The ABC Homeopathy Forum
3 months old baby - cold and cough
my 3 yr old son is having cough and cold since last 3-4 days, consulted a paediatrician, given anti biotic and cough syrup. meficines are little helping but i m not comfortable giving so many medicines to my little child. his phlegm is not coming out, he cough and eat the phelgm which comes in his mouth. since birth, his nose remains blocked and doctor said its due to our family history of cold. he vomits milk after feeding and even after taking burp. he is on mother feed and formula tooWe are also giving him nebulizer
[message edited by fizspace on Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:01:36 UTC]
fizspace on 2017-01-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ homeo_helper 8 years ago
shall i give him the pills dissolved in water ? or can i give 4 drops of calc carb 30 in 1 spoon of water
shall i give him the pills dissolved in water ? or can i give 4 drops of calc carb 30 in 1 spoon of water
fizspace 8 years ago
ok, both will do (drops are better)
homeo helper
[message edited by homeo_helper on Thu, 02 Feb 2017 00:11:41 UTC]
homeo helper
[message edited by homeo_helper on Thu, 02 Feb 2017 00:11:41 UTC]
♡ homeo_helper 8 years ago
its 2 days now since i am giving him calc carb 30, he is vomiting more and motions are more. shall i continue ?
fizspace 8 years ago
♡ homeo_helper 8 years ago
i m continuing calc carb, he is feeling better but sometimes vomit milk in big quantities. also, his face is having acne or very fine pimples.
fizspace 8 years ago
my son is better now and i have already stopped calc carb 4 days ago. only his face skin is rough and very fine acne or pimples. will that go away on its own ?
[message edited by fizspace on Fri, 17 Feb 2017 14:48:44 UTC]
[message edited by fizspace on Fri, 17 Feb 2017 14:48:44 UTC]
fizspace 8 years ago
PL give him
Pulsetilla-200 6 pills twice a day for one week and then give feedback
homeo helper
[message edited by homeo_helper on Sat, 18 Feb 2017 15:29:27 UTC]
Pulsetilla-200 6 pills twice a day for one week and then give feedback
homeo helper
[message edited by homeo_helper on Sat, 18 Feb 2017 15:29:27 UTC]
♡ homeo_helper 8 years ago
his acne or pimples on face cleared in a few days without any medicine.
though his cold is not there but he chokes a lot while having feed or bottled milk and his hunger is not growing with age. he also vomits the milk even after taking burp, sometimes digested milk and mostly undigested one just after feed. he sweats a lot on head and his feet becomes cold rapidly. his hairs are growing very slowly. he is now 4 months old.
though his cold is not there but he chokes a lot while having feed or bottled milk and his hunger is not growing with age. he also vomits the milk even after taking burp, sometimes digested milk and mostly undigested one just after feed. he sweats a lot on head and his feet becomes cold rapidly. his hairs are growing very slowly. he is now 4 months old.
fizspace 7 years ago
Pl stop Pusetilla-200 and again start Calc carb-30 as advised for next 10 days and then give feedback
homeo helper
homeo helper
♡ homeo_helper 7 years ago
i am giving calc carb 30 for last 10 days and it is helping but he often vomits milk. at midnight, when he wakes up hungry, his mouth smells like mucus in his throat or maybe lungs. he also chokes while having feed.
he is having extreme itch in his gums, might be teething, he is also not sleeping well.
[message edited by fizspace on Mon, 20 Mar 2017 16:58:26 UTC]
he is having extreme itch in his gums, might be teething, he is also not sleeping well.
[message edited by fizspace on Mon, 20 Mar 2017 16:58:26 UTC]
fizspace 7 years ago
Pl give in addition to calc carb-30
Austusa-30 4 pills twice a day for one week and then give feedback
homeo helper
Austusa-30 4 pills twice a day for one week and then give feedback
homeo helper
♡ homeo_helper 7 years ago
did you mean aethusa 30 right doc?
♡ drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
recently my son started vomiting and his appetite also got less so i consulted a doctor who diagnosed him for intestinal infection. He gave him few antibiotics and bacillus drops. Now, he is fine and not vomiting.
Shall i give him calc carb again or stop all the medicines now.
Shall i give him calc carb again or stop all the medicines now.
fizspace 7 years ago
after antibiotics course, my son is not having vomiting but he often coughs and sleep in bending position. his head, palm and feet remains hot all the time, i checked for fever but he is not having any fever.
fizspace 7 years ago
still waiting for anybody to respond to my last post, my son still having warm head and running nose
fizspace 7 years ago
♡ drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
he coughs a little but while feeding, he chokes in the starting then gets normal. his head and palms mostly remain hot and he is having runny nose few times. also having constipation.
fizspace 7 years ago
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