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Less facial hair growth especially moustache

I am 22 years old,5'11", weight 78, I have normal beard on chin and neck but i have very thin hairs on lips and cheeks almost unvisible. I have have chronic acne problem from past 3-4 years which arises in the summer and stops in winter... for that I have taken Isotratinion treatment for almost 8-9 months 2 years ego.. please suggest me treatment for facial hairs and also my father has a thick beard and moustache and every male member in my family even my younger brother who is 19years old only..
It causes low self esteem and lack of confidence and sometime I feel stressed because of this also please help.

[message edited by Halfblood on Mon, 20 Feb 2017 15:36:35 UTC]

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  Halfblood on 2017-02-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try testosterone 30 weekly one dose for long period...

dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok 8 years ago

The drug you took is also known as accutane. A substantial number of people reported low testosterone levels after taking this, so that could be the cause. Pay attention to your diet and what is good for your liver .

In Chinese medicine the liver rules the skin. Hope the testosterone 30c
Gets you back to normal.
simone717 8 years ago
Thanks for early reply simone717 & deoshlok , you are suggesting testosterone 30... I have a concern regarding this, I have read at most of the places that excessive testosterone causes male pattern baldness.. I had severe hairfall also from last year which fortunately stopped from few months may be it's because of reduced stress level still I have quite thin and sparse hairs... Currently I am taking thuja 200 and Berberis aquifolium and something called Kali. Brom.30 (it's written on the it like that) for acne and hairfall... keeping that in mind is it safe to take that medication along with them?
And if it is safe then will it treat it permanently or I have to keep it going...
also where can I buy this..?

[message edited by Halfblood on Tue, 21 Feb 2017 20:53:55 UTC]
Halfblood 8 years ago
Expecting a reply please reply...
Halfblood 8 years ago

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