The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Chalazion and Stye on the Lower Left Eyelid
I am recovering, but I decided to write in these forums to share my story here.It all started with a sty at the lower left eyelid in April. I went to the GP and the GP prescribed me with antibiotics - namely Curam 625mg. The pain went away and I thought that I have recovered and the swelling would go away but it did not.
I had a painless lump under my left eyelid as I “recoveredâ€Â from the sty. The lump grew bigger and bigger every day until it was obvious when I saw myself every day in the mirror. I began Googling for therapies to bring down the swelling – for e.g. using apple cider vinegar and applying hot compress. However, these methods all did not work. I discussed the condition with my loved ones, and they recommended me to see an ophthalmologist. The nightmare just started.
In Singapore, I felt it was natural to go to a public hospital to consult the doctors. This was what I did. When I first met with the ophthalmologist, he couldn’t really give me an exact diagnosis. He thought that it was a chalazion but had to seek assurance from his colleague. In the end, it was diagnosed that I had a chalazion. The lump was so big that he could not flip my eyelid inside out, and they had to perform the incision and drainage from the outside. I was told that I would have a scar but it doesn’t really matter to me. The injection near the eye to numb your eye was painful but the process was quick, within 5 minutes, I was already putting on an eye patch. I was given Augmentin and an antibiotic cream. This was 6th June. From the time I walked to the hospital to getting out, was about four hours.
I thought that the swelling would eventually go away but it did not.
I started to feel tension near the place where the lump originally was and after two or three days, I could feel the wound getting inflamed, with a lump bigger than the original chalazion forming at the eyelid. This time round, the lump was painful; when touched, I could immediately recognise the pain, it was a sty with lots of pus inside.
On 13th June, I went back to the same hospital for a diagnosis. The ophthalmologist told me that he’s not an eyelid expert but such recurrence is normal. In my heart, I knew that a second incision is non-negotiable. He didn’t examine me under a microscope – and asked another senior ophthalmologist to operate on me. During the second incision, I could hear both ophthalmologists taking, saying that the gunk that came out of my eye was chronic (and is a mixture of blood and pus – like red cheese) was given Augmentin and the same antibiotic cream to apply on my wound.
After the second incision, I could see that the swelling has gone down but the incision point was still very much swollen. Whenever I tried to put cream on my wound, there’s a stinging sensation. The wound finally burst one day and I had to put tissue over the wound to stop the bleeding, but to my horror, when I pushed the wound inwards, I saw a very big lump inside the eyelid.
This was the time when all the negative thoughts came in – was it what is so chronic that after two incisions, the sty / chalazion won’t go away.
This time round, I needed to go to private practice as advised by all my loved ones. I walked into a clinic that was near my place, about a 10-minute bus ride away. This ophthalmologist (Dr Yap) gave a thorough examination of the eye – and told me that a third incision had to be made, but this time round, he would dig a bigger hole for everything to drain. I agreed. I could still remember the pain when he injected the anaesthetic at my eye area, but within a quick three minutes, everything was over. I had to go back to him the next day after the operation. This was 28th June.
However, the healing is a long journey. I’ve stopped all exercising since 6th June 2017.
Dr Yap prescribed me with three types of medicine right after the operation – Pred Fonte; Vigamox; and Ciloxan. He asked me to stop using Pred Fonte after one day.
The journey to healing was difficult. I had to travel to Taipei three days after the procedure. I did hot compresses every day – four times a day, 10 minutes each time. Diligently applied the cream as well. There were times when the hot towel’s heat was too hot and scab fell off – exposing the wound. That is when the Ciloxan comes in to ensure that the wound is not infected again.
On my second follow-up with Dr Yap, the wound was not really healing and I was panicking. He told me that I took three cuts at the same area, and it will take time to heal, with the skin forming and red-ness. He prescribed me with Fucithalmic to apply internally. At the same time, he told me to start Pred Fonte – one time a day – till the next follow-up which was six days from the second. He also gave me Augmentin to try and bring down the swelling.
On my third and fourth follow-up, Dr Yap informed me that the big lump inside is gone (healed), and now the healing should focus on the incision wound. I stopped the Pred Fonte treatment. However, the due diligence of Vigamox, Fulcithalmic, and Ciloxan continued.
There were two times when scabs fell off and I had blood blisters on my wound. I was scared and went straight to a clinic to get the wound cleaned and dressed up.
Today is 22nd July, I am glad to say that the swelling has gone by almost 90 per cent, with the wound closing and healing – a little raw still because of the scab falling off on 19th July, but as compared to the big lump on 6th June; I hope that I can safely say that this ordeal is almost over.
I wanted to jot this down because there was a lot of anxiety when I was recovering. I was worried that I had to go to a fourth incision. Luckily, looking at the situation, I don’t think so. I will update after my follow up with Dr Yap on Thursday.
jaburu on 2017-07-22
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