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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Stomach & cold problem

I am 32 year male and lm suffering from this problem.

1. Stomach not clean regular if I take stomach clear tablet that's give me some relief.
2. Everyday I have cold problem some time stuck in my head
3. If I eat any vitamins and other food, like, banana, orange, ice cream etc. my stomach heavy and blood coming at the time of lettering.

In 2012 I had suffered with pilesdue to this same problem n I operated after that there is no problem.

Please help.

  Ekia on 2016-12-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

by doing EVALUATION on visiting
0antivirus0 8 years ago
Age : 32
Sex : male
weight:, 79
country: india
Ekia 8 years ago
by doing EVALUATION on visiting
0antivirus0 8 years ago

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