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Mag Mur 30 works for Sleep Apnea, snoring

Sleep Apnea, intermittent mouth breathing during sleep, snoring causes frequent waking at night. Lack of sleep in turn cases many health problems. It is more common during old age.

Would like to share the recent success with Mag Mur 30 and Silicea.

If anyone of the readers have this problem, please try this and write back to this thread for the benefit of others

1 dose of Mag Mur 30 (4 pills) in the morning. After 1 to 2 hours, take Silicea 30 on the same day.

Repeat this on alternate days for three or 4 days

This has magically restored normal sleep permanently in many patients and is worth trying.

Mag Mur restores liver and silicea improves calcium assimilation.

Reva V
  Reva V on 2017-01-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thanks Reva.
simone717 8 years ago
Hello Reva.

Thank you for the information you provide for sleep apnea and snoring.

Is the recommended dilution for Mag Mur 30 X or C and Silicea 30 X or C?

Does it matter if tablets or pellets used? Is there a homeopathy brand that may be better to use?
shinlee 8 years ago
Both are C. Reckeweg Germany, but others must be ok, based on other doctors' experience
Reva V 8 years ago

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