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9 month formula feed baby severe constipation
My daughter is 9 monhts old. We choosed not to give her k-vitamin shoot at birth and used drops instead. She was breastfeed for 2 months, but due to an infection in the utures i had to quit. In that time i ate antibiotics and was afraid how that would affects her stomach. She was fussy but no problem pooing. Then when she started formula (at 2 months) it was 3 days between poops.She has been vaccinated when she was 3 and 6 months with DTAp-IPV + Hib + pneumokock both times . It got longer and longer between poops, i´ve tried every formula avalible, give her good oils and butter in formula, prunes and pears, lots of water holding her in squat position after meals. Her poo was alaways soft and green. Then it got worse when she was 5 motnhs and she diden´t poo for a week. She was fussy and tried to push but nothing happend. She got really constipatiod and screamd for an hour when she was trying to push the poo out. I gave her laxetive but it was alaways a stuggle. The poo was green long and hard (not dry like small balls came out)att the beginning and then much looser. We tried lactulos wich worked at first but then stopped working, then the doctors pescribed "forlax" a powder that binds with water. She has has to have this twice a day now beacous like everything else it works in the begining but then stop. She now recently started to poo every other day and i´m worried that history is going to repeat it self.
Not anyone in the family has this problem. She now eats more foods but the problem remians. She looks very healthy her weight and heigt are perfect, clear skin not dry. Loves to eat. She was alaways a warm baby from birth, has big round cheeks.
When i was pregnat i had hemmoriods and i was a bit constipatiod, took now foods- super encymes and it worked.
Are there any homeopathic medecin that could help her? Thanks
Praquoorzai on 2017-04-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give podophyllum 30c 3pellets 3times daily for 2days.
If not worked..,
Give hydrastis Q 8drops in 1/2glass water every morning..
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If not worked..,
Give hydrastis Q 8drops in 1/2glass water every morning..
Report changes here:
♡ drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
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