The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Heavy Sweaty Palm & Feet (Tried Different Homeopathy Remedy but Not recovered)
Hii, I am again Here to raise a topic on my problem. I am 27 year old, i am facing heavy sweating on palm & feet every day and whole year specially on Summer the problem goes worst, I cant hold my cellphone in hand even i can wear neither sandals nor sneakers as they get wet after few minutes. Even i found foul smell after removing them. My pal & feet goes hotter and the sweat comes out. Sometime they get cold and wet and sweat starts. the sweat gets dried under fan or in cold air.This kind of problem was with my mother at her childhood. I have tried Silica,even anti antiperspirant failed to cure this. Kindly suggest a best medicine by which this get cured.sandipan1 on 2017-03-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
nat mur 200 c evening time for 5 days then weekly one dose for three month.
♡ akshaymohl 7 years ago
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