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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help me... Foot corn for my wife

My wife suffering from foot corn on both legs past 10yrs, it is very painful, tried many treatment, nothing successful. Plz help me to get it cured by homeopathy medicine
Thanks in advance
  sureshjai on 2016-11-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pl give more detail ,pain ,food habits,lifestyle,in job,standing,walking,sitting,bowel habits,temperament,nature,any stress,any problem in past now and on skin at some other places,any history in family.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
The following are the details:
Pain - while standing / walking in foot around the corn area
The skin around the corn is thick, hard
Food habits - vegetarian, normal house cooked food, moderate oil/salt/etc
Lifestyle - normal middle class
House wife, not working
Bowel movement - normal, nothing obnormal
temperament - not under tension, some times stress due to house work, children study, usual house problem
There is no specific problem for the health, she is anemic, Hb is 9.5, not diabetic, looks lack of calcicum, Fe.
No specific skin problem.
In her family one or two had foot corn, not getting cured for them also.
sureshjai 8 years ago
Forgot to mention - her age 42yrs, weight 62kgs. Early morning pain is more, by the day progress the pain is sustainable, wearing slipper inside house, mosaic flooring.
Even her foot finger nails are brittle, lose in colour, foot is not healthy like others.
sureshjai 8 years ago
ant crude 30 three times for 5 days then two times for 3 days then one time for 3 days silicea 200 one dose after 15 days for three month.first dose of silicea to be taken only after 15 days and by that time report effect of ant crude.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Thanks for the reply, will report
sureshjai 8 years ago

As per your advice medicines were given in the month of december 2016, no improvement seen, the foot corn remains same, painful. Kindly advice for next step.
sureshjai 8 years ago
any pus now or new corn .pl inform.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
No pus, no new corn, same old corn remains on both foot. Plz help, it is paining, unable to walk with bare foot inside house.
sureshjai 8 years ago
silicea 200 one dose evening time for three days then weekly one dose for one month.pl report after 15 days.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Ok sir, thanks a lot, noted, will start from tomorrow and report.
sureshjai 8 years ago
To Mr. Akshaymohl - given Sil 200 as per your advice, couldn't see any change, waiting for your kind suggestion.
sureshjai 8 years ago

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