The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Eczema, itchy skin, food intolerance
Hi,Since I was 13 I have developed eczema. I'm 32 now , regular periods but underweight. I'm 5ft7 and 40kgs. I sleep well. Have multiple food intolerance and developing new ones.but I know I'm allergic to sugar. Even when I have cell salts and homeopathy I get flare ups. I'm allergic to potatoes tomatoes peppers and chillies spices.arsenic alb calms itching feeling and I can sleep even deeper but makes constipated. Tried numerous doctors medications just to have New patches of eczema show up after few months.
Nat mur cured my eczema, helped drastically with constipation. On 30c. Lots of phlegm came out, too much and went to the toilet about 50 times one week.
But it made New patches of Eczema appear on arms which have remained there for 18 months. Have tried petroleum, sulphur, all in 30c for about a week - ten days, all have helped very slightly only.
How can I get rid of tomato potato and sugar allergy ?
Thank you
Eczema84 on 2017-02-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Ayurveda can heal.
Check your prakriti at holisticonline. Com under ayurveda section and report scores.
Your age, height, weight, location?
Complete medical and digestive history?
Excess vata seems to be the reason.
Check your prakriti at holisticonline. Com under ayurveda section and report scores.
Your age, height, weight, location?
Complete medical and digestive history?
Excess vata seems to be the reason.
♡ Teupne 8 years ago
I have tried ayurveda many times with no result. I only want homeopathy right now.
Homeopathy cured my asthma brought under control.
Thank you
Homeopathy cured my asthma brought under control.
Thank you
Eczema84 8 years ago
You may have tried ayurveda unsuccessfully.
But did you modify your diet which is often the root cause??
and what all medicines you tried?
But did you modify your diet which is often the root cause??
and what all medicines you tried?
♡ Teupne 8 years ago
I have Been to 5 ayurved qualified they have me cocktail of medicines every time.
I remove wheat and dairy, caffeine but I'm allergic to do many things. The wheat makes me chronic fatigued. Removing it cures fatigue.
Thank you
I remove wheat and dairy, caffeine but I'm allergic to do many things. The wheat makes me chronic fatigued. Removing it cures fatigue.
Thank you
Eczema84 8 years ago
See my earlier post where I mentioned excess vata is the reason.
Did any ayurveda practitioner tell you that? Did anyone tell you the food you have to take to balance your vata?
The Spices and herbs you need to take?
Vata explains all your food allergies.
Vata tells me you are light weight/thin/cold to touch/constipated/hate cold weather and food/like warm food and drinks/changeable/flexible/Dry Ness in you. Small face. Sensitive to noise and wind. ........
What is your current diet like?
[message edited by Teupne on Sun, 19 Feb 2017 04:54:26 UTC]
Did any ayurveda practitioner tell you that? Did anyone tell you the food you have to take to balance your vata?
The Spices and herbs you need to take?
Vata explains all your food allergies.
Vata tells me you are light weight/thin/cold to touch/constipated/hate cold weather and food/like warm food and drinks/changeable/flexible/Dry Ness in you. Small face. Sensitive to noise and wind. ........
What is your current diet like?
[message edited by Teupne on Sun, 19 Feb 2017 04:54:26 UTC]
♡ Teupne 8 years ago
Non spicy, Hot meals. Breakfast is light,I have difficulty digesting starches potatoes carrots etc make me sleepy lazy immediately. Very embarrassing. Dinner Gujarati thali. Can't take too spicy in mouth or stomach, burns me.
Yes you're right in tall skinny ex model.
How can I get rid of allergies with homeopathy or kick start with ayurvedic herbs ?
And gain weight
Thank you
Yes you're right in tall skinny ex model.
How can I get rid of allergies with homeopathy or kick start with ayurvedic herbs ?
And gain weight
Thank you
Eczema84 8 years ago
Olive oil, flaxseeds, carrots, fennel seeds, Himalayan or sea salt help me, a lot ! Nat mur helped alot. Castor oil pack over liver area helps tremendously.
Eczema84 8 years ago
Check vata balancing food, spices and herbs and lifestyle at banyan botanicals website.
Herbs:Triphla , ginger, basil, guggul, ashwagandha, vacha, shatavar
Food:sweet sour and salty tastes
No pungent bitter and astringent, no tea, white sugar, coffee
Spices:ginger, ajwain, hing,others
To begin start with triphla preferably homemade. Butter milk, raisins
Herbs:Triphla , ginger, basil, guggul, ashwagandha, vacha, shatavar
Food:sweet sour and salty tastes
No pungent bitter and astringent, no tea, white sugar, coffee
Spices:ginger, ajwain, hing,others
To begin start with triphla preferably homemade. Butter milk, raisins
♡ Teupne 8 years ago
Do a new thread for homeopathy.ask for antivirus in your headline.antivirus is a professional and has a case taking form .
Eczema can be a long treatment depending on how often it was suppressed with medicine and creams. All the suppression will have to release. You cannot use creams or meds while treating as they will delay and stop cure. See if antivirus has the time to do this.
Do a new thread for homeopathy.ask for antivirus in your headline.antivirus is a professional and has a case taking form .
Eczema can be a long treatment depending on how often it was suppressed with medicine and creams. All the suppression will have to release. You cannot use creams or meds while treating as they will delay and stop cure. See if antivirus has the time to do this.
♡ simone717 8 years ago
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