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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Old cough issue

My daughter 4yrs 10months old suffering from cough(morning & evening after wake up from sleep its too much).During the day its not much.She has throat irritation also during the day as if mucus has stuck up in her throat.This prob is almost an year old still not resolved.She is also v sensitive to climate change.pls help
  ins on 2017-01-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give her Hep.Sulph 200c..4 pills..twice in a day, for three days only and report back.
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
The full name is Hepar Sulph.
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Thank you Sir.

Yesterday night I started with medicine.

Just to inform you ,yesterday whole day she was having irritating throat.Every second she was trying to clear her throat & getting irritated due to the same.In between coughing also started may be due to climate.
After 1st dose in late evening her throat irritation went & she started coughing alot. Morning her voice has changed & cough is like coughing in tunnel. evry few sec she coughs & saying chest is paining due to cough.Hope Hep sulph will give her relief.Whats your advice.
ins 8 years ago
Use hepar Sulph for three days as suggested. We may have to follow up with drosera 200c. Procure it and keep it on hand.

Also order Bryonia 200c. We may need it later.
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Ok Sir.Will do so.Thanks.
ins 8 years ago

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