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Lycopodium Clavatum:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Lycopodium aggravation

Dear all,

I have been visiting homeopathy doctor for a while but I have lost my confident with him.

He prescribes two or even more remedies at the same time and all the remedies have the same dose 3 times a day.

He doesn't wait to see what will reaction be and claims that homeopathy can't harm you.

Unfortunately, he prescribe me Lycopodium and its complements for treating my weight problem (because most of weight is located on my legs and bottom) and he only get it worst. I have gained more than 12 pounds since this remedy use. My appetite increased like never in my lifetime and I started to crave sweets which I have never liked.

We don't have another homeopath in place we live.

How can I resolve this? I think homeopathy works but he is just not good at it.

Please help me.
  Eoja1407 on 2017-07-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I forgot to tell that this happened several months ago, during winter, spring. I stopped using it when I realised what happened. I try drinking coffee and think after some time this mess will stop but it didn't.
Eoja1407 7 years ago
Lycopodium increased your appetite, so it was a good prescription. You should have been on healthy diet with more salad. You ate more sugar and that made things worse.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks for the response, but I am really not sure why should I have stronger appetite in order to lose weight, I have already had healthy appetite and didn't have sweet cravings so yes it did make it worse.
Eoja1407 7 years ago
The remedy won't work as the physician wants it to work. Similarly it doesn't work as the patient wishes!!
'Addressing the maintaining cause' and 'holistic health management that includes balanced diet and mind' are vital for effecting a lasting cure.
[Edited by kadwa on 2017-07-13 04:36:30]
kadwa 7 years ago

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