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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Severe throat infection and cough

dear doctors,
my younger girl aged 5 years. going to school. about 10days back she suffered with high fever 102c and running nose,Dry Cough then our family doctor given the Antibiotic dose of "Novamox 125 syrup and Levocit-m syrup for 5 days. he suggested us to use if the fever upto 101 (paracetamol) if it is more than 102c -meftal-p. we did the same.
Now high fever, Cold got reduced but Cough is not reduced. and the body temperature is 99-100c. the cough is high in night time and she couldn't able to sleep, Crying a lot. it is dry cough. Due to continuous cough she got week.She couldn't able to swallow the food as earlier. i checked her mouth found that it is reddishness in food swallow area.
please suggest Medicine which can act fastly and stays long term in body

thanks in advance.

thank you
  krishna_1980 on 2017-08-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
give her ayurvedic KASNI SYRUP, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

report improvement after 7 days.

0antivirus0 7 years ago

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