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ABC Homeopathy Forum




Sedalia ® - Boiron:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

nervousness, general anxiety, social anxiety, depressive feelings

I am 47 y.o. male.

I want to know if there are any potent remedies to cure or at least reduce general feelings of nervousness, self-consciousness, anxiety, social anxiety and mild depressive feelings and improve feelings of self-confidence, self-respect, courage, happy, care-free feelings?

Thank you.
  Susheelin on 2016-12-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
nearly all homeopathic remedies are capable for working on all symptoms that you have enumerated. the cure will take a long time as one will have to address prevailing symptoms with periodical reviews.

mind; anxiety; agg., ailments from: abrot(3) acet-ac acon(4) act-sp aesc aeth(3) agar(3) agath-a agki-p agri aids alch-v alf(3) all-c alli-m aloe(2) alum(3) alum-p(3) alumn am-c(3) am-caust am-m ambr(3) ammc anac(3) androc ant-c(3) ant-t(3) apis(3) aq-mar arg arg-n(4) arn(4) ars(4) ars-h ars-s-f arum-m asaf asar atist atro aur(4) aur-m aur-m-n aza bacch-a bamb-a bar-c(3) bar-m(4) bart bell(4) benz-ac berb blatta bor(2) bov brass brom(3) bry(4) bufo but-ac cact(3) cadm-s(3) calad(3) calc(4) calc-acet calc-ar calc-f(3) calc-p calc-sil camph(3) cann-s(3) canth caps carb-an(3) carb-v(4) carbn-s carc cast(3) caust(3) cedr cench cer cham(4) chel(4) chin(4) chin-ar chin-s(2) chlor(3) chrysan cic(3) cimic(3) cimx cina cist citl-l clad-r clem coca cocc(4) coch coff(3) colch coloc(3) con(3) coriand corv-c croc crot-c(3) crot-h(4) croto-t culx-p cupr(4) cupr-acet cupr-ar curc cycl(3) cypr cypra-e dig(3) diosp-k diox dulc dys-co dysp dysp-n eryth eup-per euph eur-p falco-p ferr(4) ferr-acet ferr-ar(3) ferr-p ferr-t fl-ac(4) gado-n gels(3) gent-c gink gins glon gran graph(4) haem haliae-lc hell helo hep(4) herin hist hydr-ac hydrog hyos(4) hyper(3) ictod ign(4) ignis indg iod(2) ip(4) jatr Kali-acet kali-ar kali-bi kali-br(3) kali-c(3) kali-i(4) kali-n kali-p(3) kalm kola kreos(2) lac-del lac-h lac-lup lach(3) lact(2) lamp-c lat-h lat-m laur(3) lec(4) led leon(2) lil-t lob(4) loxo-r lsd lyc(4) lyss m-arct m-art mag-c(4) mag-m(3) mag-s mang(4) mang-acet marm-a med(3) melal-a meli(3) merc(4) merc-c(3) merc-v mez(2) mimul-l morph-acet(2) mosch(3) mur-ac mygal naja(3) nat-ar(3) nat-c(4) nat-m(4) nat-p(3) nat-s neod-c nicc nico-r nicot nit-ac(3) nitro nux-m(4) nux-v(4) oci-s oena ol-an olnd onc-t op(3) osm ov ox-ac par(3) passi paul-p perl petr(3) ph-ac(4) phel phos(4) pic-ac pitu-a plac plan plat(3) plb(3) plb-acet(2) plut-n(2) podo posit pot-a pras-o prun(4) psil-c psor puls(4) pyrog querc-r ran-b(3) ran-s(3) raph rat rham-cath rheum rhod(2) rhus-t(3) ros-g(2) ruta(3) sabad sabin(3) salx-f sam-c samb(3) sang(3) sars(3) scut sec(4) sel(3) seneg sep(4) sil(4) sol sol-m(3) sol-n(3) spig(3) spong(4) squil(2) stann(4) staph(3) stram(4) stront-c stry succ sul-ac sulph(4) syph tab(4) taosc tarent(4) tarent-c tax-br telo-s ter(3) thuj(3) thul-c tub valer verat(4) verbe-o verin viol-o viol-t vip(2) vip-r wies wild xan(2) zinc(3) zinc-i zinc-p
kadwa 8 years ago
Dear susheelin,

You need to answer a lot of questions to get a good match with a remedy that fits you.

Look thru the forum, you can click user names and see threads.

Right now on here, you could make a new thread and ask for antivirus or homeodr to take your case, put their name in your headline.

Best option is go see a real homeopath in person.
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 23 Dec 2016 17:03:17 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
Thank you for the response.

So homeopathy CAN help me achieve the improvements I have described in the question? Right?

Seeing a good homeopath in person sounds best.
Susheelin 8 years ago
Yes, homeopathy can help you.
simone717 8 years ago

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