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frequent diarrhoea and constipation

I am Sudeb. i am 24 year old boy. height 5.6 ft. wright around 65 kgs. dark skin colour.

Since for a few months i am facing diarrhoea like stool , bright yellow in colour and crumbles down fast. there are froths floating above them. and sometimes i have normal hard stool a bit towards constipation. Sometimes the first half is constipated and the nest half is diarrhea.

I am very fond of sweet and sour.

other problems that i feel are pin or needle like pinching pain in body abdomen, back sometimes in head but for a short while and then it goes away. my muscles in the thighs often contract and relax on their own.

the dieseases i had in past are mild gastritis, chicken pox, herpes, viral hepatitis and dengue. i also have multiple neurofibroma , small lumps in my hand.

I am easily very worried about health. i have stress. i dont drink. I smoke occassinally. Doctor please help me, as i searched in the internet and saw that it can be symptoms of IBS.
  Sudeb1 on 2016-11-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Are you really serious about your health?
I had prescribed you about 5-6 weeks ago and you did not respond at all.
You post a new thread with new problem every time. What are you up to exactly?
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
yes, i am sorry i didn't reply back as i could feel no change in the symptoms... my neursourgeon confirmed that it is multiple neurofibroma and not lipoma. i have small spots in the back and mild ringing in the ear and a sense of fullness in the ears. I think its type 2 neurofibroma. But since they produce no symptoms i cant say if the medicine worked or not. The lumps has not decreased so far. and i face sharp pin like paons in the abdomen, back and head. and muscles of my thighs jumps on their own
Sudeb1 8 years ago

On 10-6

Murthy gave you a prescription for

On forum you use one prescriber.

You give ALL. health problems.

And you give results of what you took to that person.

Do not make new threads.
simone717 8 years ago
ok! so should i continue here or in my old threads?
Sudeb1 8 years ago
Give results to Murthy on the cheledonium thread and tell him about the lipoma thread.

He can decide.
simone717 8 years ago
for a correct homeopathic prescription a homeopath needs to know you thoroughly. Even after having all correct details occasionally first couple of prescriptions may go wrong. This being a forum, any prescriber is totally dependent on what you say.

Here you mention you suffer from constipation and diarrhea since few months but you didn't mention about it anything. How do you expect someone to do any good with incomplete info?
You don't report back if any doctor couldn't help you in first instance? You conclude the doctor is useless? That's certainly not normal / sensible! And are you aware of the fate of the neurofibroma / lipoma at all? Please ask your neurosurgeon about the solution for it.

If this is your attitude I doubt anybody would be able to help you at all.

Anyways, that's your fate!
DrKulkarni 8 years ago

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