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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Lycopodium for Acidity/GERD

I have been prescribed Lycopodium by my doctor as i was suffering from severe acidity and GERD. I took 1 does of Lycopodium 200C followed by Lyc 30 (2 tablets morning and evening) for two weeks. There was some improvement so I took another dose of Lyc 200C followed by two more weeks fo Lyc 30 twice daily. This course continued for another two weeks after which I took Lyc 1M. I am still continuing with Lyc 30C twice daily which are going to stop in the next two days. My last 3 weeks have been considerable better but I just had a bad flare up yesterday. Should i continue taking the medicine or stop? Lyc 1M doesnt seem to have much benefit. Lyc 200C seems to be working better but only for 2-3 weeks after which the symptome come back.
  Sun on 2017-01-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Sun,

Only Lycopodium 200C is enough. You can take 2 doses fortnightly.

Get the remedy in liquid:
Put five drop of the remedy in 20 ml of mineral water, hit the bottle atleast 6 time and keep it for 5 minutes. Take one tea spoon from it. That’s one dose. Do the same procedure for each dose.

First dose: At night before sleeping.
Second dose: 12 hrs after the first dose.
Third dose: 12 hrs after the second dose.

If there is significant worsening of symptoms (called homeopathic aggravation) after the first dose, then don’t take the second dose.
Don’t take any other homeopathic remedy during this treatment.
Give a break of at least 10 minutes before eating/drinking anything before or after taking the remedy.
During the treatment, don’t eat anything which you have never had all your life.

Sometimes the symptoms for which treatment is being done can worsen after taking the homeopathic remedy. This is homeopathic aggravation and a good sign. It usually dies down within 24-48 hrs. During this time you can use any non-medicinal means to keep yourself comfortable. If the aggravation seems excessive, you can use any & all means necessary (including taking allopathic medicines) to keep yourself comfortable. Keep your homeopath fully updated if this happens.

A good example of how to report your progress is by giving %age improvement or worsening for all your health problems e.g.
Emotions: e.g. Feeling of happiness improved 40%
Energy level: e.g. Feeling of tiredness reduced 70%
Main health problem: e.g. Nasal discharge reduced 50%
Other health problems: e.g. Acne increased 60%
Anything new: Depression: e.g. Loose stool started
And so on list all your complaints.
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Any cure in homeopathic treatment will always follow this rule (Hering’s Law of Cure) otherwise it’s not cure, just palliation. The cure must proceed from centre to circumference. From centre to circumference is from above downward, from within outwards, from more important to less important organs, from the head to the hands and feet.

If someone is giving several remedies, without waiting to see the effect of one remedy, then it is totally against the core principles of homeopathy. Such an approach is unlikely to give permanent cure, rather it may distort actual symptoms making subsequent cure even more difficult.

Use common sense in following these guidelines and ask me if unsure. Homeopathy is not magic and it can only work when all other supportive strategies are also used. To make sure you are cured as fast as possible and stay that way please change your lifestyle to include the following:

1. Start eating half cup of low fat, plain, non-flavored yogurt with live cultures daily in the morning or with lunch. If you have homemade yogurt that’s the best. Yogurt can cause increased mucus generation in some individuals, if you are like that, don’t eat yogurt. Rather start eating roasted black chick peas (also known as Bengal Gram) daily.
2. Stop all processed foods e.g. white bread, white rice, white burgers etc.
3. Eat whole foods only i.e. whole grain bread, brown rice, brown burgers etc.
4. The bread should be high in bran content & the flour should be coarse ground.
5. Start eating a small bowl of salad at least once a day e.g. it should contain cucumber, carrots, salad leaves, tomato and any vegetable you like. Put a dressing of olive oil & raw apple cider vinegar and put some salt & black pepper to your liking.
6. Eat at least 1-2 fruits per day e.g. apple, orange etc.
7. Drink enough water so that your urine is clear. Yellow colored urine is a good indication that you are dehydrated.
8. Eat only when hungry and when eating, don’t overstuff yourself.
9. Focus on food only when you eat i.e. don’t divert your attention by watching tv etc.
10. Exercise:
• Aerobic activity e.g. Start walking at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week with your spouse/friend and achieve your target heart rate.
• Strength training e.g. Start weight training at least 20 minutes 3 days a week.

No amount of treatment, be it homeopathic or allopathic, can cure if the persistent cause is not eliminated e.g. if you keep moving a broken bone repeatedly then it will never heal since you are not giving it the required break to heal and set the bone. The same logic applies to constant immense stress (don’t confuse it with daily life stress which is necessary to survive).
Extremely unhappy relationships are toxic in nature and only breed more contempt & ill health unless they are addressed and proper remedial measures are not taken
HealthyWorld 8 years ago
Thanks HealthyWorld

For how long can I keep taking Lycopodium 200C? I have already taken 3 doses at a gap of 15-20 days till now.

Sun 8 years ago
Till improvement stops.
HealthyWorld 8 years ago
Thanks HealthyWorld. I took another dose of Lyc - 200 on Sunday evening post which the symptoms aggravated. Things seem to be better now. But does Lyc -200 does aggravate symptoms for the intial few days before resolving them?
Sun 8 years ago
Next time plz. take only two dose rather than three and report back with the changes observed.

Get the remedy in liquid:
Put five drop of the remedy in 20 ml of mineral water, hit the bottle atleast 6 time and keep it for 5 minutes. Take one tea spoon from it. That’s one dose. Do the same procedure for each dose.

First dose: At night before sleeping.
Second dose: 12 hrs after the first dose.
HealthyWorld 8 years ago
Thanks HealthyWorld.

I actually take the dose from my doctor. He provides the dose in form of tablets and suggest I take all of them at one time. That is what I did this time. For next time can/should I continue this way?
Sun 8 years ago
Dear Sun,

please follow only one prescription at a time.
HealthyWorld 8 years ago
Hi HealthyWorld

I had taken a dose of Lyc 200 on 29th and my symptoms aggravated for the next 3-4 days. Since then it improved and last 2 days I was feeling much better. Today again the acidity is high.

I am not sure if this is aggravation or whether I need another dose. How to figure whether this is an impact of overdosing or if there is a need of another dose?
Sun 8 years ago
Dear sun,

Please advise healthy world how long have you had this problem?

And even if you are eating the diet suggested if you have eaten too much acidic foods earlier? You are going to have to stop those things for a time.

I know people with this problem who ate a good diet , but had chocolate every evening. They stopped that and the acidity stopped after a week. One needs to stop acidic drinks like tea, coffee, citrus fruits and drinks, tomatoes etc and give your system a break to get more alkaline.

You have to investigate what are the food and drink choices causing this.
Lycopodium and other remedies are only going to give short term relief if the daily food intake is too acidic .
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 07 Feb 2017 07:34:25 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
Thanks simone717

I have had this problem now for the last 6 months. I initially started with an allopathic course and it cured the problem. But when i tried to wean of the drugs the issue came back. I tried weaning off the drug a couple of times and then decided to switch to Homeopathy.

I have been eating a very controlled diet. No tea/coffee/milk/chocolates/spicy fried food. I don't think the food causes this (there are weeks when I feel very good and I eat everything except for the ones I mentioned above) and then there are days when things are bad even though I have not eaten anything that's new in my diet.
Sun 8 years ago
Dear sun

Allopathy rarely cures anything. It just pushes problems deeper in to the tissues which is quite dangerous. When you stop medications these deeper issues return to surface coz it never went away.

You should adopt ayurveda to find permanent cure. It will take some time but proper healing will take place.

Diet is very important. Other than that following should heal you:

1.avippatikar churna.

2.aloe Vera sap or juice.

3.kamdudha/sutshekar ras

4.liv 52

That's it.

What's you age/weight/sex

Which weather do you prefer hot or cold.?
Teupne 8 years ago
Dear sun,

If it has been going on for that long of a time, then right diagnosis is missing.

Did you go to a gastroenterologist?
You are doing the right things ,
I think you need some tests to discover the cause factor.
simone717 8 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.