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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair loss & baldness

Dear All,

Below is my story please suggest me good homeopathic medicine for hair regrowth.

I had a good hair till beginning of 2013 but, in middle of 2013, I was admitted in Hospital for 2 days for jaundice treatment. Doctor inserted 2 bottle of blood and lot of injection in my body. After few days of this treatment my hair fall suddenly started. Right now I have total 6-7 bald patches in middle and side of my head. Also my father has also hair loss history, but my grandfather has no hair loss history So please suggest me good homeopathic medicine for hair regrowth.
  Ankt on 2017-07-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Fluoric Acid 30 in evening for 15 days and report back.

One dose means 2 pills.
kadwa 7 years ago

You mean 2 pills daily evening for 15 days?

Also please specify that before dinner or after dinner?
Ankt 7 years ago
Yes, daily 2 pills after dinner.
kadwa 7 years ago

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