The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Foresaken & Fear
Can someone recommend a remedy for me? I have feelings of being forsaken, and fear in pit of stomach. there are various symptoms I would be happy to share if someone wants to ask the questions needed in order to determine an appropriate remedy? Thank you.taz55 on 2016-12-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls give me the following detail....
It is now universally acknowledged that your mind has tremendous infuence onyourbody.
For giving proper treatment it is absolutely necessary for us to understand your emotional and intellectual nature. We can thus treat you as a whole.
In ordertounderstandyouwewillbeaskingcertainquestions.Answerthemfreely,carefully
and completely. This information will help us much in giving you the correct remedy. Also such a remedy will help improve your mental make up.
Answer freely. Answer frankly. Answer completely.
Are you anxious ? About which matters ?
Are you fearful of anything such as animals, people, being alone, darkness, death, disease, robbers, sudden noises, thunder, of the future, of something unknown, high places, etc. ?
Are you doubtful or suspicious? Of what ?
What are you jealous about ?
Of whom? From what symptoms do you suffer when jealousy ?
In which matter are you impatient ?
Hurried ?
How long do you remember hurts caused to you by others ?
How much revengeful are you ?
What are you proud of ? Does your pride get easily hurt ?
Depress, Brooding, etc. ?
Do you ever become suicidal ? When ? If so in what manner do you contemplate to end your life ?
Even then, are you afraid of dying ?
When are you cheerful ?
Are you sexual-minded ?
Any unwanted thoughts any time ?
What are they ?
Have you any imaginary sensations or fears ?
Do you hear voices, or that you are called, or anything else in this line keeps on occurring in your mind unduly ?
How is your memory ?
For what is it poor? e.g. names, places, faces, what you have read, etc.
Do you weep easily ?
What makes you weep ?
How do you feel after weeping ?
How do you feel if someone offers sympathy and consolation ?
Are you easily irritated ?
What makes you angry ?
What bodily symptoms do you develop when angry ? e.g. trembling, sweating etc.
Do you like company ? Or like to remain alone ?
How seriously are you affected by disorder and uncleanliness in your surrounding ?
What are the greatest griefs that you have gone through in your life ?
What are the greatest joys that you have had in life ?
What activities you deeply like ?
Are there any matters which you deeply dislike ?
In your opinion, which aspects of your mind and moods are not agreeable to you. Inspite of your awareness and maturity, are you unable to change these aspects ?
Give a clear cut picture of your situation in life and your relationship with each of your family members, friends and associates in work.
How does the future look to you ?
When you are free, what thoughts come to your mind ?
Are you worried or unhappy over any personal, domestic, economical, social or any other condition ?
If so describe in detail :
It is now universally acknowledged that your mind has tremendous infuence onyourbody.
For giving proper treatment it is absolutely necessary for us to understand your emotional and intellectual nature. We can thus treat you as a whole.
In ordertounderstandyouwewillbeaskingcertainquestions.Answerthemfreely,carefully
and completely. This information will help us much in giving you the correct remedy. Also such a remedy will help improve your mental make up.
Answer freely. Answer frankly. Answer completely.
Are you anxious ? About which matters ?
Are you fearful of anything such as animals, people, being alone, darkness, death, disease, robbers, sudden noises, thunder, of the future, of something unknown, high places, etc. ?
Are you doubtful or suspicious? Of what ?
What are you jealous about ?
Of whom? From what symptoms do you suffer when jealousy ?
In which matter are you impatient ?
Hurried ?
How long do you remember hurts caused to you by others ?
How much revengeful are you ?
What are you proud of ? Does your pride get easily hurt ?
Depress, Brooding, etc. ?
Do you ever become suicidal ? When ? If so in what manner do you contemplate to end your life ?
Even then, are you afraid of dying ?
When are you cheerful ?
Are you sexual-minded ?
Any unwanted thoughts any time ?
What are they ?
Have you any imaginary sensations or fears ?
Do you hear voices, or that you are called, or anything else in this line keeps on occurring in your mind unduly ?
How is your memory ?
For what is it poor? e.g. names, places, faces, what you have read, etc.
Do you weep easily ?
What makes you weep ?
How do you feel after weeping ?
How do you feel if someone offers sympathy and consolation ?
Are you easily irritated ?
What makes you angry ?
What bodily symptoms do you develop when angry ? e.g. trembling, sweating etc.
Do you like company ? Or like to remain alone ?
How seriously are you affected by disorder and uncleanliness in your surrounding ?
What are the greatest griefs that you have gone through in your life ?
What are the greatest joys that you have had in life ?
What activities you deeply like ?
Are there any matters which you deeply dislike ?
In your opinion, which aspects of your mind and moods are not agreeable to you. Inspite of your awareness and maturity, are you unable to change these aspects ?
Give a clear cut picture of your situation in life and your relationship with each of your family members, friends and associates in work.
How does the future look to you ?
When you are free, what thoughts come to your mind ?
Are you worried or unhappy over any personal, domestic, economical, social or any other condition ?
If so describe in detail :
♡ deoshlok 8 years ago
Are you anxious ? About which matters ? Yes, anxiety upon waking and much of the time. yes about important things.
Are you fearful of anything such as animals, people, being alone, darkness, death, disease, robbers, sudden noises, thunder, of the future, of something unknown, high places, etc. ?
Fear of closed in places, elevatory, tunnel, bridge, and pitch darkness.
Are you doubtful or suspicious? Of what ?
sometimes do not trust reason why people do things.
What are you jealous about ?
not aware of any jealousy at this time.
Of whom? From what symptoms do you suffer when jealousy ?
In which matter are you impatient ?
Hurried ? I am hurried when doing errands, walking in store, etc.
How long do you remember hurts caused to you by others ? some I remember, others pass not right away, maybe several days, depending on the severity.
How much revengeful are you ? I do not consider myself revengeful.
What are you proud of ? Does your pride get easily hurt ?
cannot think of anything here.
Depress, Brooding, etc. ? sometimes, not often.
Do you ever become suicidal ? When ? If so in what manner do you contemplate to end your life ? No
Even then, are you afraid of dying ? No
When are you cheerful ?
when I hear something amusing or talking with someone joking around.
Are you sexual-minded ? No
Any unwanted thoughts any time ? just worries
What are they ?
Have you any imaginary sensations or fears ? No
Do you hear voices, or that you are called, or anything else in this line keeps on occurring in your mind unduly ? No
How is your memory ? very good, I remember numbers of phone, marker plates etc, people are amazed. I also think I have photographic memory I can find things by picturing where I last put it, etc.
For what is it poor? e.g. names, places, faces, what you have read, etc. Names and sense of direction
Do you weep easily ? No
What makes you weep ? it takes alot, but a very touching video, or a death or sad thing happens
How do you feel after weeping ? worse
How do you feel if someone offers sympathy and consolation ? worse
Are you easily irritated ? Yes
What makes you angry ? People not understanding me or contradicting me.
What bodily symptoms do you develop when angry ? e.g. trembling, sweating etc. maybe clenching teeth? not aware of symptoms
Do you like company ? Or like to remain alone ? Alone
How seriously are you affected by disorder and uncleanliness in your surrounding ? I do not mind.
What are the greatest griefs that you have gone through in your life ? loss of people cared for.
What are the greatest joys that you have had in life ?
What activities you deeply like ? dancing, graphic arts, technology
Are there any matters which you deeply dislike ?
In your opinion, which aspects of your mind and moods are not agreeable to you. Inspite of your awareness and maturity, are you unable to change these aspects ? anxiety and irritablility, yes unable to change it.
Give a clear cut picture of your situation in life and your relationship with each of your family members, friends and associates in work. none right now, favorite family members passed away, retired from work, some like minded people I connect with online and on phone, such as former coworker or friends, sometimes meet for lunch.
Are you fearful of anything such as animals, people, being alone, darkness, death, disease, robbers, sudden noises, thunder, of the future, of something unknown, high places, etc. ?
Fear of closed in places, elevatory, tunnel, bridge, and pitch darkness.
Are you doubtful or suspicious? Of what ?
sometimes do not trust reason why people do things.
What are you jealous about ?
not aware of any jealousy at this time.
Of whom? From what symptoms do you suffer when jealousy ?
In which matter are you impatient ?
Hurried ? I am hurried when doing errands, walking in store, etc.
How long do you remember hurts caused to you by others ? some I remember, others pass not right away, maybe several days, depending on the severity.
How much revengeful are you ? I do not consider myself revengeful.
What are you proud of ? Does your pride get easily hurt ?
cannot think of anything here.
Depress, Brooding, etc. ? sometimes, not often.
Do you ever become suicidal ? When ? If so in what manner do you contemplate to end your life ? No
Even then, are you afraid of dying ? No
When are you cheerful ?
when I hear something amusing or talking with someone joking around.
Are you sexual-minded ? No
Any unwanted thoughts any time ? just worries
What are they ?
Have you any imaginary sensations or fears ? No
Do you hear voices, or that you are called, or anything else in this line keeps on occurring in your mind unduly ? No
How is your memory ? very good, I remember numbers of phone, marker plates etc, people are amazed. I also think I have photographic memory I can find things by picturing where I last put it, etc.
For what is it poor? e.g. names, places, faces, what you have read, etc. Names and sense of direction
Do you weep easily ? No
What makes you weep ? it takes alot, but a very touching video, or a death or sad thing happens
How do you feel after weeping ? worse
How do you feel if someone offers sympathy and consolation ? worse
Are you easily irritated ? Yes
What makes you angry ? People not understanding me or contradicting me.
What bodily symptoms do you develop when angry ? e.g. trembling, sweating etc. maybe clenching teeth? not aware of symptoms
Do you like company ? Or like to remain alone ? Alone
How seriously are you affected by disorder and uncleanliness in your surrounding ? I do not mind.
What are the greatest griefs that you have gone through in your life ? loss of people cared for.
What are the greatest joys that you have had in life ?
What activities you deeply like ? dancing, graphic arts, technology
Are there any matters which you deeply dislike ?
In your opinion, which aspects of your mind and moods are not agreeable to you. Inspite of your awareness and maturity, are you unable to change these aspects ? anxiety and irritablility, yes unable to change it.
Give a clear cut picture of your situation in life and your relationship with each of your family members, friends and associates in work. none right now, favorite family members passed away, retired from work, some like minded people I connect with online and on phone, such as former coworker or friends, sometimes meet for lunch.
taz55 8 years ago
taz55 8 years ago
Fear is a classic excess vata (vayu/air) symptom.I expect constipation, coolness body , liking for heat and aversion to cold dry foods and climate. Also possible gas issues.
♡ Teupne 8 years ago
I replied to the person who posted the questionnaire, and they should reply as they were interested in the case. No to Teupne's idea that is not the case at all the symptoms you describe. I am sticking with homeopathy whoever can evaluate from the questionnaire, I thought the person who posted wanted to research it.
taz55 8 years ago
but I didn't request anyone special, I just posted my issue and let whoever had an interest, and then I answered the questions promptly thinking that person wanted to help. maybe someone else will review, and give direction or give more inquiry, that will be fine also.
taz55 8 years ago
Simone I see many posts on this Dr user you refer to dated today 1/8 why are you saying he is not active in the forum?
taz55 8 years ago
Click user name and view dates
Of posts and responses. You can see entire history of each person on here.
Of posts and responses. You can see entire history of each person on here.
♡ simone717 8 years ago
Yes I see. I messaged him privately, and he asked me to send the link to this thread, Dr seems willing but I am still waiting for reply.
taz55 8 years ago
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