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Premature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Attention akshaymohl_please help:Weak erection and premature ejaculation

My penis erection is very weak . Sometime i can do intercourse, sometime can't. When I able to do intercourse, it lasts only 2-3 stroke, then ejaculate. Please suggest my relationship is in danger. I am 31 years old.
[message edited by faruq0602 on Mon, 13 Mar 2017 07:10:16 UTC]
  faruq0602 on 2017-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Lycopodium 1000C one dose evening time for one day repeat after 7 days for one month.conium 30 twice daily for 7 days .
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Please akshaymohl - any advice on how to take it and meaning of one dose?
[message edited by faruq0602 on Thu, 02 Mar 2017 07:51:43 UTC]
[message edited by faruq0602 on Thu, 02 Mar 2017 07:52:09 UTC]
faruq0602 8 years ago
for any meds if liquid it is two drops in one table spoon of water as one dose and if globules it is 4/6 as one dose.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
Dr. akshaymohl- I went to a doctor and he has given me
1. Ginseng- Q 2. Agnus Castus
Twice daily
[message edited by faruq0602 on Sat, 04 Mar 2017 13:12:55 UTC]
faruq0602 7 years ago
pl take medicine as per your doctor.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
Dear Dr akshaymohl- I have been taking Ginseng-Q and Agnus Castus since November (7 days gap given by me) prescribed by doctor. My erection has slightly better but there is no improvement in premature ejaculation. Now there is vein visible in my penis.
Please suggest me. What can I do?
[message edited by faruq0602 on Sun, 05 Mar 2017 06:24:44 UTC]
faruq0602 7 years ago
Please reply akshaymohl
[message edited by faruq0602 on Wed, 08 Mar 2017 09:48:26 UTC]
faruq0602 7 years ago
Please reply akshaymohl. I am waiting for your reply
faruq0602 7 years ago
You can try Lycopodium 200c two pellets two times a day preferably empty stomach.then stop you can order medicine online www.rxhomeo.in
samthakur 7 years ago
Please please reply akshaymohl. I am waiting for your reply. I am I big trouble.
faruq0602 7 years ago
pl inform what is the problem.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
Erection improved slightly. But there is no improvement in premature ejaculation after taking medicine( list in previous post)from November -16.
What I can I do? Can i Stop using the medicines that i am using from November -16. I masturbate a lot from the age of 15 to November -16. I have no other health problems. I am 31 years old. Height 5 ft. 7 inch. Weight 67 kg . No bad habit like smoking, alcohol etc.Please help me akshaymohl. I am waiting for your reply.
[message edited by faruq0602 on Sat, 11 Mar 2017 07:50:21 UTC]
faruq0602 7 years ago
Please help me.
faruq0602 7 years ago
I have stopped all previous medicine.
Taken Lycopodium 200c as
First dose: At night before sleeping.
Second dose: 12 hrs after the first dose.
Third dose: 12 hrs after the second dose.
Someone help me.
[message edited by faruq0602 on Sun, 12 Mar 2017 14:24:38 UTC]
faruq0602 7 years ago
Please someone help me.
[message edited by faruq0602 on Mon, 13 Mar 2017 07:07:10 UTC]
faruq0602 7 years ago
Lycopodium takes time to be cured but the result is permanent keep patience and follow akshaymohl
Shemul 7 years ago
pl have patience and give meds some time and do not worry we are here to help you.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
I will inform you development after 10-12 days Dr. akshaymohl.
faruq0602 7 years ago

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