us. That loss deeply affected my childhood and most of my adult life, but my lack of self confidence stems from it. I am also extremely insecure in relationships and constantly need reassurance that my partner loves me.
I have sometimes had a numb feeling in my left arm and leg ( I cannot remember which leg for certain).
I have had lycopodium 200c before and my mood was fantastic but the homeopath changed it too soon after about 12 days after I got insomnia. I took it again on the 25th Sept in the same strength myself. My bladder weakness has improved in the last few days,and mood but not the anxiety, sleep memory or gas as far as I am aware. I have also tried argent nit, arsenicum pulsitilla calc carb, and others but none worked as well on my mood as the lycopodium. The argent nit was fantastic for my weak bladder and anxietybut it did not work the second time I took it.
1 - I love sweet food and if it is near me, I have no willpower to let it uneaten
2 My favourite drink is water, and I like about 2 mugs of coffee daily and very weak tea. I drink the occasional glass of red wine.
3 - I sleep well enough at the moment but wake as early as 5.30 and once or twice during the night to go to the toilet. Lately I take longer to get to sleep and cannot get back to sleep after my last wake up after 5.30 or 6.
4- I am uncomfortable in a very hot room or climate
5 - I am sensitive to nothing in particular in the environment, but unsure what you mean. I love nature and fresh air and walking or sitting by the ocean. It brings peace to my mind. I do not like city life, unless there are open spaces and greenery.
6 - My energy is low overall and now and again I get fatigued. I feel this is as a result of gluten or some other food I am not aware I am intolerant of.
7 - Alone at present and do not think of sex much at the moment, but when I am in a relationship I am passionate.
The one thing that has had a lasting effect must be the death of my mother when I was 9 year old as the aftermath shaped my whole emotional and mental being and probably my physical one as a direct result. I found it extremely difficult to live at home with my father and spent all my school holidays with my aunt in a different town when growing up and left home immediately after finishing school. I returned home as an older adult and I had a great relationship with my father until his passing 5 years ago.
I hope you can help me overcome even one of these issues. I feel the thyroid and irritable bowel are the result of my long-term anxiety.I have felt in the past that I need to be in control to help keep me stress free.
[message edited by Tara2 on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 01:26:10 UTC]
[message edited by Tara2 on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 01:30:18 UTC]
Tara2 on 2016-10-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please start with following prescription:
1. SULPHUR 200C , pills (buy minimum qty dispensable at the shop), take 5 pills (for one dose) A SINGLE DOSE IN THE MORNING FOR ONLY ONE DAY, (NO EXCESS DOSES PLEASE).
Nothing else to eat or drink 1 hour before and 1 hour after the doses.
(This dose works for several days. So, keep patience).
Do’s & don’ts:
1. Stay away from Strong odors.
2. Do not touch medicines or spill them. Use the cap of container (of same medicine) to transfer the medicines.
3. Place the prescribed dose under the tongue and let it dissolve. Keep the dose for at least 2 minutes in mouth.
4. Keep medicine containers airtight, away from direct sunlight, heat, any smell and children.
5. Avoid strong smells and odors AFAP.
6. Do not take any other medicines for any health problems. Most symptoms go as they come within 24-72 hours. Do not apply any cream etc for skin itching / eruption, if any.
7. Report any problems & seek appropriate advice.
8. Otherwise report progress after 1week.
1. SULPHUR 200C , pills (buy minimum qty dispensable at the shop), take 5 pills (for one dose) A SINGLE DOSE IN THE MORNING FOR ONLY ONE DAY, (NO EXCESS DOSES PLEASE).
Nothing else to eat or drink 1 hour before and 1 hour after the doses.
(This dose works for several days. So, keep patience).
Do’s & don’ts:
1. Stay away from Strong odors.
2. Do not touch medicines or spill them. Use the cap of container (of same medicine) to transfer the medicines.
3. Place the prescribed dose under the tongue and let it dissolve. Keep the dose for at least 2 minutes in mouth.
4. Keep medicine containers airtight, away from direct sunlight, heat, any smell and children.
5. Avoid strong smells and odors AFAP.
6. Do not take any other medicines for any health problems. Most symptoms go as they come within 24-72 hours. Do not apply any cream etc for skin itching / eruption, if any.
7. Report any problems & seek appropriate advice.
8. Otherwise report progress after 1week.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Hi Doc
Thank you for your help. I forgot to say that on out walking today my bladder was very weak and coffee and coughing can also do the same to me.
[message edited by Tara2 on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 01:26:51 UTC]
Thank you for your help. I forgot to say that on out walking today my bladder was very weak and coffee and coughing can also do the same to me.
[message edited by Tara2 on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 01:26:51 UTC]
Tara2 8 years ago
Hi Doctor,
Did you decide to prescribe Sulphur based on me not wanting to clean the house?I am clean in general and am very tidy and hygienic. I am a 52 year old woman and started the menopause at 50 with no obvious symptoms, except the occasional warm flush.
[message edited by Tara2 on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 01:29:02 UTC]
Did you decide to prescribe Sulphur based on me not wanting to clean the house?I am clean in general and am very tidy and hygienic. I am a 52 year old woman and started the menopause at 50 with no obvious symptoms, except the occasional warm flush.
[message edited by Tara2 on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 01:29:02 UTC]
Tara2 8 years ago
Dear Doctor,
I have added some more information to the original mote here. Thank you
7 - Alone at present and do not think of it much at the moment, but I a passionate when I am with someone.
I am a spiritual person who is kind and loves to help others. I am very direct, warm, quiet and tend to daydream. I love spiritual healing and mediumship and all matters relating to the unknown.
I have occasionally got tingling or numbness in my right lower leg or my left arm and it feels dead. I hate dancing as I do not feel comfortable doing it with people watching me as I feel like a robot and I hate public speaking too. I hate the thoughts of my son leaving home, leaving the country to work and his having already left me in the sense that he is 14 and his childhood has gone and he spends his time in his room this last year. I want to meet and remarry as I have never had a good relationship with a man that lasted.
I feel I am a contradiction. I am shy but I am friendly (when I am confident). I want adventure but I don't want to do it alone. I want to travel but not alone.
I am loving, but I can be grumpy and moan at my son and wish afterwards that I had kept my mouth shut.
I am smart but feel stupid as my memory lets me down, or is it that I daydream and shut things out that are of no interest to me?
I do not follow the crowd or fashion but neither do I go to extremes.
I am stubborn.
I am insecure in relationships.
I lack self-confidence
I have drive, as I started my own business twice and one was successful for a time.
I fear heights, and adventurous sports so I am very girly in that sense.
My friends think I am not shy, but deep inside I am shy and lack self-confidence and have little of importance to say or add to a conversation.
I hate women who flirt with my man and who cheat with men who are taken already and I would never stay with a man who cheated on me.
I used to be thirsty but this year I do not drink water as much and wonder if it was a remedy that changed it?
I hate olives and sour cream
I love alien documentaries
I fear being out of control so up to a few years ago, I had to be in control and it was my stress that was at its height that cause it I feel. I had to keep myself busy so that I would not have to sit down and relax and think about me and what and who I was and was not. Now I can relax and am at peace with myself much more so but there is still that feeling that if things do not go as I want, right now, I will get upset and stressed, simply because I need to have everything in my plans ticked off so I can move onto the next issue in my head. So that is anxiety, (related to my thyroid I think).
I feel I would love someone to take care of me and to push me do the things I would love to do, but don't most of the time. I like to have company when doing things generally.
The one thing that has had a lasting effect must be the death of my mother when I was 9 year old as the aftermath shaped my whole emotional and mental being and probably my physical one as a direct result. I found it extremely difficult to live at home with my father and and spent all my school holidays with my aunt in a different town when growing up and left home immediately after finishing school. I returned home as an older adult and we had a great relationship till his passing years later.
Thank you very much
[message edited by Tara2 on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 01:37:30 UTC]
[message edited by Tara2 on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 08:00:44 UTC]
I have added some more information to the original mote here. Thank you
7 - Alone at present and do not think of it much at the moment, but I a passionate when I am with someone.
I am a spiritual person who is kind and loves to help others. I am very direct, warm, quiet and tend to daydream. I love spiritual healing and mediumship and all matters relating to the unknown.
I have occasionally got tingling or numbness in my right lower leg or my left arm and it feels dead. I hate dancing as I do not feel comfortable doing it with people watching me as I feel like a robot and I hate public speaking too. I hate the thoughts of my son leaving home, leaving the country to work and his having already left me in the sense that he is 14 and his childhood has gone and he spends his time in his room this last year. I want to meet and remarry as I have never had a good relationship with a man that lasted.
I feel I am a contradiction. I am shy but I am friendly (when I am confident). I want adventure but I don't want to do it alone. I want to travel but not alone.
I am loving, but I can be grumpy and moan at my son and wish afterwards that I had kept my mouth shut.
I am smart but feel stupid as my memory lets me down, or is it that I daydream and shut things out that are of no interest to me?
I do not follow the crowd or fashion but neither do I go to extremes.
I am stubborn.
I am insecure in relationships.
I lack self-confidence
I have drive, as I started my own business twice and one was successful for a time.
I fear heights, and adventurous sports so I am very girly in that sense.
My friends think I am not shy, but deep inside I am shy and lack self-confidence and have little of importance to say or add to a conversation.
I hate women who flirt with my man and who cheat with men who are taken already and I would never stay with a man who cheated on me.
I used to be thirsty but this year I do not drink water as much and wonder if it was a remedy that changed it?
I hate olives and sour cream
I love alien documentaries
I fear being out of control so up to a few years ago, I had to be in control and it was my stress that was at its height that cause it I feel. I had to keep myself busy so that I would not have to sit down and relax and think about me and what and who I was and was not. Now I can relax and am at peace with myself much more so but there is still that feeling that if things do not go as I want, right now, I will get upset and stressed, simply because I need to have everything in my plans ticked off so I can move onto the next issue in my head. So that is anxiety, (related to my thyroid I think).
I feel I would love someone to take care of me and to push me do the things I would love to do, but don't most of the time. I like to have company when doing things generally.
The one thing that has had a lasting effect must be the death of my mother when I was 9 year old as the aftermath shaped my whole emotional and mental being and probably my physical one as a direct result. I found it extremely difficult to live at home with my father and and spent all my school holidays with my aunt in a different town when growing up and left home immediately after finishing school. I returned home as an older adult and we had a great relationship till his passing years later.
Thank you very much
[message edited by Tara2 on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 01:37:30 UTC]
[message edited by Tara2 on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 08:00:44 UTC]
Tara2 8 years ago
Have you taken Sulphur already?
There are many homeopaths who treat symptoms but I always make efforts to 'CURE' the ailing person. There is a big difference.
The reason why I insist on complete details at the outset is evident here. On this forum I the only source fr prescribing is the info you provide. If it is complete, correct and useful you receive best possible prescription.
I would suggest you to continue with me only if you have confidence in me. I do not guarantee anything to anyone be it a very serious disease or a common cold, cough, headache, etc. I just do my best efforts based on what knowledge and experience I have gained over all these years, not by reading on internet or some stray self help books.
There are many homeopaths who treat symptoms but I always make efforts to 'CURE' the ailing person. There is a big difference.
The reason why I insist on complete details at the outset is evident here. On this forum I the only source fr prescribing is the info you provide. If it is complete, correct and useful you receive best possible prescription.
I would suggest you to continue with me only if you have confidence in me. I do not guarantee anything to anyone be it a very serious disease or a common cold, cough, headache, etc. I just do my best efforts based on what knowledge and experience I have gained over all these years, not by reading on internet or some stray self help books.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Hi Doctor,
Yes I do have confidence in you and no I have not yet taken Sulphur. Apologies if I questioned you. I just am a worrier. I will take 5 tablets in one go when I receive my order. Thank you.
Yes I do have confidence in you and no I have not yet taken Sulphur. Apologies if I questioned you. I just am a worrier. I will take 5 tablets in one go when I receive my order. Thank you.
Tara2 8 years ago
26th OctI began my Sulphur 200c I dose (5 tablets) in one day. Earlier in the day I felt a little headache coming on, and that evening the left of my throat got sore.It had gone by the morning.
I had a bladder leak when sneezing on 28th and my bladder is not improved. About the 28th my left calf almost went into a spasm (this happened once over the summer).
I had wind on Wed 26th and Thurs 27th both silent and very smelly and I did not eat anything I felt could have caused it as I rarely have wind if I am careful what I eat. Sugar and gluten cause it and perhaps fat from roast meat. Thurs I had a gluten free packet of crisps and a gluten free sandwich but the sandwich may have had white pepper in the egg salad.
Had one glass of white wine and two bars of chocolate, all gluten free tonight the 31st Oct and had gas which was silent and smelly.
I feel my mood has improved a little. Other than that I feel the same as before I took the Sulphur 200 c.I used to be thirsty a year ago but this year I feel I am not as thirsty.
What should I do next doctor? Thank you
[message edited by Tara2 on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 01:05:02 UTC]
I had a bladder leak when sneezing on 28th and my bladder is not improved. About the 28th my left calf almost went into a spasm (this happened once over the summer).
I had wind on Wed 26th and Thurs 27th both silent and very smelly and I did not eat anything I felt could have caused it as I rarely have wind if I am careful what I eat. Sugar and gluten cause it and perhaps fat from roast meat. Thurs I had a gluten free packet of crisps and a gluten free sandwich but the sandwich may have had white pepper in the egg salad.
Had one glass of white wine and two bars of chocolate, all gluten free tonight the 31st Oct and had gas which was silent and smelly.
I feel my mood has improved a little. Other than that I feel the same as before I took the Sulphur 200 c.I used to be thirsty a year ago but this year I feel I am not as thirsty.
What should I do next doctor? Thank you
[message edited by Tara2 on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 01:05:02 UTC]
Tara2 8 years ago
Is this bladder leak new symptom or you had it ever in the past?
[message edited by DrKulkarni on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 06:37:14 UTC]
[message edited by DrKulkarni on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 06:37:14 UTC]
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dear Doctor
I have had a weak bladder for over 5 years with too frequent urination. It was very extreme about the time my father passed away as I was very stressed caring for him alone after separating and with a young child to care for. Argent Nit was the first remedy I took for my bladder and my anxiety which was also very extreme and had been for as long as I can remember. That remedy helped both 90 % but did not help the bladder the second time I took it. My anxiety has never been as bad as prior to taking Argent Nit I feel.
Thank you doctor
I have had a weak bladder for over 5 years with too frequent urination. It was very extreme about the time my father passed away as I was very stressed caring for him alone after separating and with a young child to care for. Argent Nit was the first remedy I took for my bladder and my anxiety which was also very extreme and had been for as long as I can remember. That remedy helped both 90 % but did not help the bladder the second time I took it. My anxiety has never been as bad as prior to taking Argent Nit I feel.
Thank you doctor
Tara2 8 years ago
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Ok I will. Today, I told my boss that a client was not taking all his medicine. I showed her the unopened blister pack, to realize that I was wrong and in fact the blister pack on one side was empty and it was staring me in the face. I was so embarrassed that I did not see the obvious. The new superior is a superwoman who brought in her own handmade activity board for the clients and much more stuff. I feel depressed and stupid and useless. My teenage son spent all day in his room and I didn't see him for more than five minutes and I miss my child a lot. He is a child no longer and doesn't want to spend time with me any more. I feel upset today and I am crying now as I write this. I will update in three days. Very worried about my memory too.
Thank you Doctor
Thank you Doctor
Tara2 8 years ago
Take MEDORRHINUM 200c, 5 pills as single dose only once at about 4pm.
All other instructions same as before.
Report after 1 week.
All other instructions same as before.
Report after 1 week.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dear Doctor
I took that remedy in 200c but only 3 about a year ago and for five seconds I felt a very strong 'clear' mind. Just for five seconds, but it was the difference between night and day.
I took that remedy in 200c but only 3 about a year ago and for five seconds I felt a very strong 'clear' mind. Just for five seconds, but it was the difference between night and day.
Tara2 8 years ago
You haven't mentioned it in your past details. Nonetheless, take it the way I have advised. It can be used in different ways for different purposes.
[message edited by DrKulkarni on Wed, 02 Nov 2016 15:00:56 UTC]
[message edited by DrKulkarni on Wed, 02 Nov 2016 15:00:56 UTC]
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dear Doctor
I have felt fine since the last report and I feel my bowel movements have improved. I am not observant but going from twice a week three years ago to once a day in the last two years approx, I went twice a day for a few days last week. On the morn of the 5th I felt very sad thinking about my father who passed and regretting I had not told him I loved him or hugged him when he was sick in hospital. He was not the sort of person who hugged or said such things so...Woke up twice during the night to go to the bathroom and the second time was about 6am. The remedy should arrive today so I will report in a week.
Thank you
I have felt fine since the last report and I feel my bowel movements have improved. I am not observant but going from twice a week three years ago to once a day in the last two years approx, I went twice a day for a few days last week. On the morn of the 5th I felt very sad thinking about my father who passed and regretting I had not told him I loved him or hugged him when he was sick in hospital. He was not the sort of person who hugged or said such things so...Woke up twice during the night to go to the bathroom and the second time was about 6am. The remedy should arrive today so I will report in a week.
Thank you
Tara2 8 years ago
Ok, good. You better don't take Medorhhoinum. It can be used later if indicated.
Just wait. We will watch for some more time.
Just wait. We will watch for some more time.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Hello Doctor
Today is one week after taking the Medorrhinum 200 c. I am off sugar for one week also and I think I have more energy. I do not feel any obvious difference in any way other than that and my memory has not noticeably improved either. Nor have I made any mistakes, or forgotten anything, so I will know more in a week or two. But I did not get a sudden flash of 'clarity' as I did for the few seconds the first time I took it. I will have the results of blood tests tomorrow.
Thank you Doctor
Today is one week after taking the Medorrhinum 200 c. I am off sugar for one week also and I think I have more energy. I do not feel any obvious difference in any way other than that and my memory has not noticeably improved either. Nor have I made any mistakes, or forgotten anything, so I will know more in a week or two. But I did not get a sudden flash of 'clarity' as I did for the few seconds the first time I took it. I will have the results of blood tests tomorrow.
Thank you Doctor
Tara2 8 years ago
Hi Doctor,
I have been in great form in work all week and am unsure if it is in part due to the remedy or due to the fact the fact that the lady senior to me at work might be replaced by someone else soon. My bladder is not great though and is a little weaker I feel with sneezing or coughing making me leak a little. Today I am in very bad form and ended up swearing like a child having a tantrum when the sewing machine broke down and I was unable to fix it. I am also very tired. My iron levels are low a blood test revealed, but my thyroid test results did not come back as there was some issue with bloods so will have to redo them next week. I am sick to death of struggling and stressing about lack of money. That is how I feel today and all week I was in great form.
I have been in great form in work all week and am unsure if it is in part due to the remedy or due to the fact the fact that the lady senior to me at work might be replaced by someone else soon. My bladder is not great though and is a little weaker I feel with sneezing or coughing making me leak a little. Today I am in very bad form and ended up swearing like a child having a tantrum when the sewing machine broke down and I was unable to fix it. I am also very tired. My iron levels are low a blood test revealed, but my thyroid test results did not come back as there was some issue with bloods so will have to redo them next week. I am sick to death of struggling and stressing about lack of money. That is how I feel today and all week I was in great form.
Tara2 8 years ago
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dear Doctor
1st Dec one week after taking 5 Medorrhinum 200c
I got a blank forgetful moment with a word I should have remembered, during an interview on Tues 29th
I slept till 6.45 so did not wake to go to the toilet during the night
I am in good mood generally and feeling much more confident at work
30th dec felt a numbness in my right lower leg. This feeling has happened numerous times in one or both legs and sometimes in my left arm. I may have forgotten to tell you that before. I have had two bad days of silent but deadly wind. Once due to eating gluten and the other ate it without knowing what caused it. Prob hidden gluten. Bladder weakness is still the same I think.
1st Dec one week after taking 5 Medorrhinum 200c
I got a blank forgetful moment with a word I should have remembered, during an interview on Tues 29th
I slept till 6.45 so did not wake to go to the toilet during the night
I am in good mood generally and feeling much more confident at work
30th dec felt a numbness in my right lower leg. This feeling has happened numerous times in one or both legs and sometimes in my left arm. I may have forgotten to tell you that before. I have had two bad days of silent but deadly wind. Once due to eating gluten and the other ate it without knowing what caused it. Prob hidden gluten. Bladder weakness is still the same I think.
Tara2 8 years ago
Ok. overall Bit encouraging development but still too early to expect anything big.
Please follow the instructions properly and update after 1 week.
Please follow the instructions properly and update after 1 week.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Dear Doctor,
Dec 10th, 17 days after taking the medorrinum 200c. I am still in great form overall. I did feel a dead feeling in my left lower leg on the 8th for about a half hour as I was sitting doing a meditation and it felt restless, so I had to move it. My bladder and memory have no change. I was in a bad mood earlier today but that was due to getting an unfair result in an assignment.I still wake once or twice during the night, as usual, but return to sleep afterwards.I am a little windier some days in the last two weeks but am generally good unless eating sugar or wheat.
Thanks Doctor.
Dec 10th, 17 days after taking the medorrinum 200c. I am still in great form overall. I did feel a dead feeling in my left lower leg on the 8th for about a half hour as I was sitting doing a meditation and it felt restless, so I had to move it. My bladder and memory have no change. I was in a bad mood earlier today but that was due to getting an unfair result in an assignment.I still wake once or twice during the night, as usual, but return to sleep afterwards.I am a little windier some days in the last two weeks but am generally good unless eating sugar or wheat.
Thanks Doctor.
Tara2 8 years ago
Dear Doctor,
Dec 11th
I also have a cold sore all week on my right side of my mouth, which I rarely get and I was unable to sleep last night as a direct result of feeling cross and upset at the lecturers poor grades given to me, which I perceive as unfair.
Dec 11th
I also have a cold sore all week on my right side of my mouth, which I rarely get and I was unable to sleep last night as a direct result of feeling cross and upset at the lecturers poor grades given to me, which I perceive as unfair.
Tara2 8 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.